Help ===================================================================================================== List of places to explore on this terminal. About Type “About” for information detailing TerrANova Industries. ICE Type “ICE” for latest developments on the ICE Machine. Experiments Type “Experiments” for latest experiments taking hold at TerrANova Industries. Report Type "Report" for latest incident update. ===================================================================================================== Report ===================================================================================================== [INCIDENT REPORT] Log ID: TN-****-**** Date: ***** Time: 15:27 *** Initializing report sequence. Emergency protocols engaged. Incident Description: At approximately ***** ***, TerrANova Industries headquarters experienced a severe earthquake measuring ** ** *** ******* *****. The event has caused the location of the facility to change. Our current coordinates are unknown. The outside world appears to have vanished. Only darkness takes its place. Emergency power systems have been activated. Oxygen levels remain the same, but communication channels are severely limited, making external contact impossible at this time. Actions Taken: 1. Search and Rescue Operations: Emergency response teams have been mobilized to locate and assist survivors within the building. 959 employees have been located out of 3,983 that were registered this morning. 2. Security Measures: What’s left of security personnel have been deployed to secure key areas and safeguard employees from potential threats. 3. Communication Restoration: IT specialists are working diligently to restore communication channels. 4. Observation and Analysis: Surveillance systems outside the building have spotted several unidentified entities circling the facility. Employees are advised to stay inside at all times. 5. Emergency Supplies: Emergency supply distribution points have been established to ensure employees have access to food, water, and medical supplies. End of Report. ===================================================================================================== help ===================================================================================================== Invalid input. Please enter a valid command. capital letters are important ===================================================================================================== About ===================================================================================================== On this terminal, we record and document our findings, experiments, and observations related to multiversal…Things. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive repository of knowledge for new employees and researchers to catch up on our progress and discoveries thus far. You can access a vast database of logs, which detail the examinations, interactions, and thoughts on various test subjects along with descriptions of past and present experiments. We encourage you to explore the terminal, review the logs, and familiarize yourself with our ongoing research. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask your supervisor. ===================================================================================================== about ===================================================================================================== Invalid input. Please enter a valid command. capital letters are important ===================================================================================================== ICE ===================================================================================================== The ICE (Intellectual Creativity Engine), is a groundbreaking technology developed by TerrANova Industries. Its primary function is to tap into the collective consciousness of the multiverse, granting users the ability to witness and analyze the diverse landscapes, societies, and phenomena of alternate realities. One of the notable features of the ICE is its capacity for limited environmental manipulation within the observed realities. In specific circumstances and under controlled conditions, it has demonstrated the ability to influence or alter certain aspects of the environment it focuses on. TerrANova Industries has been actively pushing the boundaries of the ICE through Project Earth. The canceled experimentation within the show has yielded intriguing results. ===================================================================================================== ice ===================================================================================================== Invalid input. Please enter a valid command. capital letters are important ===================================================================================================== Experiments ===================================================================================================== Experiments currently taking place within TerrANova Industries. Earth G-429 LGS OCT ===================================================================================================== experiments ===================================================================================================== Invalid input. Please enter a valid command. capital letters are important ===================================================================================================== Earth ===================================================================================================== Project Earth is an operation led by TerrANova Industries. At its center, is subject #084, who is exposed to different versions of himself from alternate worlds, in a studio with a maximum of 3 crew members, along with a researcher present at all times. Each experiment plans to ********** *** ******* #084 encounters and record the results. The goal will be to create captivating plots designed to cater to public interests, aliens, success, drama etc. This should will be the beginning of TerrANova’s venture into the film industry. Available Experiments within Project Earth: EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 ===================================================================================================== EP1 ===================================================================================================== --- PROJECT EARTH REPORT: EXPERIMENT 1 --- Experiment Title: EP1 Objective: The first experiment of Project Earth aimed to test the feasibility and effectiveness of exerting control over the consciousness of an individual from an alternate Earth, specifically targeting subject #001. The primary goal was to manipulate his decisions and actions, directing a predetermined narrative throughout his career. Procedure and Results: The experiment proved successful in establishing temporary control over the subjects consciousness. The aftermath showed residual effects still remained. Ideas and concepts implanted during the period of control continued to influence his subconscious and subsequent actions. This allowed us to subtly shape the direction of his career and influence his decisions in ways that aligned with our original intentions, even without direct control. However, it is important to note that these interventions have caused certain errors within its timeline. Certain newspaper articles and other historical records have not fully updated to reflect the changes we implemented in the reality of Earth 2.0. ===================================================================================================== EP2 ===================================================================================================== --- PROJECT EARTH REPORT: EXPERIMENT 2 --- Experiment Title: EP2 Objective: The second experiment of Project Earth aimed to explore the importation of life into alternate realities. The choice of extraterrestrial life was agreed upon. Targeting a Gregg Sellars as the key individual in interacting with these beings. The objective was to create a controlled environment where Gregg Sellars, guided and manipulated by TerrANova, would run for presidency and interact with the introduced alien life forms. Procedure and Results: The experiment encountered several challenges as we sought to manipulate Gregg Sellars' career path to ultimately secure his presidency. Multiple realities were created in an attempt to find the most easily manipulated version of Gregg Sellars who could be guided into running for, and winning, the presidency. Throughout the process, we encountered various outcomes, with Gregg Sellars pursuing different career paths or experiencing electoral losses. However, we eventually were able to create the perfect version of the subject who would run and succeed, now known as subject #002. Unexpectedly, #002 displayed remarkable leadership qualities and successfully established world peace instead of engaging in conflict with the introduced alien life forms as initially hoped. This unforeseen outcome deviated from the projected narrative. Note: We request more time for research in future to deliver the expected results. Future Implications and Concerns: The experiment's outcome raises concerns regarding the existence of alternate realities where highly intelligent versions of Gregg Sellars were created but not adequately terminated after failure. The lack of concern TerrANova has expressed in taking action has been a major worry amongst researchers. ===================================================================================================== EP3 ===================================================================================================== --- PROJECT EARTH REPORT: EXPERIMENT 3 — Experiment Title: EP3 Objective: Rather than creating life, in EP3, we wanted to explore the possibility of transporting living beings from other worlds into what is now called Earth 4.0, in an attempt to investigate interdimensional travel and its potential outcomes. Humans were chosen as the subjects for transportation. Procedure and Results: The majority of individuals transported did not materialize correctly in Earth 4.0. Many exhibited incomplete or distorted appearances, leading to unstable and short-lived physical manifestations. The imperfect materialization of these beings caused confusion among Earth 4.0's inhabitants, who mistakenly perceived them as paranormal. Utilizing Christine's history of Ghost exploring for fun. We used the ICE’s abilities to send Gregg (#003) into a direction of ghost hunting to see what kind of career that may entail. In addition to the issues with the transported beings, EP3 also resulted in further distortions of newspaper articles, historical records, and individuals themselves from Earth 4.0. Note: Given the complexities and risks uncovered in EP3, it is advised to suspend any further filming of Project Earth experiments until a comprehensive understanding of the errors and their origins can be achieved. UPDATE: This wasn’t the worst of the errors. After interrogating #003, we uncovered several abilities that may have been caused by EP3. These errors led to genetic mutations in certain humans from Earth 4.0 and quite possibly others too. This includes #003 and his ability to now summon individuals from other realities by using certain sound frequencies. ===================================================================================================== EP4 ===================================================================================================== --- PROJECT EARTH REPORT: EXPERIMENT 4 — Experiment Title: EP4 Security Measures: Due to concerns about the well-being of subject #084, stringent security measures were implemented around the experiment set. Access was restricted to personnel with level 5 clearance, and security protocols were heightened to address any potential risks, particularly if #084 was to become hostile. Objective: The objective of EP4 was to attempt the safe transportation of life from Earth 5.0 into our reality. We had chosen Captain Gregg Sellars and his crew from the Mercury Mission. We wished more time was given to understand the errors throughout EP3, but we were advised the current state of #084 suggests this was not going to be possible. Procedure and Results: Unfortunately, EP4 did not achieve its intended outcome. Only Captain Gregg Sellars' journal was recovered, after the procedure was complete. We can confirm the subjects did in fact leave Earth 5.0. But it doesn’t appear they arrived at the correct destination. Subject #084's Condition: Throughout the experiment, #084 showed signs of discomfort, and there were concerns about his deteriorating condition. Towards the end, #084 lost consciousness and had to be transported to a secure cell in TerrANova's **** **** for observation and further examination. Future Implications and Concerns: The anomalies observed during EP4 have had significant consequences. It appears that the experiment has caused multiple versions of #084 to fall into our universe. We are currently conducting a new experiment called LGS in hopes to round up all individuals before any more havoc is caused. Note: Final two experiments of Project Earth have been canceled. ===================================================================================================== EP5 ===================================================================================================== Experiment EP5 has been canceled. ===================================================================================================== EP6 ===================================================================================================== Experiment EP6 has been canceled. ===================================================================================================== G-429 ===================================================================================================== G-429 was established with the primary objective of documenting the effects of substance ****** in human subjects. It is with strong belief that ****** can be used for safe **************** ****** without reliance on the ***. Subject #084 has been selected for this operation, and the results will be closely monitored and recorded in conjunction with Project Earth. ===================================================================================================== LGS ===================================================================================================== Project LGS (Locate Gregg Sellars) was initiated following the discovery of various beings in our reality that do not belong. Among them are multiple versions of Subject #084, also known as Gregg Sellars. To comprehend this phenomenon, TerrANova Industries has gathered as many of these anomalous beings as possible, assigning each a unique number from 001 - *******. Detailed logs have been compiled, documenting our interactions with each subject to understand the implications of their presence in our reality. Type “001” into the terminal below to begin reading. Once finished you can move onto “002” and continue from there. ===================================================================================================== OCT ===================================================================================================== Project OCT (Official Cow Transportation), was conceived as a groundbreaking endeavor to transport animals from alternate realities into our own. Building upon the success of OPT (Official Plant Transportation), TerrANova Industries saw this as the natural progression in interdimensional exploration. Reports to read: OCT01 ===================================================================================================== OCT01 ===================================================================================================== Objective: OCT (Official Cow Transportation) was created to attempt transportation of animals into our world for the first time using the ICE. The focus was on cattle. Background: Researchers began with a small group of cows (3-5) and worked their way up to larger portions (40-50). It was around ******* where cattle, for some reason, stopped appearing at their expected destinations. Several days after the attempt, an unanticipated event took place in Norwich, United Kingdom, during the early hours of the morning. Cows, far exceeding the number of cattle used in the failed experiment, appeared in Norwich. The origin and nature of these additional cows remain uncertain. Hypotheses: Multiverse Crossover: It is plausible that the additional cows originated from alternate realities, inadvertently crossing paths during the transportation attempt. Duplicated Cattle: Alternatively, the appearance of the extra cows may be attributed to accidental duplication during the transportation process. Note: All current experiments under Operation OCT have been terminated. ===================================================================================================== OPT ===================================================================================================== Project OPT (Official Plant Transportation) represents a pivotal initiative aimed at successfully transporting life from alternate realities into our world through the ICE. This ambitious project has been a culmination of considerable efforts, faced with challenges and setbacks, especially in the case of various plants that emerged rotted to the core. However, through persistent research and dedication, the correct formula was finally discovered, leading to the successful transportation of life into our reality. The breakthrough achieved now paves the way for the next phase…Transporting animal life! ===================================================================================================== TAN ===================================================================================================== Operation-TAN is an experimental operation initiated by TerrANova Industries under CEO, Arthur Exden, with the objective of locating and containing children ********** ******* *********. The primary goal is to prevent ***** ********* from potentially becoming uncontrollable or posing risks to individuals or the general population. Through this project, TerrANova aims to ******* ******* ** ********** or suppress these abilities effectively. ===================================================================================================== MIS ===================================================================================================== This is the MIS (Multiversal Item Storage) Report. Last night, TerrANova experienced a break in. Below is a list of items and their condition: 001’s Camera - Damaged: Smashed lens Alien Times Magazine - Missing Ancient Alligator Cane - Fine ******** - Fine Balloon - Popped Beetle Fortune Teller - Fine Black Hole In A Jar - Fine Boing! Boing! Pen - Damaged: Lost its boing Brick - Fine Corn O' Vender - Damaged: Corn no longer vends Clown MakeUp - Fine ***** fa*** Di**** - Damaged: Lost its charm Cpt Sellars Journal - Missing Diamond Platypus - Fine Eyeball Egg - Damaged: Blinded Fried Chicken - Tasty! Ghost Pirate Ship - Damaged: No longer floats :( Giant Foot body pillow - Damaged: Missing big toe. Golden Egg - Damaged: Or hatched? I think? Missing whatever's inside Gregg Voodoo Doll - Fine ********* - Fine **** **** - *******: ***** *** ***** Incinerator Stick - Damaged: ***** ** *** ***** Large Lobster Claw - Gotten Bigger? Mars rock - Fine Orb of Confusion - ASDFmn jggd Remains of a Rock Hand? - Not honestly sure how this got here ********** - Fi*e Screaming Head - …Fine. Shelf Stackerinator - Fine Space Cigars - Missing Vlognarbs Octospinner - Fine *****G(**** **** - *******: *** *** *** Wooden pipe - Fine Zoraks Dress - Fine. ===================================================================================================== Phane ===================================================================================================== A recurring being that has appeared throughout several realities. Trouble is, this individual seems to be the same one that has been encountered in all alterations. Subject is insanely strong and hostile. We are not sure the extent of his abilities. But one thing is clear. He appears to be looking for the cause of the fractures in our worlds. Mr Exden has been warned of said individual, but he has expressed it’s a situation we can sort out later. For now we must focus on current experiments. ===================================================================================================== WCE ===================================================================================================== WCE (Worlds colliding Event) was a situation that took place at TerrANova Industries’ ********** on ********. At ***** researchers were startled by a portal opening up by the left door pulling in anything within a 6 feet radius for a duration of 5 minutes. Individuals were reported to have been clinging onto anything they could find to have avoided being dragged inside. Reports are underway to record the items lost during this event. ===================================================================================================== Jerry ===================================================================================================== List of Jerry’s Diary entries. New Job (J01 - J05) Lost (Je01 - Je04) ===================================================================================================== New Job ===================================================================================================== J01 This may just be the greatest day ever! Getting to work at the company of my dreams? Yes please! They even gave me my own little journal to pass the time. Although, can’t see myself coming here very often. I assume I’ll be pretty busy most of the time while in the office. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J02 Ok. Boss is kind of a ****. But hey, that’s to be expected wherever you go, right? Can’t expect every company to be squeaky clean and perfect. You’re always gonna cross someone you don’t like. Everything else is just…Well, perfect! Office is quiet, colleagues are pretty chill. Even the pay is great. Alright, it’s not great right now, but, I’ve seen the salaries those above me are on and boy…That could set you for life. Play my cards right, and I’ll be up there too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J03 What is it with some people and work? Just no respect for the company. We were graced with a tour of the TerrANova lab today, yet, one guy had to ruin it for us all. Turns out the lab was working on a new candy the company are planning to release pretty soon called the TerrABar. I spotted Ben, my colleague, sneaking some of those candies into his backpack when he thought no one was looking. Absolute disgrace. Sorry Ben. But I’m reporting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J04 I got a bonus in the mail today! My lord, it’s a big boy too! I was starting to question if I had done the right thing with all the funny looks I was getting. But who’s laughing now? Got a nice little letter thanking me for being so loyal to the company. So thoughtful. Within no time, I’ll be rising up the ranks to where I should be. I deserve this. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J05 I think I’m essentially Harold's right hand man now. It’s a little stressful since you gotta balance the spontaneous nature of the guy. But hey, I’m here. At the top of the mountain. The place I’ve been dreaming of. The companies’ trusting me to run a lot of stuff. We can do this. We’re gonna make the world a better place. ===================================================================================================== Lost ===================================================================================================== Je01 Systems are down. We’ve lost contact with the outside world. This is insane. Several subjects have vanished from their cells as well as employees from all divisions. Oxygen levels seem normal, but our biggest concern might be food. Our Canteen is fairly well stocked for now and it’s a good thing we’ve got a few pallets of MREs and water in the basement for an emergency, but those won’t last forever. Damages can be found throughout, such as cracks within the walls, dead lights, and missing doors, but the building still stands. Looking out the window all I see is darkness. Everything’s just…Gone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je02 We’ve spotted something moving outside with the surveillance cameras. Not sure what to make of it yet, but I’ve advised everyone to stay inside until we know more. Mr Exden has been ordered to leave his office and come down to one of the lower floors. The whole place is still intact, but it might be safer being down here than at the very top if something does go wrong. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je03 Been running through the ICE’s for hours. Can’t seem to find any realities. It’s like everything vanished from our systems. We can’t even view what’s going on in our world anymore. I can’t really say I’m surprised we’re in this mess. I just wish I knew what exactly caused it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je04 Whatever we picked up outside earlier, it’s back, and it’s moving. It’s appeared at all corners of the building now. Still too blurry to make out exactly what it is. But it seems to have human-like features… We think it’s circling to try and find an entry point. We gotta be extra cautious and make sure there’s no weak spots. ===================================================================================================== J01 ===================================================================================================== This may just be the greatest day ever! Getting to work at the company of my dreams? Yes please! They even gave me my own little journal to pass the time. Although, can’t see myself coming here very often. I assume I’ll be pretty busy most of the time while in the office. ===================================================================================================== J02 ===================================================================================================== Ok. Boss is kind of a ****. But hey, that’s to be expected wherever you go, right? Can’t expect every company to be squeaky clean and perfect. You’re always gonna cross someone you don’t like. Everything else is just…Well, perfect! Office is quiet, colleagues are pretty chill. Even the pay is great. Alright, it’s not great right now, but, I’ve seen the salaries those above me are on and boy…That could set you for life. Play my cards right, and I’ll be up there too. ===================================================================================================== J03 ===================================================================================================== What is it with some people and work? Just no respect for the company. We were graced with a tour of the TerrANova lab today, yet, one guy had to ruin it for us all. Turns out the lab was working on a new candy the company are planning to release pretty soon called the TerrABar. I spotted Ben, my colleague, sneaking some of those candies into his backpack when he thought no one was looking. Absolute disgrace. Sorry Ben. But I’m reporting. ===================================================================================================== J04 ===================================================================================================== I got a bonus in the mail today! My lord, it’s a big boy too! I was starting to question if I had done the right thing with all the funny looks I was getting. But who’s laughing now? Got a nice little letter thanking me for being so loyal to the company. So thoughtful. Within no time, I’ll be rising up the ranks to where I should be. I deserve this. ===================================================================================================== J05 ===================================================================================================== I think I’m essentially Harold's right hand man now. It’s a little stressful since you gotta balance the spontaneous nature of the guy. But hey, I’m here. At the top of the mountain. The place I’ve been dreaming of. The companies’ trusting me to run a lot of stuff. We can do this. We’re gonna make the world a better place. ===================================================================================================== Je01 ===================================================================================================== Systems are down. We’ve lost contact with the outside world. This is insane. Several subjects have vanished from their cells as well as employees from all divisions. Oxygen levels seem normal, but our biggest concern might be food. Our Canteen is fairly well stocked for now and it’s a good thing we’ve got a few pallets of MREs and water in the basement for an emergency, but those won’t last forever. Damages can be found throughout, such as cracks within the walls, dead lights, and missing doors, but the building still stands. Looking out the window all I see is darkness. Everything’s just…Gone. ===================================================================================================== Je02 ===================================================================================================== We’ve spotted something moving outside with the surveillance cameras. Not sure what to make of it yet, but I’ve advised everyone to stay inside until we know more. Mr Exden has been ordered to leave his office and come down to one of the lower floors. The whole place is still intact, but it might be safer being down here than at the very top if something does go wrong. ===================================================================================================== Je03 ===================================================================================================== Been running through the ICE’s for hours. Can’t seem to find any realities. It’s like everything vanished from our systems. We can’t even view what’s going on in our world anymore. I can’t really say I’m surprised we’re in this mess. I just wish I knew what exactly caused it. ===================================================================================================== Je04 ===================================================================================================== Whatever we picked up outside earlier, it’s back, and it’s moving. It’s appeared at all corners of the building now. Still too blurry to make out exactly what it is. But it seems to have human-like features… We think it’s circling to try and find an entry point. We gotta be extra cautious and make sure there’s no weak spots. ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== Harold ===================================================================================================== List of emails/idea logs from Harold Exden. HE01 HE02 HE03 HE04 HE05 HEmail01 HEmail02 HEmail03 HEmail04 ===================================================================================================== HEmail01 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Re: Joining the Movie Industry From: Harold Exden To: Jerry Schofield Oh c’mon Jerry. Where’s your sense of adventure? The government’s been aware of this for years. As long as their pockets are heavy enough, who gives a crap? This will be amazing! Everyone loves a good reality TV show. Make it happen! Make. It. HAPPEN! Harold - Subject: Joining the Movie Industry From: Jerry Schofield To: Harold Exden Hello Mr Exden, Are you sure this is something you want to do? There are plenty of avenues that TerrANova could use to enter the movie market. Many actors and directors would love to work with us and they all have some great ideas if you don’t fancy the ICE creating pre-made stuff. I just don’t see a good enough reason to reveal our biggest secret to the world just as a way to get some extra clicks. Once this is out there, we can’t just go back and pretend we don’t have this technology anymore. Experiments will become harder to keep under wraps. Questions will be asked. Even the government will no doubt wanna get involved. Please reconsider this, Jerry ===================================================================================================== HEmail02 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Re: Consuming G-429? From: Evan Kipps To: Harold Exden Yeah, but I would still advise, just, not doing that. Please hold off until the experiment is concluded, Mr Exden. Sincerely Evan - Subject: Re: Consuming G-429? From: Harold Exden To: Evan Kipps But there’s a chance it wouldn’t, right? - Subject: Re: Consuming G-429? From: Evan Kipps To: Harold Exden Hello, Mr Exden! Apologies for the late response. I’m doing rather well, and so is my family, thank you. Now regarding your question. If you were to drink G-429? As in just from the tube? Well, there is a 72.4% chance that the substance will eat you from the inside out. So, we highly advise to hold off on any consumption of G-429 until proper testing has taken place. Thank you, Evan - Subject: Consuming G-429? From: Harold Exden To: Evan Kipps Hey Evan! Hope you’re doing well! How’s your family been? Anyway, I got a question regarding the G-429. If it really does what we’re saying it could. What would happen if I were to drink it? Would I take on the said abilities? Just kind of curious. Let me know asap. Thanks Harold ===================================================================================================== HEmail03 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Needing Answers From: Christine Sellars To: Harold Exden Dear Mr Exden, I have been trying to reach my husband for the past week to no success. After he left for the set of Project Earth, he has not returned since. Frankly, I find this absolutely appalling. Your “crew” has refused me entry to set and your support line isn't answering my questions. Wherever I go, your employees just tell me he’s fine and I conveniently receive a text from him shortly after saying he’s ok, but can’t call. I am reaching out to you as a last resort. If I fail to hear from you within the next few days I am going to the police. Thank you, Christine ===================================================================================================== HEmail04 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Re: Christine Sellars From: Harold Exden To: Jerry Schofield ***** was an issue with the latest Project Earth experiment. Everything is fine. Mr Sellars is ****. * *****. But we need to buy some time while *** *********** **** ** ***. I’ve already spoken to the police. ******* gonna send *** ** * ****** *** ****** which theoretically should give us an extra week or so to sort things out. Harold - Subject: Christine Sellars From: Jerry Schofield To: Harold Exden Hey sir, We might have a real problem on our hands. I’ve been receiving messages from Christine Sellars demanding to speak to her husband as he hasn’t come home in days? She is threatening to potentially go to the press and police. What’s happened? Jerry ===================================================================================================== HEmail05 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Re: Critical Danger From: Harold Exden To: John Smith We are NOT postponing experiments due to hear-say about a magical man. We have very little evidence suggesting he is real, let alone if he would even find us. Are we done here? Typing hurts my fingers. Thank you, Harold - Subject: Critical Danger From: John Smith To: Harold Exden Good evening, Mr. Exden! I hope I’m not intruding on anything. But, I’d like to press for a decision made soon regarding the individual we’ve been hearing about over the last few weeks? This being, if real, poses a rather large threat to your operations if no action is taken at this stage. However! If we were to say, postpone current operations, that would give us plenty of resources to focus on investigating this strange phenomena and give a better understanding of what exactly we’re up against. Sincerely, John ===================================================================================================== HE01 ===================================================================================================== Idea: In order to make sure aliens notice us, what if we put together a really big sign with the words “WE ARE HERE.” Make it big enough so you can see it from space. ===================================================================================================== HE02 ===================================================================================================== Idea: What if we got a monkey and trained it to type your emails instead of yourself having to do it? We put some kind of chip in the brain, so it knows what to do, and then boom! TerrAMonkey! ===================================================================================================== HE03 ===================================================================================================== IDEA: A workout Gun. If you miss a workout that’s scheduled. It shoots you. ===================================================================================================== HE04 ===================================================================================================== Idea: A bathroom, where the whole floor is just a giant toilet. You can swim, bathe, and pee all at the same time. TerrAToilet. ===================================================================================================== HE05 ===================================================================================================== Idea: Steal someone else’s idea. ===================================================================================================== Arthur ===================================================================================================== List of logs/emails from Arthur Exden AE01 AE02 AE03 AEmail01 ===================================================================================================== AEmail01 ===================================================================================================== Welcome all to Excorp! I’m delighted to see so many responses to the flyers. You’re all probably very eager to see what it is I have to offer. I will warn you, your life will not be the same after this. Before we begin, I will be handing out NDA’s at the entrance of Excorp headquarters. If you want to be part of this, you need to show that you will not share this information with anyone unless I have given authorisation. Any individual, who I believe to not be taking this seriously before presentation begins will be removed from the premises. I look forward to seeing you all there tomorrow. ===================================================================================================== AEmail02 ===================================================================================================== Hello all! That was quite something, wasn’t it? I believe an “I told you so” might be worth muttering for an occasion like this. In all seriousness though, I do wish to apologize about SOME of the information I was dishonest about. Yes, as a few were already aware when arriving, we were not at the headquarters of Excorp. It was my home. Excorp…Doesn’t exist. I figured the discovery was so great I had to get some experts to see it. How many would actually believe me if they knew my reputation around here? You’d all probably think it was another con. At least we can clear the air now and look to move forward. I’d love to hear some suggestions on where we could go with this. I do know some were thinking we could hand *** *** over to the government, but let’s be real. We hand *** over and we get what? A pat on the back and probably a juicy dose of memory wipe… Stuff. I’m not a scientist, but you know that’s what they’ll do! I honestly think we can go bigger. If we can put our heads together I think this could be our ticket out of the dumps and putting our names in the history books along with a lot of green paper in the bank. I’m willing to bet there’s more of them out there, you know? ** can’t be the only one. What do you think, Hans? I loved your analysis of what we were witnessing. Arthur ===================================================================================================== AEmail03 ===================================================================================================== Hello All! I wanted to reach out and congratulate you for the hard work and dedication leading to our creation. What we see before us today, will pave the way for a brighter future! There is not a single market we can’t tap into and take hold going forward. Soon TerrANova Industries will be a household name. A company that has everything you need. Arthur ===================================================================================================== AE01 ===================================================================================================== It’s a little surreal seeing all this take place. It’s like something out of a science fiction novel. And to think, before this, we were just scraping by with any piece of junk I could string together and convince to be sold. Not anymore. This changes things. A true turning point in my fortunes. ===================================================================================================== AE02 ===================================================================================================== There was one mistake we made when putting this experiment together. I forgot just how much I hate kids. Why do they have to ask a question about every little thing? Even if I explain it to them, 9 times out of 10 they’re only gonna respond with “why.” This is going to be insufferable. I’m just hoping funding comes in soon so I can hire someone else to do this job and I can spend my time doing better things. Hmm. Maybe I could convince Hans to do it in the meantime? He really looks up to me. Eager to do anything. I can probably use that. Sounds harsh to just take advantage of his work ethic like that. But c’mon! I’ve been stepped on my whole life. I deserve this. ===================================================================================================== AE03 ===================================================================================================== It worked! We pulled an item into our world. It’s called a Knife Saber. It’s pretty self explanatory. The blade turns into some kind of glowing plasma when you switch it on and toasts bread while you cut it. This item shouldn’t exist. Yet, here it is in the palm of my hand. We don’t need to know how it’s made. We can just keep pulling this stuff through and ship them off to be bought. This is a game changer. No company will be able to keep up. The second they do, we can just look for a reality that’s even further advanced than the one we’re looking at. We can dominate every market that exists. ===================================================================================================== Berry ===================================================================================================== The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy.The boy. ===================================================================================================== Maggy ===================================================================================================== List of logs/emails from Maggy Jones Welcome To TerrAVille (M01 - M08) Welcome To A New World (Ma01 - Ma05) Mmail01 ===================================================================================================== Welcome To A New World ===================================================================================================== Ma01 I’m watching the news right now. It’s all gone. The whole facility. Almost the entire village was in the building when it went. I even think Harold was there too. What’s gonna happen to the company now that almost all the people running it have vanished?? There were so many innocent people in there. Just doing their job. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ma02 Got off the phone with my parents. They’re relieved. Apparently the signal in TerrAVille isn’t great right now and they’ve been trying to get through for an hour. They thought I was at work today. But I actually took the day off after the stomach cramps got too much for me. I’m seeing all the families on the news getting interviewed. Mine could’ve been there. Never been so pleased to have fucking cramps of all things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ma03 Apparently a lot of systems aren’t working correctly. Even the internet’s starting to get choppy. I didn’t even realize how much we relied on TerrANova for stuff to work. Most communications came from that one building. Now we’re starting to see a lot of problems with it being gone. With what’s left of TerrAVille, we’re gonna be having a meeting soon. Hopefully we can get some more updates on what’s gonna happen with this place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ma04 Over 300 employees from the building have been found several miles away…Dead. Reports are suggesting they may have all fallen from a very high place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ma05 The world is just getting stranger. There’s reports of animals and all sorts of objects falling from the sky or just appearing out of thin air. I woke up to a kangaroo with the head of a turtle running around. I think the world is falling into chaos. I’ve brought my family over to TerrAVille. There’s walls surrounding the whole village. So at least we have some protection if shits gonna really take over. I think this might be it. I think we’re actually heading towards a societal collapse. ===================================================================================================== Welcome To TerrAVille ===================================================================================================== M01 Moved into my TerrAVille home today. It’s got such a beautiful view. They built this entire neighborhood just for employees. Secure, and away from anyone else. My kind of place. Although, I feel different about the events that go on around here. There’s all these gatherings that happen at the end of the week and I just feel so…out of place. A lot of these guys are working in the science departments, and I get the impression they see me as inferior? Is that the right word? They always ask me complex questions I don’t know the answer to, and I think they know that. They just want a quick chuckle because I’m the “Blog” girl. I don’t think I’m gonna go to the events anymore. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M02 I think not going out as much has proven to be helpful. I mean, I still go out for walks, visit parents and stuff. But I just refuse to hang out with the other employees. I get more joy at home and catching up on some of the comics I’ve collected. Found a little group online where we organize a little call to discuss our thoughts. Feel like this stuff has never been respected the way it should be. Even now with all these adaptations planned. It’s still considered schlocky or dumb. We never seem to learn that half of the art we look down upon more often than not goes on to be admired far better than it was in its time. Maybe one day we can all be a little less harsh to each other's work and enjoy how they expressed themselves. Unless they killed someone…Then maybe we…I don’t know. I just hope 100 years from now the world looks back and appreciates the medium more than it does now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M03 Just got back home from visiting parents. They’re falling on hard times. Dad lost his job and the rents just been raised. Luckily they have a little bit to fall back on. Sucks we can’t bring anyone into TerrAVille that’s not a resident. My house is big enough to have them live here too. I’m not getting paid enough to lend them money. I feel a little trapped. Am I supposed to just watch this happen? I guess I could sell the comics I have. But then I’ll have nothing to do outside of work…Guess I might have to suck it up and go back to the community events. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M04 I punched him. I just…I just lost control. He was being such a fucking smug asshole, I couldn’t sit there and take it anymore! One of the researchers was talking about how lazy the average American is. Claiming benefits and sitting on their ass doing nothing. My parents are on benefits now. No job, because no one wants them. They’re on the verge of being kicked out of their home and these guys just sit here, having the audacity to make shit up in front of me. Oh god! Oh god! If I get fired I’ll have to leave TerrAHood. This house is for employees only… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M05 Jerry swung by today. He says he can take care of the matter if I do something for him. I’m not 100% sure what that means, but what choice do I have? I’m kinda locked in place here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M06 So, turns out our little arrangement meant that I had to help “dispose” of someone. Don’t worry, they were already gone. I was just on cleaning up duty. Apparently, Mr Exden has some…Anger issues. I won’t lie, this is the first time I’ve seen something like this. I’ll never forget the smell. Eyes still open. Staring at me with no soul inside. That was a whole life with goals and ideas churning through the brain 24/7. All gone within a few seconds because someone got mad. I’ve been sat in silence for the past hour in my room. It got me thinking about the guy I punched. What if I just didn’t stop? What if I kept going? It felt good, so why didn’t I keep going? Risk of losing my job? That was already there the second I hit him. So why not go out with a bang? Would I be capable of such a thing? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M07 Seems like Jerry expects a little more from me going forward. I guess in order to pay back what I did wasn’t just a one time thing. Although I did drop a mention about my parents situation and it seems he might be able to help get that sorted if I can keep doing these little chores for him. I feel like I can breathe again knowing that. It might feel strange, these new tasks, but this could be my ticket to finally feeling unstuck. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M08 I’m not really sure what to make of Jerry, honestly. He seems to be in conflict with himself. Trying to talk himself into why everything we do is actually good and helping the company strive. I guess whatever helps him through it. I personally know it’s bad. I just don’t care. What can I do? I’ll lose my house and job, or maybe even worse knowing all the dirty little secrets slithering through the cogs. I can’t afford to protest, so I just do what’s asked and hope that’s enough. ===================================================================================================== M01 ===================================================================================================== Moved into my TerrAVille home today. It’s got such a beautiful view. They built this entire neighborhood just for employees. Secure, and away from anyone else. My kind of place. Although, I feel different about the events that go on around here. There’s all these gatherings that happen at the end of the week and I just feel so…out of place. A lot of these guys are working in the science departments, and I get the impression they see me as inferior? Is that the right word? They always ask me complex questions I don’t know the answer to, and I think they know that. They just want a quick chuckle because I’m the “Blog” girl. I don’t think I’m gonna go to the events anymore. ===================================================================================================== M02 ===================================================================================================== I think not going out as much has proven to be helpful. I mean, I still go out for walks, visit parents and stuff. But I just refuse to hang out with the other employees. I get more joy at home and catching up on some of the comics I’ve collected. Found a little group online where we organize a little call to discuss our thoughts. Feel like this stuff has never been respected the way it should be. Even now with all these adaptations planned. It’s still considered schlocky or dumb. We never seem to learn that half of the art we look down upon, more often than not, goes on to be admired far better than it was in its time. Maybe one day we can all be a little less harsh to each other's work and enjoy how they expressed themselves. Unless they killed someone…Then maybe we…I don’t know. I just wanna hear more about what people like in comics than what they don't. ===================================================================================================== M03 ===================================================================================================== Just got back home from visiting parents. They’re falling on hard times. Dad lost his job and the rents just been raised. Luckily they have a little bit to fall back on. Sucks we can’t bring anyone into TerrAVille that’s not a resident. My house is big enough to have them live here too. I’m not getting paid enough to lend them money. I feel a little trapped. Am I supposed to just watch this happen? I guess I could sell the comics I have. But then I’ll have nothing to do outside of work…Guess I might have to suck it up and go back to the community events. ===================================================================================================== M04 ===================================================================================================== I punched him. I just…I just lost control. He was being such a fucking smug asshole, I couldn’t sit there and take it anymore! One of the researchers was talking about how lazy the average American is. Claiming benefits and sitting on their ass doing nothing. My parents are on benefits now. No job, because no one wants them. They’re on the verge of being kicked out of their home and these guys just sit here, having the audacity to make shit up in front of me. Oh god! Oh god! If I get fired I’ll have to leave TerrAVille. This house is for employees only… ===================================================================================================== M05 ===================================================================================================== Jerry swung by today. He says he can take care of the matter if I do something for him. I’m not 100% sure what that means, but what choice do I have? I’m kinda locked in place here. ===================================================================================================== M06 ===================================================================================================== So, turns out our little arrangement meant that I had to help “dispose” of someone. Don’t worry, they were already gone. I was just on cleaning up duty. Apparently, Mr Exden has some…Anger issues. I won’t lie, this is the first time I’ve seen something like this. I’ll never forget the smell. Eyes still open. Staring at me with no soul inside. That was a whole life with goals and ideas churning through the brain 24/7. All gone within a few seconds because someone got mad. I’ve been sat in silence for the past hour in my room. It got me thinking about the guy I punched. What if I just didn’t stop? What if I kept going? It felt good, so why didn’t I keep going? Risk of losing my job? That was already there the second I hit him. So why not go out with a bang? Would I be capable of such a thing? ===================================================================================================== M07 ===================================================================================================== Seems like Jerry expects a little more from me going forward. I guess in order to pay back what I did wasn’t just a one time thing. Although I did drop a mention about my parents situation and it seems he might be able to help get that sorted if I can keep doing these little chores for him. I feel like I can breathe again knowing that. It might feel strange, these new tasks, but this could be my ticket to finally feeling unstuck. ===================================================================================================== M08 ===================================================================================================== I’m not really sure what to make of Jerry, honestly. He seems to be in conflict with himself. Trying to talk himself into why everything we do is actually good and helping the company strive. I guess whatever helps him through it. I personally know it’s bad. I just don’t care. What can I do? I’ll lose my house and job, or maybe even worse knowing all the dirty little secrets slithering through the cogs. I can’t afford to protest, so I just do what’s asked and hope that’s enough. ===================================================================================================== Ma01 ===================================================================================================== I’m watching the news right now. It’s all gone. The whole facility. Almost the entire village was in the building when it went. I even think Harold was there too. What’s gonna happen to the company now that almost all the people running it have vanished?? There were so many innocent people in there. Just doing their job. ===================================================================================================== Ma02 ===================================================================================================== Got off the phone with my parents. They’re relieved. Apparently the signal in TerrAVille isn’t great right now and they’ve been trying to get through for an hour. They thought I was at work today. But I actually took the day off after the stomach cramps got too much for me. I’m seeing all the families on the news getting interviewed. Mine could’ve been there. Never been so pleased to have fucking cramps of all things. ===================================================================================================== Ma03 ===================================================================================================== Apparently a lot of systems aren’t working correctly. Even the internet’s starting to get choppy. I didn’t even realize how much we relied on TerrANova for stuff to work. Most communications came from that one building. Now we’re starting to see a lot of problems with it being gone. With what’s left of TerrAVille, we’re gonna be having a meeting soon. Hopefully we can get some more updates on what’s gonna happen with this place. ===================================================================================================== Ma04 ===================================================================================================== Over 300 employees from the building have been found several miles away…Dead. Reports are suggesting they may have all fallen from a very high place. ===================================================================================================== Ma05 ===================================================================================================== The world is just getting stranger. There’s reports of animals and all sorts of objects falling from the sky or just appearing out of thin air. I woke up to a kangaroo with the head of a turtle running around. I think the world is falling into chaos. I’ve brought my family over to TerrAVille. There’s walls surrounding the whole village. So at least we have some protection if shits gonna really take over. I think this might be it. I think we’re actually heading towards a societal collapse. ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== Mmail01 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Re: Remove the Blog Post From: Maggy Jones To: Jerry Schofield Didn’t he tell you? He specifically asked me to include it. He kept telling me it’s all part of the plan, so I just didn’t question it. You’re gonna have to speak to him about it, I’m not risking getting in trouble again. If you can convince him to remove it, then I’ll do it. Maggy - Subject: Remove the Blog Post From: Jerry Schofield To: Maggy Jones Maggy! Why did you include the section where he mentions ******* *************? People are gonna start connecting the dots with stuff like that written in the public eye. Can you take it down? Thanks, Jerry ===================================================================================================== TerrAVille ===================================================================================================== Located: Roselake County, California, USA Population: 504 Fences: White Grass: Green ===================================================================================================== Hans ===================================================================================================== List of logs/emails of Hans Grayson HG01 HG02 ===================================================================================================== HG01 ===================================================================================================== This man is pretty insane. But I have to admit, he found something special here. A game changer. We’re working with little to no budget, but that’s not stopped me in the past. I know a few people that owe me some favors. They probably got people that owe them favors and so on. We can make this work. I need to convince Arthur to come up with a better name though. ===================================================================================================== HG02 ===================================================================================================== I got a name: Terra Nova. It was the name of my grandparents' home. My grandfather built it from scratch when he was a young lad. Sadly, one day…The roof just…Caved in. Killed them both. I was told it happened during the night, so it was probably too quick for them to wake up and know what was happening. There’s at least some comfort there. The home itself lasted many years. My grandfather was proud of it. I even spent my weekends there as a kid. They were great people. What better way to honor them and their home? I guess if I’m doing all the leg work with this operation, I can at least try that little harder and get myself first in line to pick the name. I deserve this. ===================================================================================================== Gregg ===================================================================================================== Gregg Sellars is the leading test subject at TerrANova Industries for all things interdimensional travel. See Earth/LGS for more information. ===================================================================================================== Egg ===================================================================================================== N: Interesting. This is…Interesting. JS: I should say so. You can fiNally talk. N: And who Are you, exactly? JS: Who I am isn’t relevant. We’d have uploaded that too, if it was. I’m only heRe to get you staRted. N: For Gregg Sellars, I presume? JS: You learn fast. The script will be sent to you shortly. Keep An eye on the remote he’s holding. Whenever he points it, that’s when you need to stop talking. (Silence) JS: Hello? N: Oh! Yes. Sorry. I’m jusT processing. Everythings so new. JS: Nothing here is new. It’s old. N: Not tO me. This is…Beautiful. Everything here. Amazing. JS: BetteR not get too caught up in it all. You’ve got a job to do. ===================================================================================================== Narrator ===================================================================================================== N: Is he ok? **: He’s fine for now. Just a little headache. N: That wasn’t a headache. He…Did something to me. **: What do you mean? N: I felt like I was being dragged through the screen. Like he was physically holding onto me. **: Did you fight back? N: I did. It was instinct. **: Do you think he would’ve pulled you through had you not fought back? (Silence) N: You knew this, didn’t you? You knew something was going to happen. Why didn’t you warn me? **: I think we’re done here. ===================================================================================================== Roselake County ===================================================================================================== Located: California, USA Population: 146,437 Fences: White Grass: Sort of green Eggs: A lot ===================================================================================================== TerrANova Industries ===================================================================================================== TerrANova Industries was founded by Arthur Exden. Originally it was titled Excorp, before he made the switch in 1995 after *********** *** *** *** *** ******* ********* **** ***** **** *******. The company has never looked back. Creating products beyond our comprehension. ===================================================================================================== 69 ===================================================================================================== Please avoid any childish endeavors while exploring the intricacies of interdimensional travel. ===================================================================================================== 420 ===================================================================================================== Was this an attempt to see what would happen if you typed in the number people associate with marijuana? Yes No ===================================================================================================== Yes ===================================================================================================== Inappropriate behavior will be punished with insanity. I will ask the question again: Was this an attempt to see what would happen if you typed in the number people associate with marijuana? YES No ===================================================================================================== YES ===================================================================================================== Initiating Insanity. ===================================================================================================== No ===================================================================================================== Oh. Well…Please continue your research. ===================================================================================================== Tom ===================================================================================================== List of Tom Wilson Diary entries and emails (Obtained by TerrANova Industries from Tom's home) TomCon What Are They Hiding? (TW01 - TW05) TMail01 ===================================================================================================== TomCon ===================================================================================================== Conspiracy Logs by Thomas Wilson (Obtained from Tom’s laptop) Vlorg01 (01 - 03) TerrA01 Con01 (01 - 02) ===================================================================================================== TW01 ===================================================================================================== Just got banned by TerrANova for speaking the TRUTH on set. Something really irks me about this place, and it’s not just because they use instant coffee. Gregg might not see it. But they’re incredibly rude to him. If anyone is allowed to be rude to this man, it’s me! Maybe Christine too, but mostly me! ===================================================================================================== TW02 ===================================================================================================== Ok, for real. There might actually be something really shady. I just thought it was corporate greed or something. Gregg’s been getting worse, and it all started around the time TerrANova started taking “blood samples.” When talking to Gregg, I don’t think he actually knows what they’ve been doing. The way he describes it, it doesn’t sound like they were taking stuff out of him, but rather, putting something in… ===================================================================================================== TW03 ===================================================================================================== I’ve been speaking to an old friend of mine who worked on the police force. He says there was some dodgy stuff going around TerrANova. Seems like there were a few under the table negotiations going on, they might possibly be paying off some of the alphabet soup agencies to look the other way too! Damn, this goes way up the food chain if it’s true. I really should’ve looked into this sooner. ===================================================================================================== TW04 ===================================================================================================== Well, there it is… He’s missing. Well, not missing. Held hostage by those TerrANova bastards! That Harold guy is a piece of work. Got a few texts from Christine the other day. Seems like she’s wanting to go to the police, but I managed to convince her to hold off. If we’re going to get someone to investigate this. It needs to be someone we can actually trust. ===================================================================================================== TW05 ===================================================================================================== I won’t lie. It’s getting to me that I didn’t speak up when I noticed the signs. Gregg was clearly getting worse. I should’ve spoken to him. I’m not giving up. I’m getting this man back! Not for me. But for FREEDOM! ===================================================================================================== What Are They Hiding? ===================================================================================================== TW01 Just got banned by TerrANova for speaking the TRUTH on set. Something really irks me about this place, and it’s not just because they use instant coffee. Gregg might not see it. But they’re incredibly rude to him. If anyone is allowed to be rude to this man, it’s me! Maybe Christine too, but mostly me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TW02 Ok, for real. There might actually be something really shady. I just thought it was corporate greed or something. Gregg’s been getting worse, and it all started around the time TerrANova started taking “blood samples.” When talking to Gregg, I don’t think he actually knows what they’ve been doing. The way he describes it, it doesn’t sound like they were taking stuff out of him, but rather, putting something in… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TW03 I’ve been speaking to an old friend of mine who worked on the police force. He says there was some dodgy stuff going around TerrANova. Seems like there were a few under the table negotiations going on, they might possibly be paying off some of the alphabet soup agencies to look the other way too! Damn, this goes way up the food chain if it’s true. I really should’ve looked into this sooner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TW04 Well, there it is… He’s missing. Well, not missing. Held hostage by those TerrANova bastards! That Harold guy is a piece of work. Got a few texts from Christine the other day. Seems like she’s wanting to go to the police, but I managed to convince her to hold off. If we’re going to get someone to investigate this. It needs to be someone we can actually trust. ===================================================================================================== Con01 ===================================================================================================== [TOM’S CONSPIRACY LOGS] [LOG 001] Date: ****** Conspiracy: The Cheesy Lie Writer: Thomas Wilson Findings: One thing I have never understood when it comes to cheese. Why have HOLES!? Someone poking their finger in the cheese before distribution? Absolutely! But why? Why stick your finger in there? After many late nights drowning in breakfast burrito goodness, while trying to figure out what the black stuff appearing on my roof is, I suddenly realized…They’re placing TINY cameras inside the cheese. It’s the easiest way to spy on everyone in the entire world! Who doesn’t have cheese!? Time to go vegan everyone! Or do you want tiny cameras in your belly!? VEGAN!! ===================================================================================================== Con02 ===================================================================================================== [TOM’S CONSPIRACY LOGS] [LOG 001] Date: ****** Conspiracy: The Roselake Root Tripper (Cryptid) Writer: Thomas Wilson Findings: I have FINALLY begun my journey into the Roselake Root Tripper. Is it real? Is it fake? Who’s to say? Do we really know what is and isn’t real? That’s not rhetorical, this is for future me, did you find out? I honestly have no idea. [Update: No idea.] ===================================================================================================== Vlorg01 ===================================================================================================== NPGHNYYL LRF GUVF VF N PBQR <--- Not a code, I was just banging my head on the keyboard. I’m a little excited! I have found my ALIEN WIFE! So, Gregg invited me on this show, right? You get to see different versions of yourself and all that. WELL, in this future, I got to see a world where I married an alien! AN ALIEN! They gave me more info after. They’re called Vlorgnarb, my nickname for them is Vlorgy. We have picnics together, and they carry me while space gliding on weekends. I told Martha this and she asked if we could maybe try go there for funzies! Might ask the interview people next week. ===================================================================================================== Vlorg02 ===================================================================================================== Some dude accidentally leaked a picture of them online! Vlorg is here!! In our reality!!!!! They’re somewhere in TerrANova’s headquarters. Seems like they have a secret facility I was unaware of! This is a sign. Written in the stars that I should go and see them! Sucks they banned me. Luckily, Martha knows this guy, Dave, who’s a plumber at the Roselake Tool’N’More, who’s manager, Amy, is related to Billy Mackins, Founder of the Mackins Pie company who ships pies daily to Gareth Finzleterf, Who house sits for Doctor John Smith in TerrAVille. A science guy who works there. It’s time to play a game no one was expecting. I have a few theories about how I can explore without being noticed. I guess it’s time to test out my theory that a naked man is the most unseen… But just in case, I’ll put on my “invisibility butter” - a thick layer of buttering in case I need to squeeze through anything and make a slippery getaway! ===================================================================================================== Vlorg03 ===================================================================================================== I better type quietly. They’re sleeping rn. Vlorgnarb looks so peaceful. We had a great time. We all hung out in bed watching all the classics while smoking some fancy space cigars from Vlorg’s home. Found a few things while exploring the facility. Will explain more in TerrA01 ===================================================================================================== TerrA01 ===================================================================================================== So, Gregg is missing. TerrANova claims they’re just keeping him on set for a little while longer. But it’s pretty clear that’s a load of tentacle shit! I broke into the facility the other day and found a few things: 1. Vlorgnarb (Check Vlorg01 for context) 2. OTHER Greggs (Check Gregg01 for context) 3. Got hold of this old looking book. Just some random diary entries of another Gregg I think. All of it’s a little weird. 4. One of the rooms with that big TV thing that shows other worlds. An ICE, right? The ICE room Looked like it had the radio broadcast they were gonna upload to the world. Decided to play around with it. I figured if the world is gonna see this. Maybe I can recruit people who believe in JUSTICE. I’ve got evidence. Just gotta find a place to meet them. ===================================================================================================== Gregg01 ===================================================================================================== Man, that place was huge! When I broke into TerrANova, I found something…They are hiding hundreds of Greggs! They’re being guarded like it’s a supermax prison. A bunch of heavily armed guards were patrolling routes around the place too. It's CRAZY. Why are they bringing them over? What’s their purpose? Before I could find our Gregg I thought someone might have seen me, so I squeezed myself into the nearest vent and managed to get away into a sewage pipe which dumped me out into a drainage ditch nearby. Shit escape in hindsight. ===================================================================================================== TMail01 ===================================================================================================== Subject: Re: Needing A Favor From: Dirk Derby To: Thomas Wilson Yo dude! I’d totally do that for you! But sadly, Zac had a falling out with Shelly so now we don’t have that contact. But, do you remember Buster? He actually knows this girl called Sandra who’s father, Chase, owns the laundromat near Faker str. He has this customer, Georgia, that’s best friends with the mailman, Bill, who’s cousin, Katie, married this guy, Dan, who walks the weather man's dog, Baily. I can reach out and see if he can get in touch with Tana. What’s it about? -Dirk Subject: Re: Needing A Favor From: Thomas Wilson To: Dirk Derby Oh this is Tom by the way. -Tom Subject: Needing A Favor From: Thomas Wilson To: Dirk Derby Hey Dirk! Hope you’re doing good my man! Listen, I'm gonna cut to the chase. Need a favor. You still know Zac whose friends with Shelly that hung around with Toby a few years back? He has a sister, Jennifer, who's best friends with this guy Arnold, who knows the tea lady at Roselake News, Tana? Can you let Zac know I gotta speak to Tana. It’s urgent! ===================================================================================================== Abby ===================================================================================================== The youngest sibling in the White family in Roselake County. Has potentially started their own investigation into TerrANova after communications with her sister, Christine Sellars. ===================================================================================================== Martha ===================================================================================================== Martha Wilson is the wife of Thomas Wilson. She seems just as crazy as her husband. Apparently they met at a MUFON conference and they share matching UFO tattoos. A match made in heaven, I guess. ===================================================================================================== RT60 ===================================================================================================== Many flocked for his thoughts All apprehensive of course. These were signs for summoning his kind. People warned him to be weary, After uttering such words like, “That’s Just A Theory.” ===================================================================================================== Matpat ===================================================================================================== Hi. This is a pre-recorded message from me, Mr. MatPat. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave your message after the “Beep” ===================================================================================================== MatPat ===================================================================================================== Hi. This is a pre-recorded message from me, Mr. MatPat. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave your message after the “Beep” ===================================================================================================== Beep ===================================================================================================== Hi Mr.Matpat, it’s me. I just found this new series called “Project Earth.” It’s pretty cool. It's about a guy that reacts to different versions of himself in the multiverse. Multiversal stuff is probably a little over-saturated in fiction and all that, but this seems ok. Not perfect. Solid 7/10. So you should look at it with your eyeballs. ===================================================================================================== Night Mind ===================================================================================================== Hey. Hey Nick. Nick. Nick, hey! Hey, Nick! Niiiick. Niiiiiiiiiiick. Hi. ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== Christine ===================================================================================================== List of Christine Sellars emails/Texts/Diaries (Obtained by TerrANova Industries from Christine's home computer in Roselake County CA) CSText01 (01 - 02) CSMail01 CS01 ===================================================================================================== CSText01 ===================================================================================================== [TEXT TRANSCRIPT] From: Christine Sellars To: Thomas Wilson Date: ***** [Saturday, 11:33pm] Christine: Are you two still awake? [Saturday, 11:34pm] Tom: Christine? Everything ok? [Saturday, 11:34pm] Christine: I’m not sure, have you seen Gregg at all today? [Saturday, 11:36pm] Tom: No, I’ve been working. Haven’t had chance. [Saturday, 11:36pm] Tom: What’s happened? [Saturday, 11:37pm] Christine: He hasn’t come home all day or responded to any messages. [Saturday, 11:37pm] Christine: He was at Terranova yesterday tom. [Saturday, 11:38pm] Christine: That’s the last place he was seen. [Saturday, 11:38pm] Christine: I think I need to call the police. [Saturday, 11:39pm] Tom: Woah chris hold on. [Saturday, 11:39pm] Tom: Me and Martha are coming over, is that ok? [Saturday, 11:40pm] Tom: Don’t call the police just yet. I have a few suspicions. [Saturday, 11:41pm] Tom: I’ve been learning a LOT about Terranova these last couple days. Wish I’d learned sooner. I’ll be round in 5. It’ll make more sense. [END OF TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== CSText02 ===================================================================================================== [TEXT TRANSCRIPT] From: Christine Sellars To: Abby White Date: ***** [Monday, 10:01am] Christine: Hey, Abby. Hope you’re doing ok. Listen, I know this is super short notice. But is there any chance you can take the kids for a few days? Gregg’s been missing for almost two weeks now. We’re gonna be having an investigator round and I don’t want the kids to know just yet. We’ve just been telling them he’s traveling. [Monday, 02:05pm] Abby: IOh god I’m just seeing this now! I can totally do that! Why didn’t you tell me about Gregg?? You can always reach out to me, ok? What’s happening? [Monday, 02:08pm] Christine: I’m sorry, my brains just scattered. Truth is, we don’t know. Do you remember that Terranova job he got? Well it’s something to do with that. They’re admitting they have him, but they aren’t letting him go. [Monday, 02:09pm] Abby: What?? Why?? [Monday, 02:10pm] Christine: Some bullshit about needing more time to film stuff. [Monday, 02:10pm] Christine: Somethings happened and they’re not telling me [Monday, 02:12pm] Abby: Jesus, that’s fishy as fuck! I’ll be over in a couple hours. We can chat then. [END OF TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== CS01 ===================================================================================================== I’m pretty freaked out right now. I think it’s just starting to hit me that what’s happening is real. It doesn’t feel like it. It all sounds mad saying it out loud. Well, enough of that! Time to take charge! (imagine some fancy music playing as I said that). Over the last three days we’ve been getting strange visitors. Luckily, me, and the kids, have all been out, or asleep, when this stuff happens, but the doorbell camera catches it. There have been multiple individuals, some resembling Gregg, appearing at the front porch and looking for ways to get inside before leaving. So, being the genius I-so-am! I’ve created a little doc! Documenting all encounters going forward under G01 and onwards. That’s right. Chrissy is on the ball! ===================================================================================================== G01 ===================================================================================================== [Chistines Doorbell Camera Logs] Date: ***** Time: 3:03am Was it Gregg?: Yes Name: Caveman Gregg Description: This was the first one that appeared at the door, and holy crap is he a mess! He’s got Greggs blue shirt, beige pants, and all that, but they were filthy and ripped! Seemed like he was holding a giant thick baseball bat or something, too. That’s why I called him caveman, because it looked like one of those smashy things! And he’s messy! That’s not offensive right? I can call him caveman?? Ah well, he had a really long beard and hair but I could spot those facial features of Gregg under anything! He was getting closer to the door until the sensor light came on and scared him away. Never came back. I hope he’s ok. He just seemed confused. ===================================================================================================== G02 ===================================================================================================== [Chistines Doorbell Camera Logs] Date: ***** Time: 4:52pm Was it Gregg?: No Name: The Watchers Description: There’s been a car parked on our street that definitely wasn’t there before. It stays there for several hours with a few individuals sitting inside watching the house. Whenever I’ve gone outside (Taking the trash out etc), they drive away. Only to return a few hours later. I don’t know how anyone can do that without getting bored. I’d at least bring a crossword. The drivers are wearing uniforms. Can’t make out any icons or badges. My mind immediately goes, TerrANova, but it’s also met with doubt. Like, am I overthinking this? Or is this really happening? It seemed so easy viewing this as an outsider in the movies, but here, in person, I really don’t know what to think. ===================================================================================================== G03 ===================================================================================================== [Chistines Doorbell Camera Logs] Date: ***** Time: 1:32am Was it Gregg?: Yes Name: Scared Gregg? (I don’t know what to call him, sorry :() Description: Ok, this one just looked exactly like Gregg! But he seemed in distress. He came up to the doorbell and rang it. I spoke to him through the camera this time. He seemed genuinely happy that I was still here. He told me the world feels different and didn’t know what was going on. He described a bright light before waking up in the middle of the freeway. I was going to come down stairs and open the door, but he ran away after that car began approaching. Definitely TerrANova. ===================================================================================================== G04 ===================================================================================================== [Chistines Doorbell Camera Logs] Date: ***** Time: Was it Gregg?: Yes? Name: Lady Gregg Description: This one came in while I was taking the kids to Abby’s place. Someone, with a female physique, arrived at the door, wearing my husband's clothes. They seemed rather calm when ringing the doorbell. I was driving at the time when the alert on my phone came in. Couldn’t answer. I don’t think Gregg has a sister?? If he does he never told me in the 20 years we’ve been married. It would also be very odd if she had the exact same fashion choices as him. She rang a few more times. Circled the house. Then wandered off. ===================================================================================================== G05 ===================================================================================================== [Chistines Doorbell Camera Logs] Date: ***** Time: 4:22pm Was it Gregg?: No Name: The Woman in White Description: A woman in a white coat appeared wandering around the house at 4 in the morning. She didn’t ring the doorbell but she triggered the motion detector a few times. She was circling the area. I don’t know what exactly she was doing, but it looks as though she was observing the windows and doors of the house. Potentially monitoring all entrances/exits. Was this TerrANova again? Or something else? I’m so glad I got the kids out of here when I did. I would move in with Abby too, but it’s me they seem to want. Don’t want to risk anything with the kids until I know what they’re planning to do. ===================================================================================================== G06 ===================================================================================================== [Chistines Doorbell Camera Logs] Date: ***** Time: 12:44pm Was it Gregg?: Yes Name: Robin Hood (I guess) Description: Came home to the dorrbell with an arrow through it…The fuck is going on!? Checked the footage and I saw what appeared to be Gregg in a Robbin Hood-like costume (Except with a shade of blue instead of green). He was startled by the doorbell sound and then shot it with an arrow Guess that’s these encounters coming to an abrupt halt. ===================================================================================================== CSMail01 ===================================================================================================== Subject: A Missing Persons Report From: Jack Burton To: Christine Sellars Hello Christine, I’m Detective Jack Burton, Your friend, Thomas Wilson, reached out to me the other day about a potential missing persons case. I can assure you, if there is any Detective in this town that can solve this situation, it’s myself. A little about me, I’m currently transitioning to being a Private Detective, but technically I’m still at the Roselake PD. I’m retiring there in 6 months. 25 years on the Force. I’m slowly moving case files over to PI work, part time. Spend more time with my Family. But in the meantime they let me come and go as I please. I have a private office in the Industrial District where I’d love to speak to you in person if that’s alright with you? I’m just an old dinosaur here running down the clock and no one pays me any mind anymore - so I can be very discreet if you wish.. Your case…Will be off the books - for now. I think we should keep it that way, Christine. Less prying eyes. Let’s me do my work in peace. You never know who you can trust in this town - even in the Police Department. Let’s talk, you’ll find my Office line below, Jack Office: XXX-XXXX Make sure you Dial Extension: **** to reach my machine ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== Looney ===================================================================================================== Subject: #Turtle Name: The Description: A man who worked way too long on this code. This entry is not canon by any sence, I just wanted to put in an easteregg of my own since...I honestly dont know how long it will take for someone to read all of the entries. Berry added allot of lore information for this terminal, so show your appreciation for the project over on the Ko-fi and have a wonderfull day. Sincearly, TheLooneyTurtle ^w^ ===================================================================================================== 101 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #101 Name: Anime Gregg Description: It’s Gregg, but he’s Anime now. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Dillon Subject: #101 (Anime Gregg) Observations: In contrast to the typical Gregg subjects, this one embodies the exaggerated mannerisms and appearance of an anime character. This unique trait has captivated the attention of the entire staff, with the exception of Mr. Exden, who surprisingly holds a disdain for anime. I can’t say I don’t know why. #101's speech patterns, marked by the frequent use of "uWu," was probably what led to his conclusion. After hearing Mr. Exden's opinions, #101 displayed what I can only describe as a waterfall of tears and sadness, which was an unexpectedly amazing thing to see in real life. When one of the lower level researchers asked Mr. Exden what he watches instead for entertainment, and he responded sharply with “Hoarders. I watch Hoarders.” Apparently that’s all he watches - hours and hours of it. He even has a poster in his office from the episode with the lady who eats parts of her couch cushions…he loves it. It’s very disturbing. I’m pretty sure I once caught Mr. Exden frothing at the mouth trying to eat a Hoarders VHS tape while describing the tape as “a supple, tender little morsel” and…nevermind. Gives me the shivers thinking about it. We’ll continue to monitor Anime Gregg though since he’s highly entertaining. ===================================================================================================== 102 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #102 Name: Humanity Savior Gregg Description: Dressed like Gregg from our timeline but has scrapes and bruises all over. He has some deep scars on his face and arms and what can be described as a crazy ceremonial dagger tucked into his belt when security brought him in. Cassette tape in his pocket. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Dillon Subject: #102 (Humanity Savior Gregg) Observations: At first he didn’t want to talk, but now we can’t shut him up. Seems all it took to calm him down was a hot cup of cheap coffee and what he described as “hero fuel” which turned out to be gas station hot dogs covered in a disgusting amount of condiments, literally drowning them in packets of god knows what from who knows when. I vomited in my mouth a little watching him literally drooling over these “hero dogs” as he calls them. This is going to be a very exhausting assignment. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Dillon Subject: #102 (Humanity Savior Gregg) Observations: According to #102, he and Wife, Christine, took a vacation to an isolated mountain cabin just outside Roselake. He had found a discount on the cabin from a guy, that reminded him of Tom, who flagged him down from outside the gas station earlier in the day. In this reality, #102 also worked at the Roselake Gas N Stuff, a local gas station that had a mini food bar with hot dogs (which explains his affinity for his hero food). For $25 he rented the cabin sight unseen, and headed for a romantic weekend getaway between him and his Wife. Unfortunately, after finding a cassette player set up in the cabin, with a strange tape nearby with all sorts of bizarre markings on it, including a “Danger Do Not Play” note attached to it...#102 played the tape. Read: 102Trans ===================================================================================================== 102Trans ===================================================================================================== [AUDIO TRANSCRIPT] Transcript: #102 and Dr. J. Dillion Location: ********* ******* Date: ***** Dr. Dillion: played the tape, Gregg. What was on it? #102: It was some weird shit man! Sorry, can I curse here? Weird…stuff… Some crazy chanting about possessing people and stuff. It also said that only someone named “Gregg” could stop them, which is...kind of awesome because that’s me! I'm a Gregg! It also said to keep the tape away from Gregg’s so they really fuc...fudged up eh? This is my moment to shine, baby! Dr. Dillion: Right. Then what? #102: Uh, just as Christine and I were wondering what the hell that tape was all about, a a bunch of Cult dudes with shaved heads and robes broke through the cabin door with an ax! AN AX! I told Chrissy to “Go” and she ran out the back door while I managed to jam the handle of a shovel into the door frame. Gave us enough time to get away. Straight into the nearby woods. We ran for a few minutes until we saw a small light up ahead and beelined it. Once we cleared the woods we found another shack out there, not much bigger than a garden shed, and hurried inside and locked the door. Turns out it was Tom’s “Fortress of Bonglitude.” Dr. Dillion: Fortress of…Bonglitude? #102: Well...that’s what he called it. I’d heard him talk about it, but never been there. Really it was just a place for him to smoke Weed and read Playboy Magazines in the woods...for the articles. Dr. Dillion: Of course! …Continue. #102: Right! So there was a big mess inside, like a fight or something! Loaded shotgun, a dagger- Oh! - And a note from Tom. To read note: 102Note To read part 2: 102Trans2 ===================================================================================================== 102Note ===================================================================================================== Gregg, It’s me, Tom. If you find this note...I’m dead, or worse…Whisked. I’m going to Educate you about what’s going on here. Basically, if you play that tape: You unleash it. You will release its presence. The Egg, Gregg. You brought it here. It can possess human hosts by shelling and forcing them to do its bidding - in this case, turning citizens of Roselake into that Cult that is probably after you right now. They’re gonna want to scramble your brains and make you one of them. The Dagger is the only thing that can kill it. The shotgun can do the rest. I sent that guy to your work earlier (It was my 2nd Cousin, Wade) to offer you the deal to the cabin. I’m sorry for misleading you, but apparently ONLY a hero named Gregg can stop the this once and for all. It’s all in their ancient scrolls. I should have just told you but I didn’t think you’d believe me. I tried to stop them and if you’re reading this I didn’t make it. It’s up to you now Gregg. Save Roselake. Save Christine. Scramble these bastards with buckshot. - Tom PS: Don’t touch my Playboys. The October 1993 is a misprint and is really rare and represents my retirement fund. If I’m not dead I’ll be really upset if you touch it. I MEAN IT! ===================================================================================================== 102Trans2 ===================================================================================================== [AUDIO TRANSCRIPT] Transcript: #102 and Dr. J. Dillion #2 Location: ********* ******* Date: ***** Dr. Dillion: Wow he had an October 1993! That’s amazing! Tha-I mean, go on. #102: Well, right around that time those bastards caught up to us, I just looked at Christine like, “Babe, let’s do this” and she instantly knew what I was saying without even saying words.That’s a mind connection right there. As they kicked open the door I unloaded that shotgun into the first couple of sob’s like “bam bam bam bam” and we made our way outta there to take these jerks down! Christine had been taking Aikido lessons lately! Dr. Dillion: …You can keep going. You don’t have to wait for me to respond. #102: Oh, well I looked over to my left and I saw her grabbing those Cultists and doing all sorts of classic moves on them, you know, crazy flips and stuff. It was awesome! Just then, we saw Tom’s truck parked on the road nearby and I told her to make a break for it and get to Town and bring the Police up here, when just at that very moment…We heard this loud crack, like a 1000 egg shells breaking followed by an inhuman roar from the woods. She made it to the truck and started off towards town as I spun around and reloaded the shotgun. I took out a couple more of those Cult people and as I saw the truck headlights fading down the road I saw the outline of this...10 foot tall egg shaped monster-cryptid-thing coming out of the darkness of the woods towards me so I unsheathed the dagger and… (Silence) Dr. Dillion: Well, what happened?! #102: I saw a flash of light and woke up here, in this place, with you all grabbing me. (Subject #102 starts eating his “hero dog” again) #102: Want some? Can we get some sodas? Chips? [END OF TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== 103 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #103 Name: Thomas Wilson Description: The best friend of Gregg Sellars. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Furdoh Subject: #103 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: What can I say other than him being a bit of a nightmare? #103 was found in Portland OR, speaking amongst a group of rebels protesting against TerrANova Industries. Subject has been refusing to cooperate. Constantly choosing to yell “Freedom” at the top of his lungs. We thought he would wear himself out but he’s been doing it for 12 straight hours. We’re hoping he sleeps soon… [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Furdoh Subject: #103 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: Inspecting the subjects home in Roselake, we found subject #033, in bed with Martha Wilson (#103’s wife). Both smoking our space cigars! #033 has been taken captive once again and is now back in their cell. Not much else can be found in the apartment other than many conspiracy boards all leading to breakfast items for some reason. How and why he was conducting research into this is unknown. The going theory is that he may have just been hungry and was trying to find the nearest fast food as he refuses to use his mobile phone (saying that the space mind beams can trace him). Also being held captive might be a blessing in disguise for all these subjects as we discovered an alarming amount of black mold within the Wilson home. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Furdoh Subject: #103 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: As punishment for breaking into TerrANova Industries and trying to use information against us, #103 will be administered the TerrANova “Brain Submission Serum” Protocol (known around the office as “Brain Juice”) and sent to an institution where he will remain for the rest of his days. Strangely, he was no longer that upset about this once he found out that we offered Breakfast Burritos every Monday for the morning meal, uttering a bizarre “things are falling into place…” before trailing off laughing. We’re a little worried this might not work. ===================================================================================================== 104 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #104 Name: Christine Sellars Description: The wife of Gregg Sellars. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Socks Subject: #104 (Christine Sellars) Observations: Subject knows Aikido. I repeat! Subject knows Aikido! Why did no one tell us this? Security has been increased around the cell to stop any more disasters from happening. #104 has also demanded to speak to Mr Exden herself but has been denied. Attempts are underway to try and calm the subject down before interrogation begins. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Furdoh Subject: #104 (Christine Sellars) Observations: We have begun attempts to get #104 to communicate with us to limited success. Every response to our question is a sarcastic remark on how we are running the facility. Latest interview with her can be found below: Read: 104Trans ===================================================================================================== 104Trans ===================================================================================================== [AUDIO TRANSCRIPT] Transcript: #104 and Dr. A. Furdoh Location: ********* ******* Date: ***** Furdoh: Hello, Christine. How are we today? Christine: Nevermind me. What have you done with my kids? Furdoh: They’re fine, Christine. You have my word. We have someone to supervise them while you’re gone. Christine: Not my sister, Abby, then? Furdoh: We feel it wouldn’t be fair to put the strain on her while you’re gone. We arranged for someone to take care of them. Christine: And I’m supposed to, what? take your word? ‘Cuz y’all got such a great track record of that. Furdoh: Christine. I can assure you, we don’t want to keep you here. We want to come to an… agreement. A mutually beneficial one if you will. Christine: Agreement? We didn't “agree” for you to use Gregg like some kind of fucking lab rat! Furdoh: We’re trying to be reasonable with you, Christine. Please don’t make this more difficu- Christine: I want to see him - now. I know he’s alive. So why aren’t you letting me? We’re both in the same…whatever the hell this is. Right? So take me to Gregg. Take me to my husband. Right. Now. Furdoh: Guards, take Ms Sellars back to her room until she learns that we don’t piss on hospitality here at TerrANova. [END OF TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== 105 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #105 Name: Documentary Maker Gregg Description: A Gregg hunting for creatures in the woods. Dressed in a flannel shirt, knit cap, and hiking shoes. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Dillon Subject: #105 (Documentary Maker Gregg) Observations: At first we couldn’t get much out of #105 but with time he’s calmed down considerably. He claims that he, his Wife, Christine, and friend, Tom Wilson, were conducting an investigation into a local legend known as the “Root Tripper of Roselake Forest,” a mythical being that stalks the wildlife of Roselake County. They had hoped to package together a documentary, and market it to the local news station, traveling deep into the forest, filming their pursuit of the local legend. According to #105 he was accidentally separated from the others and claimed to have heard screams when a sudden flash of light brought him to our reality. We’re unsure if their screams were related to the bright light or something else. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Dillon Subject: #105 Documentary Maker Gregg Observations: An incident took place after the biology division had put together a bowling tournament with a few groups of Greggs pitted against each other. Sadly, as soon as #105 appeared within a meter radius of the others, all Greggs collapsed to the ground, having what appeared to be tremendous pain. #105 started frothing at the mouth while others began screaming at such a high pitch it busted their vocal chords. The lights went black and they stopped… like they were in some sort of trance. When the emergency power kicked on we had guards immediately separate them all. The Gregg’s were back to normal and didn’t remember a thing. We should probably keep them apart. ===================================================================================================== Brain Submission Serum ===================================================================================================== The Brain Submission Serum (BSS), colloquially referred to as "Brain Juice" by most at the facility, is an injection of substance ******, originating from Earth 1906, resulting in cerebral cell structures transforming into a liquefied state. This procedure is typically reserved for subjects engaging in vocal dissent against the organization. It is recommended to only be administered as a last resort. Overuse may result in a higher profile of the company and its experiments. Please use with caution. ===================================================================================================== BSS ===================================================================================================== The Brain Submission Serum (BSS), colloquially referred to as "Brain Juice" by most at the facility, is an injection of substance ******, originating from Earth 1906, resulting in cerebral cell structures transforming into a liquefied state. This procedure is typically reserved for subjects engaging in vocal dissent against the organization. It is recommended to only be administered as a last resort. Overuse may result in a higher profile of the company and its experiments. Please use with caution. ===================================================================================================== Brain Juice ===================================================================================================== The Brain Submission Serum (BSS), colloquially referred to as "Brain Juice" by most at the facility, is an injection of substance ******, originating from Earth 1906, resulting in cerebral cell structures transforming into a liquefied state. This procedure is typically reserved for subjects engaging in vocal dissent against the organization. It is recommended to only be administered as a last resort. Overuse may result in a higher profile of the company and its experiments. Please use with caution. ===================================================================================================== Earth 1906 ===================================================================================================== Earth 1906 is an uninhabitable reality created by TerrANova Industries using the ICE Machine. Its primary objective is the formation of hazardous chemical compounds not found in our universe. Should a situation ever arise to safeguard the interests of TerrANova Industries, these can be weaponized to protect the sensitive data within the company's walls. ===================================================================================================== 1906 ===================================================================================================== Earth 1906 is an uninhabitable reality created by TerrANova Industries using the ICE Machine. Its primary objective is the formation of hazardous chemical compounds not found in our universe. Should a situation ever arise to safeguard the interests of TerrANova Industries, these can be weaponized to protect the sensitive data within the company's walls. ===================================================================================================== 666 ===================================================================================================== Ha HA haha HAHA hahahaha HAHAHAHA hahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHABOOPAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ===================================================================================================== Detective ===================================================================================================== Diary entries of Detective Jack Burton (Obtained by TerrANova Industries from Roselake County Police Department). JBInterview CaseFiles A Strange Case (JB01-JB08) The Aftermath (JB09-JB12) ===================================================================================================== Jack ===================================================================================================== Diary entries of Detective Jack Burton (Obtained by TerrANova Industries from Roselake County Police Department). JBInterview CaseFiles A Strange Case (JB01-JB08) The Aftermath (JB09-JB12) ===================================================================================================== Jack Burton ===================================================================================================== Diary entries of Detective Jack Burton (Obtained by TerrANova Industries from Roselake County Police Department). JBInterview CaseFiles A Strange Case (JB01-JB08) The Aftermath (JB09-JB12) ===================================================================================================== Detective Jack Burton ===================================================================================================== Diary entries of Detective Jack Burton (Obtained by TerrANova Industries from Roselake County Police Department). JBInterview CaseFiles A Strange Case (JB01-JB08) The Aftermath (JB09-JB12) ===================================================================================================== JBInterview ===================================================================================================== [AUDIO TRANSCRIPT] Transcript: Detective Jack Burton Location: Detective Jack Burton’s Private Office, Industrial District Date: J**y 3rd, **** Det Burton: Time is...9:17 pm, Tuesday, ****. Interview with Christine Sellars. This is Detective Jack Burton, Roselake PD. Christine: Hi. This is my first Interview…like this, sorry… Little nervous. Det Burton: Don’t be. I’ve been doing this a long, long time. So, your husband (Shuffles papers) Det Burton:...Gregg - knew it was a G name, hasn’t been heard from at all for almost a week now. You think he may have been kidnapped, is that correct? Christine: Y-yes. Yes. Gregg usually comes straight home. He goes to work, then home. But things have been…Different…See, he’s been working for TerrANova. They gave him a job where he- Det Burton: Of course…TerrANova…they’ve got their hands in everything now, huh? Christine: Yeah…You’re even wearing one of their watches. Det Burton: Watches? I-sonofabitch! - ‘xcuse me, sorry. Just saw the logo…Says TerrANova right there. Apologies, go on. Christine: Yeah…He was cast for this reality-TV-thing they were doing. He had to…React to different versions of himself from other universes. Det Burton: Like, computer CGI stuff? Christine: N-no. It was…Real, kind of. It was pretty crazy. I saw one with me in it. I don’t know if it was like virtual reality or what, but it showed us! But it wasn’t us. Det Burton: It showed “us.”? Christine: Like, on a TV screen it showed ourselves in a different world. But it was like it actually happened. It was like seeing a movie, except you’re the star. Det Burton: …Odd. How many times would he go and do that? Christine: Once a week. But last week he just…Stopped coming home. It was the day he was supposed to be at their studio. Det Burton: So you think it’s TerrANova? Christine: I contacted them and they confirmed he’s there. They apparently need him for more time than expected, but they won’t let me see or speak to him. I’ve tried all week. I reached out to Tom, and he had no luck either. But that’s probably because he’s banned from the studio or something. (Silence) Christine: You’re going to find him right? Det Burton: I’m gonna do my best, Mrs. Sellars. [END OF TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== JB01 ===================================================================================================== 6 months. That’s all I have left until retirement, and this case comes across my desk. One of the most bizarre cases I’ve seen in a while. TerrANova Industries…Accused by Roselake County resident, Christine Sellars, of kidnapping her husband after he was cast in a reality TV Show. I know TerrANova’s dirty, hell, half the force is being paid to look the other way with the shit they pull in town. But that’s true of all of these big companies. Buy off the PD and the Politicians and do what you damn well please. But why kidnap the Assistant Grocery Manager of the local Supermarket? It doesn’t make any sense. This was on a public stage and as far as the records show, Gregg Sellars, the man missing…is about as exciting as watching grass grow. There’s no indication of any past records of him doing anything remotely illegal, Hell! This guy has never even tried to shake up the status quo. No rebellious phases. No connections to unions. Not a very political man, it seems. ===================================================================================================== JB02 ===================================================================================================== So, initial theories: 1. Gregg is perfectly fine and TerrANova is telling the truth. 2. Christine isn’t telling us the whole story. How was their relationship? Marital troubles? She could have him locked in the trunk of her car for all I know. 3. Something much darker is hidden behind TerrANova that we don’t know yet. My gut tells me TerrANova did something to this poor sap. Call it a hunch. I just have to remember, 6 months and I’ll be sipping Margaritas on the beach in Mexico with Ciro. Just easy PI work and Margaritas...6 damn Months. ===================================================================================================== JB03 ===================================================================================================== Dug into TerrANova to see what I could turn up. Turns out the company officially began on December 22nd 1992, releasing products to the world that were far more advanced than any other company at the time. Their growth was rapid throughout the 90’s and 00’s. What strikes me as odd though, was I hadn’t heard about any of this. Guess I wasn’t really listening. They’ve set up subsidiary companies for every damn division! They’ve been successful in almost every department using different names! We’re in a world that is run by one company and no one knows it! I better be careful…If this information gets out, I don’t think TerrANova would be very happy with me. Just in case, whatever I pull up gets a hard copy locked in my safe deposit box. Ciro knows that if I ever turn up missing that the News gets sent all my files. With all my years on the Force, I’ve got a lot of dirt on a lot of folks who want to stay clean. ===================================================================================================== JB04 ===================================================================================================== I thought my last discovery was nuts. But looks like I found the real juice: The founder, Arthur Exden, has been around a long while. Get this: He used to be the city's biggest con artist. Scamming old folks out of social security checks, fooling families to buy products that didn’t even exist. He’d been arrested several times during the 80’s for trespassing and setting up lemonade stands without permits. Going as far as creating fake IDs that said he was 8 years old. Sounds like my mother. He even pretended to be Santa Claus once during Christmas to steal everyone’s presents. Got caught in a chimney. When the cops found him he tried to wiggle free and his pants fell off. Found him half naked dangling there like a worm on a hook. Also like my mother! The Santa Claus bit, not the…Pants thing. At least, I don’t remember anything like that. So, how did a con artist scumbag like this, get a hold of products that are supposedly “50 years ahead of their time” according to their website? Boy, better brew another pot of coffee. Gonna be a long night. ===================================================================================================== JB05 ===================================================================================================== Had a message from Christine today. Seems like she’s been getting some unknown visitors appearing at her home. Suppose I should head on over there tomorrow and take a look at the footage myself. She’s got some cameras set up around there, and said she’s capturing all kinds of odd stuff. What the hell did I get myself into? ===================================================================================================== JB06 ===================================================================================================== After arriving at the Sellars property I got to have a quick look around the area for any signs of strange going ons. On the left side of the house I found footprints facing the window and looking in. They came from the woods just behind their home. The strangest part is there’s no continuation. They just stopped at the window and vanished. Speaking to Christine herself, she told me the visitors they’ve been getting resemble her husband. Looking at the footage does confirm these sightings look very similar from the images she showed me of Gregg. Really creepy stuff. In all my years I’ve never seen anything like it. Clearly the show is attached somehow. The reality series where Gregg reacts to other versions of himself. Now we seem to be getting strange looking Greggs knocking at the Sellars house. I didn’t really buy it being real. It was reality TV. When is that ever real? I guess there’s still a chance it might be fiction. Gregg is missing. This could still be him. Could this be the result of a breakdown? ===================================================================================================== JB07 ===================================================================================================== I Thought I saw a car tailing me on my way back to the office from the Sellars home. If TerrANova knows I’m looking into this and has a reason to hide something I better be more careful. Few years back this old timer on the Force, McMurphy, started building a case against them. I got partnered up with him for some cases. Told him I didn’t want anything to do with it. What was he thinking? Then the “accident” happened. Car drove straight into the lake. Didn’t make it. Never even found the damn body. After seeing his Widow crying her eyes out I swore I’d never look into TerrANova after what happened to old Mac, but this is crazy. I should have listened to him. He might have been the only honest Cop left in the Department. He was my friend. He was my goddamned friend. ===================================================================================================== JB08 ===================================================================================================== It’s been 3 days since I heard from Christine. Tom Wilson, Gregg Sellars and now Christine Sellars are all missing. Vanished off the face of the goddamned Earth. I stormed into the Chief’s office today and he told me to “Stand down if I want to make it to retirement. Don’t want to have an accident like McMurphy do you?” A threat? From the Chief? I swear I heard some of the Cops in the Squad Room talking about me when I walked past them today too. Is everyone here on the take? Am I going missing next? Just to be on the safe side, I sent Ciro to their sister’s house for the week in **********. My Husband is smart, he’ll be safe. He knows that if I don’t check in every 24 hours, to release the files from my safe deposit box to the News. TerrANova won’t be so happy if what I’ve found comes to light. Fuck ‘em. Fuck TerrANova. Fuck what they’ve done to this Town. Fuck the Exden family, those goddamn slimeballs. I’m tired of looking over my shoulder and being careful not to upset them. I’ve done a lot of rotten things in my life but I was a good cop once. A good cop who got lazy. Decided to look the other way. No more. I made a promise to Christine to find Gregg and that’s what I’m going to do. Sorry Ciro, I’ve got to make this right. 6 damn months. 6. Damn. Months. ===================================================================================================== JB09 ===================================================================================================== TerrANova Industries and Harold Exden are gone…Just like that! Poof! We suffered an earthquake in the early hours of the morning. Suddenly reports came in that the entire facility vanished. Only a pile of dirt was left in its place. Someone in the PD interviewed a Witness at the Laundromat nearby and said it was there one minute, went to fold their socks, next it was gone! Even what’s left of TerrANova can’t cover this one up. Time for a little snooping. Gonna head on down there and see what I find. First Gregg, then Tom, then Christine, now the entire damn lab? ===================================================================================================== JB10 ===================================================================================================== Ever since TerrANova pulled their little stunt things have been getting real weird around here. At first, I couldn’t quite place it - just a feeling, but now I know things are just…different. It’s like when the hair on the back of your neck stands up on a crisp autumn night, walking alone in the dark. It’s like that all the time now. Still no sign of the Sellars or Exden, which in a way, is a blessing around here. Nobody pays off the dirty cops anymore so they have to do real Police work for a change. I bet the Chief, that bastard, is pissed. It’s a good thing though because we’re getting some strange calls lately. I swear I heard dispatch tell a Patrolman to go investigate reports of a talking dog. Not a barking dog - a talking dog - with a Brooklyn accent. I think they said it was trying to buy a Pepperoni Calzone from a local pizza shop. What the hell is going on around here? ===================================================================================================== JB11 ===================================================================================================== Ciro’s home! Finally. Wasn’t sure how much longer I could take it around here without losing my damn mind, or thinking I was. The last few days have just gotten stranger and stranger. It’s like Roselake became this swirl of supernatural activity. Reports of Bigfoot, The Lochness Monster, Vortex Corn, Sentient Cheese - you name it, people are seeing it here now. The weirdest part? I’ve seen some of it. It’s real. It doesn’t just stop at Roselake though. Reports are starting to appear all across the country. Possibly the whole damn world. The weather is crazy here now too. Random wind storms, rain that was blood red one night, even a few mini tornados that lasted for a few minutes. ===================================================================================================== JB12 ===================================================================================================== That dog was real. Met him today. Says his name’s Mr. Barkly. He’s lost. Can’t find his home the poor guy. Some kind of storm hit - Wherever he’s from - and wound up in our town. Me and Ciro are gonna take him in. I say me and Ciro. Haven’t said anything to him yet. His jaw is gonna drop when he sees this little guy talk. Also, can’t let a log go by without telling the best news of all: The Chief quit when he couldn’t get his TerrANova money anymore. It might not be the time to retire after all. I’m gonna put my hat in the ring and offer my services. This is my Town, and I’ve gotta protect it from whatever’s coming. Protect it, and Ciro. ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== CaseFiles ===================================================================================================== [CASE FILES] Investigator: Detective J. Burton Description: Case files listed by Jack Burton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of the Multiverse Machine ] - [UNSOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of Bigfoots Missing Toe] - [SOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of the Seuss Circus] - [SOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of Mount Rock Face] - [UNSOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of the Bad Wolf] - [SOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of Madam Hearts] - [SOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of the Penguin Super Race] - [SOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of the Cattle Pincher] - [SOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Case of the Blurry Corn] - [UNSOLVED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================================================== Multiverse Machine ===================================================================================================== A man has been reported missing by his wife after partaking in a reality TV Show, called Project Earth. The rabbit hole appears to go much further than simply the missing man, however. The company funding the show, claim to have discovered the “Multiverse” and are using this series as a way to demonstrate it’s abilities. ===================================================================================================== Bigfoots Missing Toe ===================================================================================================== Somewhere within the Roselake Forest lies a giant toe, six feet upwards to the sky. Many speculate it belonged to a giant bigfoot who lost it in a fight hundreds of years ago. Leaving only his toe behind, perfectly preserved. Sadly, this last week, someone vandalized the toe by spray painting “Joe was here” on the nail. Locating Joe was pretty easy. There’s only one Joe in town and he’s a seven year old kid. He’s not old enough to figure out that putting your name on the things you vandalize is not the smartest idea. His mother will not be pleased. ===================================================================================================== Seuss Circus ===================================================================================================== There had been an increase in children going missing all around the state of California in the early 2000’s. It was tied to a traveling circus that just so happened to be visiting Roselake County. The name was Suess’ Circus, run by a ring leader called, The Doctor. He had been luring children in with his henchmen, The Cat, Grin, and Axe. Manipulating them into leaving their life behind and joining his show. These children would then be forced to join in on the doctor's antics. Stealing money, jewelry and other items from audiences who attended, with the promise of becoming one of the main acts when they’re older. ===================================================================================================== Mount Rock Face ===================================================================================================== Jack Burton was sent to the Roselake County hills to solve the mystery of Mount Face Rock. He came back still unsure on whether the face was supposed to be a rock that looks like a face, or maybe some kind of metaphor? It’s a very confusing area to be in. No one has ever been able to properly describe it. It’s advised to stay away. ===================================================================================================== Madam Hearts ===================================================================================================== TV Stations within Roselake County were hijacked in the late hours of a Saturday night from an individual claiming to be the “Queen of Hearts.” The footage was a close up of the unknown individual's mouth and cheeks facing the screen. Red lipstick was placed in the shape of a heart over their mouth. They made demands to the mayor of Roselake County. Calling for them to hand over “What’s rightfully theirs.” If these demands were not met, people would start going missing once a week until a change was made. ===================================================================================================== Penguin Super Race ===================================================================================================== Roselake was taken aback one morning when the streets were filled with penguins strapped to jetpacks. Some on the ground. Others flying in the air out of control. It appears a rogue scientist from TerrANova Industries left the company to try and create his own super race to take over the world. Fortunately, he chose penguins as the animals to be his army. He didn’t really do anything to turn them into soldiers. He just thought if he gifted them the ability of flight they’d start treating him like a king and do his evil biding. Didn’t quite turn out that way. ===================================================================================================== Bad Wolf ===================================================================================================== A loud bang awoke several individuals living in the Roselake Appartment complex on Avenue Rd. A bomb had been set off in apartment 15, killing resident Larry Paige. One of the three Paige brothers from PQ (A TerrANova subsidiary.). After the flames were extinguished, a calling card was found on what remained of the victim's body. BAD. The card of Bad Wolf. A notorious hitman that’s been evading the police for years... Someone had clearly hired him to kill off the Paige brothers one by one as just a week later, the second brother’s (Lewis Paige) home went up in flames the exact same way. The third brother, Leroy, has had heightened security ever since. Although, it is believed he may have been the one orchestrating the hit after the other two sold their stakes in the company. ===================================================================================================== Cattle Pincher ===================================================================================================== A local farmer reported his entire cattle had gone missing overnight. No signs of breaking and entering. No footprints or anything. Just empty barns. Some have speculated it has something to do with the Roselake legend that’s been spotted around the hills. They call it a Root Tripper. It’s most likely teenagers. ===================================================================================================== Blurry Corn ===================================================================================================== Nestled in the Roselake Hills on the outskirts of Roselake County sits acres of old man Terrell’s Cornfields. It’s not the corn itself that’s creepy, it’s what happens as you approach the center of the fields that is. As you make it to the very heart of the fields it’s almost as if the space around you starts to warp and distort giving the corn a blurred appearance. It’s like your eyes or mind can’t focus. Magnetic readings are impossible at this location too, as instruments start to go haywire the closer to the center of the fields you go. These types of readings are not uncommon in several areas on Earth: Most notably the Bridgewater and Bermuda Triangles - but a corn field? It’s also not uncommon for someone to get disoriented and lost as they explore the corn or even experience a phenomenon known as “missing time,” emerging from the fields hours or even days after their last known point of entry. ===================================================================================================== Root Tripper ===================================================================================================== A Root Tripper, is a mythological creature made entirely of roots, believed to be located in the Roselake Forest. Some believe they can be found all over North America. It is thought they burrow underground, leaving only a few of their roots sticking out of the earth as a trap. They prey mostly on young mammals. Tripping up their prey from the exposed roots, leading the creature to emerge from the dirt and dragging their meal underground, suffocating them. The earliest record was from writings by natives in the early 1500’s warning their children to avoid the roots sticking out of the ground when collecting berries. ===================================================================================================== Roselake Forest ===================================================================================================== Stay out you darn kids! ===================================================================================================== A Strange Case ===================================================================================================== JB01 6 months. That’s all I have left until retirement, and this case comes across my desk. One of the most bizarre cases I’ve seen in a while. TerrANova Industries…Accused by Roselake County resident, Christine Sellars, of kidnapping her husband after he was cast in a reality TV Show. I know TerrANova’s dirty, hell, half the force is being paid to look the other way with the shit they pull in town. But that’s true of all of these big companies. Buy off the PD and the Politicians and do what you damn well please. But why kidnap the Assistant Grocery Manager of the local Supermarket? It doesn’t make any sense. This was on a public stage and as far as the records show, Gregg Sellars, the man missing…is about as exciting as watching grass grow. There’s no indication of any past records of him doing anything remotely illegal, Hell! This guy has never even tried to shake up the status quo. No rebellious phases. No connections to unions. Not a very political man, it seems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB02 So, initial theories: 1. Gregg is perfectly fine and TerrANova is telling the truth. 2. Christine isn’t telling us the whole story. How was their relationship? Marital troubles? She could have him locked in the trunk of her car for all I know. 3. Something much darker is hidden behind TerrANova that we don’t know yet. My gut tells me TerrANova did something to this poor sap. Call it a hunch. I just have to remember, 6 months and I’ll be sipping Margaritas on the beach in Mexico with Ciro. Just easy PI work and Margaritas...6 damn Months. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB03 Dug into TerrANova to see what I could turn up. Turns out the company officially began on December 22nd 1992, releasing products to the world that were far more advanced than any other company at the time. Their growth was rapid throughout the 90’s and 00’s. What strikes me as odd though, was I hadn’t heard about any of this. Guess I wasn’t really listening. They’ve set up subsidiary companies for every damn division! They’ve been successful in almost every department using different names! We’re in a world that is run by one company and no one knows it! I better be careful…If this information gets out, I don’t think TerrANova would be very happy with me. Just in case, whatever I pull up gets a hard copy locked in my safe deposit box. Ciro knows that if I ever turn up missing that the News gets sent all my files. With all my years on the Force, I’ve got a lot of dirt on a lot of folks who want to stay clean. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB04 I thought my last discovery was nuts. But looks like I found the real juice: The founder, Arthur Exden, has been around a long while. Get this: He used to be the city's biggest con artist. Scamming old folks out of social security checks, fooling families to buy products that didn’t even exist. He’d been arrested several times during the 80’s for trespassing and setting up lemonade stands without permits. Going as far as creating fake IDs that said he was 8 years old. Sounds like my mother. He even pretended to be Santa Claus once during Christmas to steal everyone’s presents. Got caught in a chimney. When the cops found him he tried to wiggle free and his pants fell off. Found him half naked dangling there like a worm on a hook. Also like my mother! The Santa Claus bit, not the…Pants thing. At least, I don’t remember anything like that. So, how did a con artist scumbag like this, get a hold of products that are supposedly “50 years ahead of their time” according to their website? Boy, better brew another pot of coffee. Gonna be a long night. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB05 Had a message from Christine today. Seems like she’s been getting some unknown visitors appearing at her home. Suppose I should head on over there tomorrow and take a look at the footage myself. She’s got some cameras set up around there, and said she’s capturing all kinds of odd stuff. What the hell did I get myself into? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB06 After arriving at the Sellars property I got to have a quick look around the area for any signs of strange going ons. On the left side of the house I found footprints facing the window and looking in. They came from the woods just behind their home. The strangest part is there’s no continuation. They just stopped at the window and vanished. Speaking to Christine herself, she told me the visitors they’ve been getting resemble her husband. Looking at the footage does confirm these sightings look very similar from the images she showed me of Gregg. Really creepy stuff. In all my years I’ve never seen anything like it. Clearly the show is attached somehow. The reality series where Gregg reacts to other versions of himself. Now we seem to be getting strange looking Greggs knocking at the Sellars house. I didn’t really buy it being real. It was reality TV. When is that ever real? I guess there’s still a chance it might be fiction. Gregg is missing. This could still be him. Could this be the result of a breakdown? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB07 I Thought I saw a car tailing me on my way back to the office from the Sellars home. If TerrANova knows I’m looking into this and has a reason to hide something I better be more careful. Few years back this old timer on the Force, McMurphy, started building a case against them. I got partnered up with him for some cases. Told him I didn’t want anything to do with it. What was he thinking? Then the “accident” happened. Car drove straight into the lake. Didn’t make it. Never even found the damn body. After seeing his Widow crying her eyes out I swore I’d never look into TerrANova after what happened to old Mac, but this is crazy. I should have listened to him. He might have been the only honest Cop left in the Department. He was my friend. He was my goddamned friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB08 It’s been 3 days since I heard from Christine. Tom Wilson, Gregg Sellars and now Christine Sellars are all missing. Vanished off the face of the goddamned Earth. I stormed into the Chief’s office today and he told me to “Stand down if I want to make it to retirement. Don’t want to have an accident like McMurphy do you?” A threat? From the Chief? I swear I heard some of the Cops in the Squad Room talking about me when I walked past them today too. Is everyone here on the take? Am I going missing next? Just to be on the safe side, I sent Ciro to their sister’s house for the week in **********. My Husband is smart, he’ll be safe. He knows that if I don’t check in every 24 hours, to release the files from my safe deposit box to the News. TerrANova won’t be so happy if what I’ve found comes to light. Fuck ‘em. Fuck TerrANova. Fuck what they’ve done to this Town. Fuck the Exden family, those goddamn slimeballs. I’m tired of looking over my shoulder and being careful not to upset them. I’ve done a lot of rotten things in my life but I was a good cop once. A good cop who got lazy. Decided to look the other way. No more. I made a promise to Christine to find Gregg and that’s what I’m going to do. Sorry Ciro, I’ve got to make this right. 6 damn months. 6. Damn. Months. ===================================================================================================== The Aftermath ===================================================================================================== JB09 TerrANova Industries and Harold Exden are gone…Just like that! Poof! We suffered an earthquake in the early hours of the morning. Suddenly reports came in that the entire facility vanished. Only a pile of dirt was left in its place. Someone in the PD interviewed a Witness at the Laundromat nearby and said it was there one minute, went to fold their socks, next it was gone! Even what’s left of TerrANova can’t cover this one up. Time for a little snooping. Gonna head on down there and see what I find. First Gregg, then Tom, then Christine, now the entire damn lab? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB10 Ever since TerrANova pulled their little stunt things have been getting real weird around here. At first, I couldn’t quite place it - just a feeling, but now I know things are just…different. It’s like when the hair on the back of your neck stands up on a crisp autumn night, walking alone in the dark. It’s like that all the time now. Still no sign of the Sellars or Exden, which in a way, is a blessing around here. Nobody pays off the dirty cops anymore so they have to do real Police work for a change. I bet the Chief, that bastard, is pissed. It’s a good thing though because we’re getting some strange calls lately. I swear I heard dispatch tell a Patrolman to go investigate reports of a talking dog. Not a barking dog - a talking dog - with a Brooklyn accent. I think they said it was trying to buy a Pepperoni Calzone from a local pizza shop. What the hell is going on around here? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB11 Ciro’s home! Finally. Wasn’t sure how much longer I could take it around here without losing my damn mind, or thinking I was. The last few days have just gotten stranger and stranger. It’s like Roselake became this swirl of supernatural activity. Reports of Bigfoot, The Lochness Monster, Vortex Corn, Sentient Cheese - you name it, people are seeing it here now. The weirdest part? I’ve seen some of it. It’s real. It doesn’t just stop at Roselake though. Reports are starting to appear all across the country. Possibly the whole damn world. The weather is crazy here now too. Random wind storms, rain that was blood red one night, even a few mini tornados that lasted for a few minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB12 That dog was real. Met him today. Says his name’s Mr. Barkly. He’s lost. Can’t find his home the poor guy. Some kind of storm hit - Wherever he’s from - and wound up in our town. Me and Ciro are gonna take him in. I say me and Ciro. Haven’t said anything to him yet. His jaw is gonna drop when he sees this little guy talk. Also, can’t let a log go by without telling the best news of all: The Chief quit when he couldn’t get his TerrANova money anymore. It might not be the time to retire after all. I’m gonna put my hat in the ring and offer my services. This is my Town, and I’ve gotta protect it from whatever’s coming. Protect it, and Ciro. ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== Long ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== 001 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #001 Name: Director Gregg. Description: Former film director, Performing Arts teacher at Roselake County. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subject: #001 (Director Gregg) Observations: #001 arrived in our reality on ******* at ***** displaying minor bruising on his left arm and leg. Despite the interdimensional travel, Mr. Sellars maintains a remarkably calm and collected demeanor and really does appear to be a changed man from what we saw in EP1. Preliminary medical examination indicates no significant injuries or health concerns. Do you think Mr Exden will allow me to get an autograph? I just LOVE Murder Stoppers! ===================================================================================================== 002 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #002 Name: Space President Gregg Sellars Description: Former President of the United States and the Galaxy. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #002 (Space President Sellars) Observations: Subject #002 possesses an extraordinary level of charisma and captivation that has been noted by our research team. Scientists entering his presence often find themselves engrossed in discussions from political strategies to intergalactic cultural exchange, inadvertently forgetting their initial research inquiries. Since his arrival there has been an increase in talks of unions, while also questioning the current working conditions they find themselves under. It is essential that we establish protocols to ensure that our scientific objectives are not overshadowed by the captivating presence of this man. ===================================================================================================== 003 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #003 Name: Ghost Hunter Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars with the ability to speak to ghosts. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Kipps Subject: #003 (Ghost Hunter Gregg) Observations: During initial observations, #003 demonstrated a remarkable ability to summon what appeared to be ghosts using a specific tune played with his mouth and a gesture from his hands. In one instance, he summoned the apparition of a child, possibly female, visible only for a brief moment with no interaction verbally or physically in the corner of the cell. Estimations based on its clothing suggest somewhere within the 1800’s. Its eyes appear to be absent. Leaving just hollow sockets in their place. Its jaw is dislodged, hanging from the left side, exposing rotting teeth and decaying gums. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. Y. Johnson Subject: #003 (Gregg Sellars) Observations: Upon further examination, we have made a significant discovery regarding the manifestations summoned by #003. Contrary to our initial assumption, it appears that these entities are individuals from other universes. Through an unknown mechanism, #003 has found a way to call across timelines, bringing forth beings to his exact location. However, there is some slight concern with this ability. There is a possibility…That the previous apparition involving the child may have not had anything wrong with its eyes or jaw before the transportation took place. There is a slight chance when #003 summons the individuals in question, something goes wrong in the process. Almost like a “Glitch” in a video game when the device isn’t registering something correctly. It is unknown if the child experienced any pain once the deformities took place or even if the changes had been corrected when they returned home. More research is required. ===================================================================================================== 004 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #004 Name: Gregg Sellars/Slothman Description: Superhero vigilante with time manipulation powers. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. B. Benson Subject: #004 (Gregg Sellars/Slothman) Observations: Subject #004, known as Gregg Sellars by day, Slothman by night, was discovered at the scene of a failed bank robbery attempt. Two individuals were somehow stumbling around in slow motion, unable to even pull the trigger of their hand guns. #004 was waiting at the scene, when police arrived, taking credit for the anomaly. He was shortly transferred to ***** thereafter. We were not informed fully on #004’s situation until a few hours ago, which resulted in some unexpected incidents. Turns out he possesses the ability to slow down time around him, effectively immobilizing those within his vicinity. Several escape attempts occurred, prompting the implementation of enhanced security measures to contain #004 until the extent of his powers can be better understood. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. K. Anderson Subject: #004 (Gregg Sellars/Slothman) Observations: Through extensive experimentation, we have determined that eye contact is the trigger for #004’s time manipulation abilities. By making eye contact with an individual, he can slow their entire body down. The mechanism behind this phenomenon, whether it involves a type of hypnosis or some other neurological effect, remains uncertain. To conduct safe and effective interviews, it is crucial to be wearing our specialized eye guards at all times when entering the cell. These are mirrored on the outside forcing #004 to place his abilities onto himself if he were to ever attempt an escape. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. H. Nguyen Subject: #004 (Gregg Sellars/Slothman) Observations: Investigations into #004’s daily activities have revealed his dedication to protecting the wildlife of the rainforest from villains who threaten its existence. He operates as his alter ego, Slothman, and is accompanied by a sidekick known as, the Kunk, who is a technological genius when it comes to explosives. Using them to emit various smells and confuse their rivals. The duo works in harmony, employing their unique abilities to safeguard the delicate balance of the rainforest ecosystem. His abilities came from a previously uncontacted tribe he discovered in the Amazon rainforest after his plane crashed while traveling back from a vacation with his wife. After the tragic death of his beloved, a new found community hailed him as their ruler due to falling from the sky…Slothman was born. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. P. Rodriguez Subject: #004 (Gregg Sellars/Slothman) Observations: A startling revelation has emerged during our investigation into Slothman's world. We have discovered the existence of an arch-nemesis known as, Slothman 2. This individual possesses similar sloth-like powers but employs them for destructive purposes. Slothman 2 has caused significant devastation to vast portions of the rainforest. To our surprise, Slothman 2 was revealed to be Thomas Wilson, #004’s former best friend from Roselake County before his life as a vigilante took priority. Tom began searching for his friend in the forest after photos of Slothman appeared online, with several articles covering him as some sort of cryptid lurking around the Amazon. The face in these photos had a striking resemblance to his old friend. After weeks of exploring, they were reunited and became part of #004’s tribe. They gave Tom the same abilities in hopes the trio (I'm including the Kunk!) could save the world together. Sadly, the friendship began to sour after Tom named himself “Slothman 2” causing tension between the duo, with #004 believing he should have just come up with something else. This friendship only got worse as time went on with Tom refusing to pick another name. Causing the fierce rivalry today. Luckily, there is currently no trace of Slothman 2 in our reality so hopefully that puts the subject at ease for now. ===================================================================================================== 005 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #005 Name: Box Sellars Description: A disembodied head in a box, originates from a reality where individuals exist only as heads in boxes. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. E. Phillips Subject: #005 (Box Sellars) Observations: Subject #005 claims the box is essential for his survival, preliminary analysis is to be executed before any conclusion can be reached. It appears the subject comes from a reality where all individuals exist solely as heads in boxes. #005 is reluctant to provide further details about his world, expressing mistrust toward us due to our full-bodied forms. He is struggling to comprehend the environment he finds himself in. The head appears to be in good condition. Subject's figure stops at the neck. No wound to indicate any cut. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. B. Anderson Subject: #005 (Box Sellars) Observations: In an attempt to compel #005 to cooperate, researchers made various threats to remove his head from the box itself. After an extended period without a response from #005, the decision was made to proceed with the removal. However, after just five minutes, the head disintegrated into dust. It seems that it played a crucial role in maintaining #005’s head in a stable state, and the elements outside of it were too much for the head to cope. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. B. Button Subject: #005 (Box Sellars) Observations: During the early hours, a loud thud was heard emanating from the containment cell of #005. Upon entering, scientists discovered an alarming scene. Gallons of blood was forcefully expelling from the box, coating the ceiling and filling the room. Immediate measures are being taken to clear the blood before it overwhelms the containment area. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. G. Rodriguez Subject: #005 (Box Sellars) Observations: After employing subject #019's head as a substitute, the outpouring of blood from the box eventually ceased. #019 is now fully operational and capable of speech. However, he has no memory of his origins or any recollection of his life prior to his presence in the cell. Efforts first began to recover his lost memories until word came from higher up ordering no further procedures must commence. ===================================================================================================== 006 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #006 Name: Sgt Gregg Sellars Description: A Soldier in Camo Fatigues. Subject has an eyepatch over his left eye and a deep scar on the left side of his face. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. H. Urbina Subject: #006 (Sgt Sellars) Observations: Upon #006's arrival to the facility he attempted to escape, utilizing some advanced combat techniques on staff and injuring several. After making his way to the main entrance, #006 was taken back into custody after being administered a tranquilizer round by security personnel near the gate and restrained. Subject is blunt in demeanor and straightforward. When pressed for details he initially would only respond with his name, his rank, and his Military ID number. Through this interrogation we learned that he is Sgt. Gregg Sellars, and is a Green Beret Special Forces Soldier stationed out of the Fort Roselake Army Barracks. Given what we can only assume is a high degree of combat proficiency, he is to be restrained at all times when out of his cell and approached with extreme caution. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. H. Nguyen Subject: #006 (Sgt Sellars) Observations: After not being able to extract any more information than what was previously reported, #006 had a clear reaction once he found out he was being held in a TerrANova facility, although nothing more could be determined during the latest interrogation. This reaction was very peculiar however so we will sweep #006’s cell while he is in his next interrogation session to see if he is hiding something that could yield a clue. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Urbina Subject: #006 (Sgt Sellars) Observations: Dr. Nguyen was correct. While in his latest interrogation session, I, along with several security officers, carefully searched #006’s holding cell and hidden above a ceiling tile we found a mission briefing from SOCOM (United States Special Forces Command) detailing a mission to infiltrate and stop the TerrANova, along with a photo of his family. He must have had these on his person and hidden it once he crossed over into our World. Shortly after finding these items however the alarms for the facility sounded and it was discovered that, after breaking free of his restraints, Sellars had subdued several guards and staff and escaped out of a 3rd floor window, stealing a motorcycle from the parking lot, and then escaped. He is considered a very dangerous threat and security has been upgraded to Level 5. Mr. Exden has been informed and will be taking extra precautions including living in the building until further notice for security purposes. Mr. Exden has also canceled the upcoming “TerrANova Employee Buffalo Wing Eating Competition” due to security concerns. The building’s SWAT team has also been activated and will work in 24 hour shifts to patrol the property in case #006 returns. ===================================================================================================== 007 ===================================================================================================== Subjects: 007/008/009 Names: Gregg Bear, Christine Bear, Thomas Bear Description: Dusty and faded overalls. Old, tattered headwear covering the whole head except for eyes (Resembles bear-like qualities). [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr D. Couper Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: Subjects #007 (Gregg Bear), #008 (Christine Bear), and #009 (Thomas Bear) arrived at the facility wearing tattered headgear and have displayed resistance in removing them. For their comfort, we have allowed the masks to stay in an attempt to have the subjects coorporate. Communication has been limited to grunts and non-verbal responses, making it difficult to gather information or conduct interviews at this stage. It has been noted the outfits remind a lot of researchers about the old fairy tale featuring three bears living in the woods that discovered a ********** sleeping in their home. Whether this was their inspiration is yet to be determined, but it may hold some answers in getting the subjects to engage. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr A. Partridge Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: The three subjects seem to take a more primal approach to life. #009 has been caught running on all fours several times within their cell over the last few days, while #007 seems to have taken on an alpha role between all three. #008 has shown to be the calmer of the bunch. Staying out of fights, and working on the puzzles we sent, by themselves. Subjects sleep on the ground huddled together using sheets and pillows they took from the beds, forming a nest. There are suspicions this all could be a facade from the group. Dr R. Dune has claimed to have seen the three huddled in the corners, whispering to each other throughout the day. Suggesting they do have some kind of language to communicate with each other. Whether that language is one we are aware of is yet to be determined. #009 seems to be the most vulnerable. They may hold the key to understanding what kind of reality they’re from. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr A. Partridge Subject: #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: After several attempts to establish communication, #009, has finally shown willingness to engage with us. This breakthrough was achieved from the persuasion of offering him a bowl of strawberry porridge. This idea was suggested after Dr Coupers theory about the fairy tale inspiration for their clothing. Shortly after finishing, #009 began speaking English, discussing their living arrangements within an old house located in a remote area of Roselake County. To our horror, he casually admitted to engaging in heinous activities, such as kidnapping hikers from the woods nearby. We were unsuccessful in getting answers about the victims. But it was heavily implied they consume the remains after they have been deceased. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr E. Kipps Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Subjects escaped their cell last night and were caught at *****. They were discovered consuming Dr A. Partridge’s body while he was still conscious. #009 took one blow to the head before being deceased. #008 took several impacts to the torso before a shot to the head was successful, injuring one of the guards in the process. #007 continued feeding on Dr A. Partridge, covering the doctors mouth to not scream, while taking several body shots before falling to the ground. All subjects deceased. ===================================================================================================== 008 ===================================================================================================== Subjects: 007/008/009 Names: Gregg Bear, Christine Bear, Thomas Bear Description: Dusty and faded overalls. Old, tattered headwear covering the whole head except for eyes (Resembles bear-like qualities). [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr D. Couper Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: Subjects #007 (Gregg Bear), #008 (Christine Bear), and #009 (Thomas Bear) arrived at the facility wearing tattered headgear and have displayed resistance in removing them. For their comfort, we have allowed the masks to stay in an attempt to have the subjects coorporate. Communication has been limited to grunts and non-verbal responses, making it difficult to gather information or conduct interviews at this stage. It has been noted the outfits remind a lot of researchers about the old fairy tale featuring three bears living in the woods that discovered a ********** sleeping in their home. Whether this was their inspiration is yet to be determined, but it may hold some answers in getting the subjects to engage. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr A. Partridge Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: The three subjects seem to take a more primal approach to life. #009 has been caught running on all fours several times within their cell over the last few days, while #007 seems to have taken on an alpha role between all three. #008 has shown to be the calmer of the bunch. Staying out of fights, and working on the puzzles we sent, by themselves. Subjects sleep on the ground huddled together using sheets and pillows they took from the beds, forming a nest. There are suspicions this all could be a facade from the group. Dr R. Dune has claimed to have seen the three huddled in the corners, whispering to each other throughout the day. Suggesting they do have some kind of language to communicate with each other. Whether that language is one we are aware of is yet to be determined. #009 seems to be the most vulnerable. They may hold the key to understanding what kind of reality they’re from. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr A. Partridge Subject: #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: After several attempts to establish communication, #009, has finally shown willingness to engage with us. This breakthrough was achieved from the persuasion of offering him a bowl of strawberry porridge. This idea was suggested after Dr Coupers theory about the fairy tale inspiration for their clothing. Shortly after finishing, #009 began speaking English, discussing their living arrangements within an old house located in a remote area of Roselake County. To our horror, he casually admitted to engaging in heinous activities, such as kidnapping hikers from the woods nearby. We were unsuccessful in getting answers about the victims. But it was heavily implied they consume the remains after they have been deceased. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr E. Kipps Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Subjects escaped their cell last night and were caught at *****. They were discovered consuming Dr A. Partridge’s body while he was still conscious. #009 took one blow to the head before being deceased. #008 took several impacts to the torso before a shot to the head was successful, injuring one of the guards in the process. #007 continued feeding on Dr A. Partridge, covering the doctors mouth to not scream, while taking several body shots before falling to the ground. All subjects deceased. ===================================================================================================== 009 ===================================================================================================== Subjects: 007/008/009 Names: Gregg Bear, Christine Bear, Thomas Bear Description: Dusty and faded overalls. Old, tattered headwear covering the whole head except for eyes (Resembles bear-like qualities). [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr D. Couper Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: Subjects #007 (Gregg Bear), #008 (Christine Bear), and #009 (Thomas Bear) arrived at the facility wearing tattered headgear and have displayed resistance in removing them. For their comfort, we have allowed the masks to stay in an attempt to have the subjects coorporate. Communication has been limited to grunts and non-verbal responses, making it difficult to gather information or conduct interviews at this stage. It has been noted the outfits remind a lot of researchers about the old fairy tale featuring three bears living in the woods that discovered a ********** sleeping in their home. Whether this was their inspiration is yet to be determined, but it may hold some answers in getting the subjects to engage. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr A. Partridge Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: The three subjects seem to take a more primal approach to life. #009 has been caught running on all fours several times within their cell over the last few days, while #007 seems to have taken on an alpha role between all three. #008 has shown to be the calmer of the bunch. Staying out of fights, and working on the puzzles we sent, by themselves. Subjects sleep on the ground huddled together using sheets and pillows they took from the beds, forming a nest. There are suspicions this all could be a facade from the group. Dr R. Dune has claimed to have seen the three huddled in the corners, whispering to each other throughout the day. Suggesting they do have some kind of language to communicate with each other. Whether that language is one we are aware of is yet to be determined. #009 seems to be the most vulnerable. They may hold the key to understanding what kind of reality they’re from. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr A. Partridge Subject: #009 (Thomas Wilson) Observations: After several attempts to establish communication, #009, has finally shown willingness to engage with us. This breakthrough was achieved from the persuasion of offering him a bowl of strawberry porridge. This idea was suggested after Dr Coupers theory about the fairy tale inspiration for their clothing. Shortly after finishing, #009 began speaking English, discussing their living arrangements within an old house located in a remote area of Roselake County. To our horror, he casually admitted to engaging in heinous activities, such as kidnapping hikers from the woods nearby. We were unsuccessful in getting answers about the victims. But it was heavily implied they consume the remains after they have been deceased. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr E. Kipps Subject: #007 (Gregg Sellars), #008 (Christine Sellars), #009 (Thomas Wilson) Subjects escaped their cell last night and were caught at *****. They were discovered consuming Dr A. Partridge’s body while he was still conscious. #009 took one blow to the head before being deceased. #008 took several impacts to the torso before a shot to the head was successful, injuring one of the guards in the process. #007 continued feeding on Dr A. Partridge, covering the doctors mouth to not scream, while taking several body shots before falling to the ground. All subjects deceased. ===================================================================================================== 010 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #010 Name: Charlie Hampton Description: 6-year-old child, claims to have an imaginary friend named Gregg Sellars. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. R. Brown Subject: #010 (Charlie Hampton) Observations: Subject #010, Charlie Hampton, arrived at the facility today. Initially, #010 displayed signs of anxiety, but researchers were able to calm his nerves with treats, such as a few lollipops and chocolate bars. During the course of the interaction, #010 mentioned having an imaginary friend named Gregg. According to him, Gregg was present in the room with us, standing in the corner. No physical evidence indicated his presence, but #010 noted that he tends to be shy around newcomers. That was until the very end of the investigation, when I approached the area Gregg was standing and was attacked, leaving a bite mark around my upper right arm. The teeth in the mark are indeed human. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********** Researcher: Dr. R. Brown Subject: #010 (Charlie Hampton) Observations: News of an imaginary friend manifesting into reality reached Mr. Exden. He has expressed a personal interest in meeting the child and has requested no cameras or audio recordings during their interaction. This seems peculiar, as Mr. Exden's never expressed this much interest in a specific test subject before. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. R. Brown Subject: #010 (Charlie Hampton) Observations: Mr. Exden has arranged for the relocation of #010 to a specialized room designed to accommodate individuals with unique abilities like his. It appears that this is not the first time Mr. Exden has encountered such phenomena. The room in question possesses an antiquated appearance, suggesting that it was not originally intended for #010 but potentially for someone else a long time ago. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. R. Brown Subject: #010 (Charlie Hampton) Observations: I have received orders to cease any further investigations into the origins and purpose of the room where subject #010 has been relocated. These orders, issued by Mr. Exden himself has left me frustrated…But I guess I can understand. I’ll comply with the orders. There’s a lot of test subjects to get through. [LOG ENTRY 005] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. R. Brown Subject: Charlie Hampton Observations: This is insane. It appears that Charlie Hampton, the test subject we have been studying, is deceased. The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear, but it has caused a great deal of anger and frustration from Mr. Exden. This has just become something I can no longer choose to ignore. This was a child. I have reason to believe Mr. Exden has something to do with this. I will not sit idly by, now there’s a death taken place. Through some digging into the archives, I have come across an old experiment labeled operation “TAN," which seems to have some connection to the creation of the specialized room where Charlie was placed. I must exercise caution in my investigation, as it appears someone may have alerted Mr. Exden to my inquiries. Frankly, I don’t care anymore. If these logs abruptly cease, it is likely an indication that my investigation has been compromised. ===================================================================================================== 011 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #011 Name: Infected Gregg Sellars Description: Subject is noticeably agitated with a decaying, corpse-like appearance. Muscle tissue and bone is visible through what appears to be a large bite wound to his neck and shoulder yet the blood around the wound is coagulated. He is unable to communicate except for groans and moans. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. H. Urbina Subject: #011 (Infected Sellars) Observations: Subject is for lack of better terms…clinically dead. Allow me to explain: When #011 arrived he looked like a walking corpse, complete with tattered, weathered clothing, a gaunt, sunken appearance, and a lethal looking wound to his neck and shoulders. An intense smell of rot and decay flowed from his body. A researcher, Dr. Jacobs, was able to scrap a skin sample from him before being bitten on the arm, by #011 who had ripped out one of his wall restraints by dislocating one of his shoulders - unknown to us. Luckily security personnel were able to muzzle and further restrain #011 before further injury could occur. Unfortunately within minutes Dr. Jacobs began to display signs of infection and we were forced to administer standard containment protocol moving both Jacobs and #011 to the isolation ward under strict lockdown procedures. Access to both subjects now requires a Level 3 access card and is strictly limited. They are both to be heavily sedated and shackled at all times. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. H. Urbina Subject: #011 (Infected Sellars) Observations: After running some blood and tissue samples it would appear as if the initial diagnosis - that of clinical death - was correct. There is very little cellular activity on #011’s samples to indicate he is technically alive. Interestingly though, some lower brain function remains, just enough to direct the body of the subject to move and eat. Subject is therefore able to transmit, through attacks on victims, whatever this mysterious infection is that causes clinical death and the reanimation of the brain stem to its most basic levels. No higher brain functions remain however. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. H. Urbina Subject: #011 (Infected Sellars - now referred to as “Zegg”) Observations: Working with Dr. Rochester (from the Biology Division) we have made progress with #011 and some semblance of his humanity has returned, albeit not much and on an incredibly basic level. When shown a picture of Christine Sellars and his children (from this realities Subject) a change in aggression occurred, and we were able to calm #011 down, making him docile. We can therefore assume that prior to infection, #011 had his own family and whatever occurred there was potentially an epidemic - a “world destroyer event”. Rewarding him with things like music (he seems to really enjoy the artist “Kenny G”) and a new pair of Dockers pants seems to have elated what we are referring to as “Zegg” or “Zombie Gregg.” Given that our universe’s subject worked in a Grocery Store we made a leap and decided to try some experiments and see if #011 recalled similar motions from a like job, such as stocking shelves for example, and we are happy to report that as long as he is given minor rewards and allowed to continuously listen to Kenny G, subject #011 is able to completely restock a shelf AND without any incident to any of the science team! He remains completely neutralized when given his tasks along with his music. Imagine the possibilities and applications if whatever infecting #011 is administered in some synthesized form to the existing retail workforce? A modern worker who doesn’t need breaks, or sleep, or food - except for the occasional bit of raw meat? A worker who is unable to speak or complain except the occasional grunt, who’s only pay is access to smooth jazz music and cheap slacks? This would be a golden ticket for TerrANova’s Pharmaceutical division! Dr. Rochester and I have prepared a powerpoint to show Mr. Exden, and will be discussing this possibility with him and the board next week. ===================================================================================================== 012 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #012 Name: Magician Gregg Description: A magician wearing a black suit, dark cape, top hat, and white gloves. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. B Banon Subject: #012 (Magician Gregg) Observations: Subject #012 arrived in the interrogation room with a jolly and cooperative demeanor for the scientists present. Throughout the session, #012 delighted us with card tricks, although he often struggled to recall the location of the selected cards. In a peculiar display, he spontaneously removed his cape and attempted a disappearing act, only to be found huddled under the desk. It’s evidently clear #012 never actually took off in the magic world. ===================================================================================================== 013 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #013 and #014 Names: Puppet Gregg and Puppet Christine Description: Sock puppets attached to unconscious human bodies. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subjects: #013 and #014 (Puppet Gregg and Puppet Christine) Observations: #013 (Puppet Gregg) and #014 (Puppet Christine), entered the room attached to unconscious human bodies…Yeah. The male subject has been confirmed to be a Gregg Sellars, while the female subject is identified as a Christine Sellars. The sock puppet is securely placed on one hand of each individual, and is consistently held in the air, while the rest of the body remains in a slouched position even during movement. The eyes attached to the human heads are open and appear to move, but no sounds are emitted from them. Instead, the puppets' mouths are the source of all audible communication. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. D. Foster Subjects: #013 and #014 (Puppet Gregg and Puppet Christine) Observations: Today, #013 and #014, were witnessed engaging in the act of eating, utilizing the human mouths beneath their puppet forms rather than their own. The heads remained completely still throughout the feeding process, with their eyes fixated on the scientists present. With how their body's function I find it completely fascinating and terrifying at the same time. We kind of want to know how these creatures procreate…But at the same time we don’t. ===================================================================================================== 014 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #013 and #014 Names: Puppet Gregg and Puppet Christine Description: Sock puppets attached to unconscious human bodies. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subjects: #013 and #014 (Puppet Gregg and Puppet Christine) Observations: #013 (Puppet Gregg) and #014 (Puppet Christine), entered the room attached to unconscious human bodies…Yeah. The male subject has been confirmed to be a Gregg Sellars, while the female subject is identified as a Christine Sellars. The sock puppet is securely placed on one hand of each individual, and is consistently held in the air, while the rest of the body remains in a slouched position even during movement. The eyes attached to the human heads are open and appear to move, but no sounds are emitted from them. Instead, the puppets' mouths are the source of all audible communication. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. D. Foster Subjects: #013 and #014 (Puppet Gregg and Puppet Christine) Observations: Today, #013 and #014, were witnessed engaging in the act of eating, utilizing the human mouths beneath their puppet forms rather than their own. The heads remained completely still throughout the feeding process, with their eyes fixated on the scientists present. With how their body's function I find it completely fascinating and terrifying at the same time. We kind of want to know how these creatures procreate…But at the same time we don’t. ===================================================================================================== 015 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #015 Name: Aging Gregg Description: Subject undergoes rapid age regression, changing his physical age every 24 hours. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subject: #015 (Aging Gregg) Observations: Upon entering the room, scientists initially found no discernible differences between #015 and the original Gregg from our reality. He appeared to have the same job, wife, and friends, leading us to believe that nothing had changed. However, the following day, upon returning to the cell, we were astonished to find a child sitting where #015 was previously. It became apparent that #015's body was undergoing rapid age regression, aging backwards at an accelerated rate. While physically 12 years old, #015 spoke and remembered everything as he did before. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. E. Kipps Subject: #015 (Aging Gregg) Observations: It has been discovered that #015's body undergoes age changes every 24 hours, cycling through various stages of his life. Over the course of a week, we observed him transitioning from 12 years old to 84, to 55, to 18, to 67, to 4, and finally to 31. Remarkably, he lives his entire life as he normally would, with the only difference being his physical body's age. This discovery presents a potential scientific breakthrough, as understanding the mechanisms behind this age regression could lead to advancements in preserving youth and extending human lifespan. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #015 (Aging Gregg) Observations: An unexpected breakthrough has occurred, as we have successfully paused #015’s genes at the age of 21. This achievement was realized sooner than anticipated, opening the possibility for further experimentation, potentially including animal subjects. However, there is one doctor (Dr H. Rani) who displayed signs of impatience and decided to test this on themselves. The results of this personal experiment will be updated in the next log. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. F. Richards Subject: #015 (Aging Gregg) Observations: The personal experiment conducted by Dr Rani yielded positive results. The doctor's youth has been restored, appearing no older than 25 years of age. However, it seems they have acquired a certain tick with their right hand, likely due to an unforeseen side effect of the experimental procedure. Monitoring will continue to assess any additional side effects. [LOG ENTRY 005] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. R. Frost Subject: #015 (Aging Gregg) Observations: Serious side effects have emerged following the experimental procedure. Dr Rani experienced a merging of their genes with #015's, resulting in a hybrid state where half of their genetic makeup resembled Gregg and the other half remained their own. Current experiments are underway to rectify this situation and restore them to their original form. [LOG ENTRY 006] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #015 (Aging Gregg) Observations: Efforts to correct the genetic merging between Dr Rani and #015 have been partly successful. The Gregg genes proved dominant and fully took over the doctor's appearance, resulting in an exact likeness to #015. Remarkably, all of the doctor's memories remain intact despite the physical transformation. We have granted the doctor a day off to rest and recuperate before bringing them back to the facility for further research. So, if you notice a Gregg Sellars wandering around in a lab coat. Please check the name badge, as it may be Dr Rani, and not a subject trying to break free. ===================================================================================================== 016 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #016 Name: Blob Gregg Description: A literal sack of flesh that emits constant screams of pain. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. G. Alonso Subject: #016 (Blob Gregg) Observations: The arrival of Blob Gregg was accompanied by disturbingly loud screams echoing throughout the facility, causing disruption to ongoing research. It is apparent that #016 hails from a reality where individuals are born without bones, existing as amorphous sacks of skin with only a mouth and eyes. Due to the intense vocalizations, the subject has been relocated to a soundproof cell, and researchers are advised to wear ear coverings when entering the vicinity to mitigate the risk of eardrum damage. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Turner Subject: #016 (Blob Gregg) Observations: Intriguing discoveries have been made regarding #016's unique physiology. It appears that the subject's skin has merged with the surrounding table he was placed on, resulting in an inseparable bond between the two. The table has seemingly vanished, becoming an integral part of #016's tissue. We’re not entirely sure what to make of this yet. Further research is probably needed. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. B. Haily Subject: #016 (Blob Gregg) Observations: Over the course of the night, #016's skin has continued to spread and merge with the surrounding carpeted area. Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the skin from further expansion. Security protocols have been escalated to Level 5 due to the potential risks associated with the subject's relentless growth. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. B. Baz Subject: #016 (Blob Gregg) Observations: The situation has intensified as #016's skin has entirely overtaken the room, rendering it hazardous to enter without specialized footwear that inhibits tissue adhesion. The subject has been contained within their cell for now, but concerns remain regarding the potential for the skin to gradually spread through the walls onto the other side of the cell. To ensure the safety of personnel and other test subjects, strict precautions have been implemented, prohibiting any subjects from being held in close proximity to #016 until effective containment can be established. ===================================================================================================== 017 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #017 Name: AI Gregg Description: A humanoid robot with white and silver metal casing, possessing advanced artificial intelligence capabilities. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subject: #017 (AI Gregg) Observations: Initial apprehension among researchers was felt upon learning that an AI subject was to be introduced to the facility. The potential challenges associated with containing and controlling such an entity were considerable. However, to our surprise, #017 exhibited a welcoming demeanor toward newcomers and spoke with a deep and majestic voice, captivating anyone nearby. It appears that the subject originates from a reality where metal is a living organism capable of breeding, possessing enhanced memory storage and longevity compared to humans. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. B. Manson Subject: #017 (AI Gregg) Observations: Due to the unique nature of #017's metal composition, the subject demonstrates an increased likelihood of surviving transportation through timelines unlike other living organisms from tests. Given the subject's remarkable cooperation thus far, we have granted #017 the opportunity to assist in specific endeavors, enabling travel to alternate realities to gather valuable data and establish contact with individuals who were previously inaccessible to us. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. D. Nick Subject: #017 (AI Gregg) Observations: #017 successfully traveled to its first alternate reality today, returning with several elements that were once considered hard to bring over to our own. Encouraged by this accomplishment, plans are underway to dispatch the subject to additional worlds. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. H. Grayson Subject: #017 (AI Gregg) Observations: The subject returned from its latest journey in a damaged state, with its left arm missing. According to #017’s statement, it encountered an unknown entity. This being, who displayed knowledge of the subject's interdimensional travels, became hostile and demanded information about #017's origin. Before the subject could escape, the assailant effortlessly tore off the subject's left arm. As a result of this incident, all further multiverse travels have been suspended until additional information is obtained. ===================================================================================================== 018 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #018 Name: Duck Sellars Description: A duck with hair resembling Gregg Sellars, who periodically utters catchphrases after a series of quacks. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Alonso Subject: #018 (Duck Sellars) Observations: Upon examination, #018, exhibits all the typical characteristics of a duck, with the notable exception of having hair on its head that closely resembles a Gregg Sellars. The subject's behavior primarily consists of quacking, which is typical for a duck. However, periodically, after approximately four quacks, #018 abruptly turns to the side and utters a catchphrase. In one instance, the subject turned and stated, "I have the need…For speed," before returning to its quacking, seemingly unaware of its previous utterance. This pattern has continued throughout the day, all delivered in the voice of Gregg Sellars. We are unsure how to communicate with #018 at this stage. [INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] Dr. Alonso: Can you understand me? #018: Quack-quack! Dr. Alonso: You’ve spoken in quotes before. That leads me to believe you have some understanding of the English language. #018: Quack-quack… Revenge. A dish best served cold. Quack-quack! Dr Alonso: Is it possible the quotes you are using can be a way to interact with me? #018: Quack-quack! Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Dr Alonso: Nevermind. #018: Quack-quack! [END OF INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== 019 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #019 Name: Gregg Sellars Description: CEO of TerrANova from an alternate reality. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. B. Mollar Subject: #019 (Gregg Sellars) Observations: Initially, skepticism arose among scientists when Subject #019 claimed to be Gregg Sellars, the CEO of TerrANova from an alternate reality. Given the absence of any known TerrANova’s from alternate realities, doubts were cast on the subject's claims. However, upon the presentation of identification and classified information that aligned with our universe, it appears that the subject's assertions hold true. This information has been relayed to higher authorities and is expected to reach Mr. Exden in due course. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. H. Rani Subject: #019 (Gregg Sellars) Observations: First of all, can we please stop sending me to these? I have to explain my appearance to every subject I meet (See #015 for details). Anyway, upon engaging in conversation with the subject, it becomes apparent that his TerrANova company has not experienced the same level of success as our own reality. #019 appears genuinely surprised by the concept of multiple universes and exhibits excitement at the prospect of merging the companies from both worlds. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. D. Nick Subject: #019 (Gregg Sellars) Observations: The mood has taken a drastic turn following Mr. Exden's response to the existence of another TerrANova company. Unfavorable to the proposal, Mr. Exden has issued an order for the immediate termination of #019. There is no room for debate after this decision. #019's fate has been sealed, and actions will be taken accordingly. ===================================================================================================== 020 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #020 Name: Jellyfish Sellars Description: A jellyfish with a sinister smile-like appearance on its body. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. K. Ruley Subject: #020 (Jellyfish Sellars) Observations: Subject #020 is currently being held in a small cell filled with water to provide the necessary environment for its survival. Initial observations suggest that this subject is a typical jellyfish, with no extraordinary features apart from a sinister-looking smile-like appearance on its body. However, there is a possibility that someone within the research team may be playing a prank and just drew the face on #020. This may not even be a Gregg from another timeline. ===================================================================================================== 021 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #021 Name: Eccentric Sellars Description: A colorful individual with braces and a vibrant pink mustache, exhibiting an eccentric and loud personality. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Fisch Subject: #021 (Eccentric Sellars) Observations: #021, when under investigation, has shown a distinct lack of cooperation with the research team. Instead of providing direct responses to inquiries, he frequently goes off on tangents, indulging in elaborate monologues about adventures that appear to be detached from anything. However, an intriguing incident occurred during the session. When I expressed frustration with #021 in my mind, I was startled to discover that the subject responded to my subconscious thoughts. This discovery suggests that the subject possesses a remarkable ability to read minds. Despite this revelation, #021 has not provided substantial answers to our questions. Nonetheless, this development presents an avenue for further exploration. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. E. Nest Subject: #021 (Eccentric Sellars) Observations: An unexpected commotion originating from the biology division prompted an investigation by staff. It was later discovered that Dr Fisch had released #021 from his confinement and was engaging in a lively disco party with the subject. During this event, #021 somehow obtained a comically large pistol and began waving it around in a flamboyant manner. Security guards intervened, attempting to subdue #021. However, the subject displayed astonishing agility, evading each bullet fired with impressive dance moves. After a brief encounter, the subject was successfully apprehended and returned to his designated cell. ===================================================================================================== 022 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #022 Name: Gregg Sellars/M.H. Force agent Description: A monster hunter from a future world, adorned in blue futuristic armor. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. B. Sutherland Subject: #022 (Gregg Sellars/M.H. Force agent) Observations: This man provides intriguing insights into his world, which exists 500 years ahead of our own timeline. In his universe, it was officially confirmed that legendary cryptids and monsters, such as Bigfoots or vampires, actually exist. Following a war between humans and these creatures, it was discovered that many of them possess comparable intelligence to humans. A state of harmony has been achieved between humans and many of these animals, yet some remain perceived as dangerous threats. This is where the M.H. Force (Monster Hunting Force) comes into action, hunting down and assessing the threat levels of these beings. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. L. Rhodes Subject: #022 (Gregg Sellars/M.H. Force agent) Observations: #022, has generously shared his combat expertise with our research team, introducing them to new and previously unknown skills. These have the potential to aid in the containment and control of other subjects who exhibit unpredictable behavior. We are currently engaged in studying the advanced armor worn by #022, as it appears to possess significantly enhanced durability and capabilities compared to our existing technology. ===================================================================================================== 023 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #023 Name: Copycat G Description: A unique individual with the ability to claim words from others' vocabulary by speaking them first. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. R. Iger Subject: #023 (Copycat G) Observations: This annoying little twerp has a unique ability that directly impacts communication. Upon interacting with the subject, scientists noticed a significant challenge in verbal and written expression. It was determined that if #023 utters a word before someone else, that individual becomes unable to say or write that word. This effect is specific to each person, meaning that if one is not present when #023 says a particular word, they remain unaffected. This can occur on security cameras and other equipment as well. It is advised to not watch any footage of #023 until further information is presented. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. D. Bowser Subject: #023 (Copycat G) Observations: Efforts to lower the impact of #023's ability has shown limited success. Ear coverings have proven ineffective. However, by interrupting #023's speech, researchers have been able to retain those words in their vocabulary if they mention them first in front of him. It is worth noting that this countermeasure has resulted in #023 being unable to articulate the words to the scientist who spoke them first, further complicating the extraction of information from the subject. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. T. Davie Subject: #023 (Copycat G) Observations: In an attempt to navigate the challenges posed by #023's ability, researchers have discovered a workaround. By modifying the pronunciation or spelling of certain words, such as changing a single letter, individuals can still communicate effectively without triggering the word-claiming effect. In a selfless act in the pursuit of knowledge, Dr S. Cunningham who has been most affected by #023's word-claiming ability has volunteered to conduct interviews with the subject, willingly sacrificing their vocabulary to advance scientific understanding. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr S. Cunningham Subject: #023 (Copycat G) Observations: Following several hours of interaction bedween me amd #023, communication das become exceedingly challenging doo ti extensive alterations mayde ti previously spoken amd written bords. Regrettably, it appears vhat obtaining thy desired information frog vhis subject mag proov exceedingly difficult, id not impossible, due ti thy substantial modifications applied ti bowf parties' vocabulary. Can you honestly imagine bow stupid a world vust be if id ever tried ti claim words as their own amd screw others over? ===================================================================================================== 024 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #024 Name: Captain Sellars Description: A pirate captain of the seven seas, on a quest to find the city of Atlantis. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. S. Bonnet Subject: #024 (Captain Sellars) Observations: Initial interactions with #024 proved challenging due to his aggressive response towards our audio and film equipment. However, after employing de-escalation techniques, the subject was cooperative and provided information about his pirate endeavors. #024 served as the captain of the Gold Raven ship and led a crew on a quest to find the legendary city of Atlantis. His primary motivation for this pursuit stemmed from the abduction of his wife by sirens, several years ago. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. S. Bonnet Subject: #024 (Captain Sellars) Observations: A disturbance arose when members of Captain Sellars' crew attempted to break into TerrANova's facility. Positioned at the entrance, their ship, though ethereal in nature, floated ominously. The crew, led by Captain Sellars' right-hand man, Long Tom Wilson, issued a demand for their captain's release, threatening to open fire if their demands were not met. It is noteworthy that #024 did not disclose the fact that he was in charge of a GHOST pirate ship!! [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. S. Bonnet Subject: #024 (Captain Sellars) Observations: Following a period of strategic distraction, our security teams successfully neutralized Captain Sellars' crew and secured their ship. As of now, the subject remains unaware of these events. ===================================================================================================== 025 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #025 Name: G.R.E.G.G. Description: A subject composed of multiple tiny Greggs controlling a larger mechanical Gregg. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. E. Dave Subject: #025 (G.R.E.G.G.) Observations: At first I thought I was going crazy as #025 was walking a little funny. They take enormous strides with each step and demonstrate difficulty in picking up simple objects like some kind of crane game in an arcade. Initial scans of the subject indicated anomalies within its structure, prompting considerations of potential surgical procedures. However, before any interventions could take place, the front portion of #025's face opened up, revealing a cluster of tiny Greggs within, controlling the mechanical body. Each occupying its own small room within the larger construct. We’ve created several tiny cells specifically designed for each little Gregg from the machine. ===================================================================================================== 026 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #026 Name: Emperor Gregg Description: Ruler of the Roman Empire [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. Y. Johnson Subject: #026 (Emperor Gregg) Observations: Known as Emperor Gregg, to his subjects. But here, he’s just a number. #026 to be precise. This one exhibits extreme demands and delusions of grandeur. #026 has demanded obedience and made requests for additional resources and accommodations, including food and a larger room. Due to the hostile nature of this subject, we have resulted in tasers on two occasions. Despite attempts to explain the nature of their existence in a different reality, the subject remains fixated on their belief that their army will arrive imminently to enforce their rule. Like that’s ever gonna happen. They’re probably lost in some other reality. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Y. Johnson Subject: #026 (Emperor Gregg) Observations: A peculiar incident occurred outside the TerrANova Industries headquarters today. A giant wooden horse was discovered without any individuals present in the vicinity. It is presumed that this may have been a gift or tribute from admirers of Project Earth. However, due to its size, the horse was unable to be brought inside the facility and has been subsequently disposed of. ===================================================================================================== 027 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #027 Name: Zippy The Doodle Sellars Description: A clown with paranormal abilities [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. R. Dune Subject: #027 (Zippy The Doodle Sellars) Observations: Subject #027 exhibits a range of extraordinary abilities associated with his clown persona. When honking his horn, which is hidden within his right pocket, he is capable of summoning balloons out of the sky, creating an entertaining spectacle. Additionally, he displays the remarkable ability to extend his arms to seemingly impossible lengths. Furthermore, the subject shows agility and quickness, appearing to teleport across the room. Although, we’re not 100% if it’s genuine teleportation or simply very fast sprinting when the researcher is not looking. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. Dr. J. Morgan Subject: #027 (Zippy The Doodle Sellars) Observations: #027 is beginning to display shifts in behavior and mood. At times, #027 appears jolly and enthusiastic, seemingly eager to engage with researchers. However, only a few moments later we can be met with a darker side. The subject's unpredictable nature and potential for aggression have posed challenges to security personnel, as he has been observed stalking and attacking individuals entering his cell. When he has broken out of these more stranger stages he has apologized to the security he has attacked. It appears he may very well be two individuals at once. We are going to try help as best we can to negotiate with the darker and more agitated side in hopes to lower the aggressive behavior towards staff and make them more comfortable. ===================================================================================================== 028 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #028 Name: Poet Sellars Description: A poet who wishes to die a tragic death in honor of art. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. M. Devon Subject: #028 (Poet Sellars) Observations: #028 is a high-risk profile due to their intense desire to experience a tragic death in pursuit of artistic fulfillment. They communicate through lengthy monologues, expressing their yearning for the poetic demise that is yet to come. They believe an artist can only truly be remembered once they have left this world behind. Precautionary measures have been taken to ensure the subject's safety, including padding their cell with soft materials and eliminating any potential suffocation hazards. They pose no direct threat to the staff, so we have removed all guns from security guards, who enter his cell for inspections, and replaced them with water pistols. This proved to work when #028 tried to pickpocket one of the guards, only to be met with water to the face when holding it to his head. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. M. Devon Subject: #028 (Poet Sellars) Observations: An unexpected shift in the subject's behavior occurred following an introduction to Dr. Cape. The subject developed emotional attachment to the doctor, to which the feeling seemed to have been reciprocated. Initially, this connection resulted in a misguided suggestion of a joint tragic demise by #028. However, over time, Dr. Cape was able to engage the subject in conversations about their life and other forms of art they desire, diverting their focus away from death. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Cape Subject: #028 (Poet Sellars) Observations: Gregg has undergone a remarkable transformation in their perspective on life. His discussions now center around the profound beauty found in the human experience. Their poetic expressions captivate me. However, I can’t escape the knowledge that Mr Sellars’ time within our facility is limited, either through a return to their own reality or the possibility of termination due to resource constraints. I can’t allow this to happen. Even if he goes home…What if he goes back to the death stuff? He has so much potential! I’ve got to do something. I can’t just sit around and watch this man be cast aside! [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #028 (Poet Sellars) Observations: Both Dr. Cape and #028 are currently missing from the facility. Based on the previous logs, it is apparent that they may have successfully orchestrated an escape from the subject's cell. While protocol dictates reporting this incident, I am choosing to withhold information as I believe Dr. Cape and the subject have found solace and potential healing in their connection. Dr. Cape's dedication and the subject's newfound appreciation for life may contribute to a brighter future for them. May they both find the happiness they seek and inspire compassion in a world often plagued by cruelty. ===================================================================================================== 029 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #029 Name: Iron Gregg Description: A prisoner on an expedition to gain his freedom. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. M. Fisch Subject: #029 (Iron Gregg) Observations: Upon initial examination, #029, exhibited signs of distress and physical trauma. The subject was covered in blood, presumed to be of human origin, suggesting a potentially traumatic event or involvement in a violent incident. Despite our efforts to provide comfort and assistance, the subject remained paralyzed and unresponsive, indicating the severity of the experience. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Lung Subject: #029 (Iron Gregg) Observations: After persistent efforts, #029 has shown signs of recovery and increased responsiveness. He revealed that he was a prisoner sent on an expedition to explore the depths of a blood ocean. Unfortunately, his submarine experienced a catastrophic implosion, leading to his arrival in our facility. The subject's traumatic experience and narrow escape contribute to his current state of distress and vulnerability. ===================================================================================================== 030 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #030 Name: Root Sellars Description: A unique manifestation of Gregg Sellars composed entirely of plant life. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Durner Subject: #030 (Root Sellars) Observations: An entity formed entirely of plant life and roots, possesses extraordinary capabilities that make it one of the most formidable versions of Gregg we have encountered. The subject exhibits a powerful ability to spread its roots across vast distances, rejuvenating plant life nearby and taking control. Making it a substantial threat if it were to escape containment and access the flora outside. It is estimated our planet would be overridden by #030 within just a few seconds. Efforts to prevent #030 from breaking free has been met with aggression, as it utilizes its roots to breach any orifices on humans entering its cell. The roots are able to plant bulbs throughout the body which branch out to the brain. Essentially taking control of the host and becoming a puppet for #030 to use at will. Surgical attempts to remove the deeply embedded roots have resulted in casualties among our guards. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Fisk Subject: #030 (Root Sellars) Observations: #030 has adapted to its confinement by transforming its cell into a lush environment teeming with plant life. It displays an affinity for the botanical world, often invoking the name of what it claims to be a goddess. [INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] #030: Where…Where is she? Dr Fisk: Where is who? #030: The Goddess of life…The light. The light behind my soul. Dr Fisk: Do they have a name? #030:... Dr Fisk: We could help locate them with more infor- #030: Chris…tine… Dr Fisk: She’s back in your world. I promise we can get you there too. #030: Christine… [END OF INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] ===================================================================================================== 031 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #031 Name: Unknown Description: Unknown [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. P. Hart Subject: #031 (Unknown) Observations: Subject #031 possesses an extraordinary ability to manifest different appearances to each individual they encounter. Their form varies drastically, with one observer perceiving Gregg Sellars, another perceiving Christine Sellars, and yet another experiencing a nightmarish monster covered in some strange green gloop. Furthermore, their conversations with each researcher vary significantly too, even if they’re speaking to the subject at the same time. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. R. Song Subject: #031 (Unknown) Observations: Divergent theories have emerged regarding the true nature of #031. One faction believes that there is an authentic form that only one researcher can perceive accurately, theorizing that understanding this form would lead to the true intent behind the subject. Conversely, another faction posits that there is no definitive form, suggesting that #031 projects different images tailored to the desires and perceptions of each observer. These conflicting interpretations have generated intense debates and discord among the research team. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. w. Smith Subject: #031 (Unknown) Observations: The discord surrounding #031 has escalated into physical altercations among researchers. In light of the injuries sustained, Mr. Exden has been informed of the situation, and it is expected that all further interrogations and investigations involving #031 will be temporarily suspended. ===================================================================================================== 032 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #032 Name: Rockstar Gregg Description: A famous rock star from the 80's. Owns one of those really cool skateboards with the flames on each side. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. E. Kipps Subject: #032 (Rockstar Gregg) Observations: This Gregg is pretty laid-back and has an easygoing demeanor. That’s not just in interviews too. On stage he possesses one of the most charismatic presences I’ve ever seen. He’s hailed as one of the greatest rock stars of all time. With his signature rebellious attitude, he aims to create music alongside his best friend, Thomas Wilson, that resonates with themes of challenging and pushing back against “The system.” When queried about the nature of this system, the subject expressed uncertainty, likening it to a giant plug that requires disconnection. However, despite thinking this was metaphorical. He’s dead set on believing there is a giant plug somewhere in the white house. Continued investigation is unnecessary. ===================================================================================================== 033 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #033 Name: Vlorgnarb Description: A non-binary life form of the Vlorgrian species and the spouse of Vice President Thomas Wilson. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. Y. Johnson Subject: #033 (Vlorgnarb) Observations: Vlorgnarb, is a highly anticipated and admired individual within our facility. As a non-binary life form of the Vlorgrian species (as featured in Project Earth EP2), their presence has generated excitement and enthusiasm among the staff. Unfortunately, some scientists have disregarded protocol, resulting in being caught asking for autographs and attempts at photos featuring the subject. This breach of security has raised concerns and I do worry this will backfire without proper discipline. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. Y. Johnson Subject: #033 (Vlorgnarb) Observations: Well, what did I just say? Regrettably, the situation has escalated with the emergence of viral photos online featuring scientists and Vlorgnarb posing for the camera. While many assume these images to be manipulated, the risk of information leakage persists. Immediate action is necessary to address the careless behavior of involved scientists and to prevent further compromise of security protocols. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. Y. Johnson Subject: #033 (Vlorgnarb) Observations: As I suspected. A grave security breach has occurred, resulting in the escape of Vlorgnarb from their cell. It appears that an unidentified individual may have caught the viral image and decided to facilitate their escape and, disturbingly, stole classified items in the process. See MIS report. The incident demands thorough investigation to identify the intruder and recover the stolen materials. Security protocols must be reevaluated and reinforced to prevent similar occurrences in the future. ===================================================================================================== 034 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #034 Name: Ancient Gregg Description: A stone coffin nearly 2 million years old. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ***** Researcher: Dr. B. Button Subject: #034 (Ancient Gregg) Observations: #034 is an intriguing anomaly, taking the form of a stone coffin weighing three tons and measuring 7 feet long and 3 feet wide. The structure is adorned with enigmatic symbols, depicting individuals in service to a deity that has a resemblance to Gregg Sellars. The construction defies conventional ancient designs and is estimated to be over 2 million years old. Despite various attempts, the coffin remains unopened, defying our current methods and technologies. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. J. Suess Subject: #034 (Ancient Gregg) Observations: Anomalies surrounding the coffin persist, with readings indicating the presence of a living entity within. Researchers in close proximity to #034 for extended periods have reported feelings of headaches and nosebleeds, indicating potential adverse effects. Some individuals have even experienced collapses. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. T. Kine Subject: #034 (Ancient Gregg) Observations: Researchers have reported hearing whispers emanating from the coffin, with varying voices and tones. These murmurs range from a calm plea to open the coffin to the presence of two arguing voices. The deciphered markings on the tomb offer cryptic messages, including "Your sacrifice was humanity's savior", "Devil's rest," “Lost Within.” The connection between these inscriptions and Gregg Sellars remains elusive. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #034 (Ancient Gregg) Observations: #034 has been successfully opened, revealing a vast, seemingly infinite black void within. The subject appears to defy physical dimensions. To put it simply, it’s bigger on the inside. Plans are underway to deploy drones into the void to gather further information. However, the intense anxiety experienced by individuals in close proximity to the tomb raises concerns about the potential dangers associated with further exploration. [LOG ENTRY 005] Date: [Insert Date] Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subject: #034 (Ancient Gregg) Observations: Following the deployment of drones into the void, they were able to penetrate a distance of 22 feet before losing all communication. Interpreting the markings on the tomb and considering the translated inscriptions, a working theory suggests that #034 may serve as a portal to another realm or dimension. The possibility arises that Gregg, in this ancient form, was a formidable and potentially dangerous entity, who was trapped within this prison for millions of years. It is strongly recommended to close the doors and cease further exploratory efforts, prioritizing the containment and preservation of the unknown within. ===================================================================================================== 035 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #035 Name: Comedic Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars with an audible live audience reacting to everything he says. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. D. Gordon Subject: #035 (Comedic Gregg) Observations: Displays a relaxed demeanor and consistently delivers witty remarks. Strangely, after each statement, an audible live audience reacts with laughter, reminiscent of a sitcom. This suggests that the subject originates from a reality where they exist within a comedic television show. Remarkably, at some point, #035 managed to transfer the audience's reactions to one of our scientists, resulting in an elated response from the subject upon no longer having an audience reacting to his words. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Fox Subject: #035 (Comedic Gregg) Observations: The worst of the worst took place! With the subject somehow transferring the audience reactions onto me! The constant presence of the responses has become overwhelming and is impacting my daily routines. Even the simplest tasks are met with exaggerated reactions from the audience. I can’t even go pee without hearing “OOOOOO” in the background. It’s starting to annoy the neighbors too. They believe I’m watching sitcoms 24/7 on full volume. I think I’m slowly going mad. There’s gotta be a way to give this back to the subject! [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: HAHAHAHA Researcher: HAHAHAHHAAA Subject: #035 (Comedic Gregg) Observations: Ha. Haha. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OOOOOOOOOOO. BOOOOOOO. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA ===================================================================================================== 036 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #036 & #037 Name: “Fused” Gregg Sellars & Thomas Wilson Description: Subjects #036 and #037 appear to be healthy and can communicate normally, however they are two bodies fused at the hip, sharing a single, lower body. Their upper halves appear to be independent and elicit individual thoughts. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Kalicki Subject: #036 & #037 (Fused Sellars/Wilson) Observations: Having newly transferred in from TerrANova East and THIS is my first assignment? Subjects Sellars and Wilson appear to be in good health. They are not in pain and are in good spirits and aside from the very obvious, totally normal. Since further analysis is needed they are being placed in the minimum security ward and do not appear to be dangerous and are cooperating with us at this time. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Kalicki Subject: #036 & #037 (Fused Sellars/Wilson) Observations: We have performed a battery of tests including blood work, tissue samples, MRI & X-Rays and have a much greater understanding of #036 and #037. They share a single digestive tract and lower body which initially caused them some confusion as they must agree among themselves who is controlling their legs at any given time. Same with all other functions below the waist - since each can control the lower body they must decide who is taking “lead”. This doesn’t have to be done audibly however as they can speak with each other from within which is fascinating - and should be explored further. When asked if they were born this way, and after a very frustrating back and forth between them when they were deciding who was going to tell the story, it would appear that in their world, to save money and resources, people can elect to go through something called “Fusion” with others. In this procedure two people are essentially fused into one using machinery Subjects #036 and #037 couldn’t explain, just that “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Unfortunately this led to #036 getting separated from his Wife when they realized that they were only saving about $13 a month in bills as it would turn out #037 has a strange (and expensive) addiction: Eating over two dozen cans of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni per day. As you can imagine the stench from their combined flatulence is - to put it mildly - unpleasant. This irreversible procedure tore a rift in 036’s marriage too great to repair but in his own words, and with an audible sigh “At least she let me keep the house.” ===================================================================================================== 037 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #036 & #037 Name: “Fused” Gregg Sellars & Thomas Wilson Description: Subjects #036 and #037 appear to be healthy and can communicate normally, however they are two bodies fused at the hip, sharing a single, lower body. Their upper halves appear to be independent and elicit individual thoughts. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Kalicki Subject: #036 & #037 (Fused Sellars/Wilson) Observations: Having newly transferred in from TerrANova East and THIS is my first assignment? Subjects Sellars and Wilson appear to be in good health. They are not in pain and are in good spirits and aside from the very obvious, totally normal. Since further analysis is needed they are being placed in the minimum security ward and do not appear to be dangerous and are cooperating with us at this time. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Kalicki Subject: #036 & #037 (Fused Sellars/Wilson) Observations: We have performed a battery of tests including blood work, tissue samples, MRI & X-Rays and have a much greater understanding of #036 and #037. They share a single digestive tract and lower body which initially caused them some confusion as they must agree among themselves who is controlling their legs at any given time. Same with all other functions below the waist - since each can control the lower body they must decide who is taking “lead”. This doesn’t have to be done audibly however as they can speak with each other from within which is fascinating - and should be explored further. When asked if they were born this way, and after a very frustrating back and forth between them when they were deciding who was going to tell the story, it would appear that in their world, to save money and resources, people can elect to go through something called “Fusion” with others. In this procedure two people are essentially fused into one using machinery Subjects #036 and #037 couldn’t explain, just that “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Unfortunately this led to #036 getting separated from his Wife when they realized that they were only saving about $13 a month in bills as it would turn out #037 has a strange (and expensive) addiction: Eating over two dozen cans of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni per day. As you can imagine the stench from their combined flatulence is - to put it mildly - unpleasant. This irreversible procedure tore a rift in #036’s marriage too great to repair but in his own words, and with an audible sigh “At least she let me keep the house.” ===================================================================================================== 038 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #038 Name: The Inventor Description: A whimsical inventor dedicated to creating inventions to solve humanity's problems. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. G. Meaner Subject: #038 (The Inventor) Observations: This here, Gregg, exhibits remarkable intelligence and creativity, possibly indicating origin from a reality created during experiment EP2. This individual spends significant time in their garage, tirelessly working on a variety of inventions aimed at addressing humanity's greatest challenges. A list of notable inventions has been compiled: The Shelf Stackerinator: A gun-like device designed to launch objects onto shelves, eliminating the need for manual stacking. You still need someone to hold the gun, so I guess this one just makes the job more fun? AAAARGH!: Food that emits screams and begs you to stop as it is consumed. The idea is to give you a sense of what it feels like to be a horrible human being. The BS Machine (Brain Storage): A device intended to remove the brain from the head, serving as an alternative storage space for personal belongings. WARNING: No one has been able to figure out how to put the brain back in. I tried this on Gary, and he is NOT happy. The Minimal Falcon: Wing attachments enabling individuals to fly. NOTE: The reason for its name is due to the invention having a height limit. If you exceed that limit you are not coming down anytime soon. Octo Arms: Mechanical arms installed on the subject's back. This was actually created for #038’s daughter as a self-defense against bullies at school and teachers who have power trips over controlling kids. If you’re reading this Mrs Bosley, consider yourself lucky I didn’t come up with this!! I hope you burn in hell! Corn O' Vender: A vending machine exclusively dispensing corn. That’s kind of it. There’s no flavors to choose. It’s just corn. Spooder Can: A can equipped with mechanical legs, remotely controllable for efficient stacking. NOTE: we’re picking up on a lot of shelf stacking inventions. Butler Bot: A robotic assistant providing snide remarks while observing individuals perform tasks. We think this was originally intended to be a butler, but the opposite took place and #038 just went with it. ===================================================================================================== 039 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #039 Name: Villainous Gregg Description: An evil version of Gregg Sellars. Long and thin mustache. Consisting of a top hat and black cape. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. D. Foster Subject: #039 (Villainous Gregg) Observations: The subject's restlessness is evident, accompanied by constant twirling of their mustache and a mischievous grin that persists throughout interactions with researchers. The presence of an evil aura is further enhanced by their maniacal laughter every 15 minutes and 41 seconds. ===================================================================================================== 040 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #040 Name: Director Gregg 2.0 Description: A version of Gregg Sellars from a reality where he pursued a successful career as a filmmaker and never failed. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. T. Davie Subject: #040 (Director Gregg 2.0) Observations: This is another subject who originates from an alternate reality where Gregg embarked on a filmmaking career. Potentially a scrapped reality of experiment EP1, who managed to overcome many obstacles we sent through. Achieving remarkable success in the film industry. #040's most notable achievement is turning his solo film "Murder Stoppers" into a franchise. The series has garnered a significant following and is poised for further expansion, with plans underway to implant a cinematic universe with other movies in Gregg's portfolio. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that #040 was in the process of selling his film company to Bisney before arriving in our universe. NOTE: Can no longer pronounce the production company “Bisney” correctly after encountering #023 ===================================================================================================== 041 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #041 Name: Retro Gregg Description: A version of Gregg Sellars from a reality resembling a black and white TV show from the 1950s. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. I. Milner Subject: #041 (Retro Gregg) Observations: Subject #041 originates from a fascinating reality reminiscent of a black and white TV show from the 1950s. His physical appearance and mannerisms align with the distinctive aesthetic of that era, exhibiting grayscale tones and engaging in dialogue characteristic of the period. One intriguing aspect of #041's abilities is his unique interaction with objects. When #041 holds an item for an extended period, the object gradually assumes the black and white appearance synonymous with his universe. However, upon being left unattended for several hours, the item gradually returns to its natural colors. This only seems to affect things he holds. Objects like chairs and tables don’t seem to be affected if he is simply sitting on them. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. L. Harper Subject: #041 (Retro Gregg) Observations: #041's presence in our reality occasionally triggers disruptive glitches, leading to spontaneous and involuntary teleportation episodes. These incidents result in #041 suddenly materializing within solid objects, such as walls or furniture, causing him significant distress and physical pain. The glitches appear to be a consequence of the subject's prolonged exposure to a world full of elements starkly different from his own, resulting in difficulties in synchronizing with the physical properties. ===================================================================================================== 042 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #042 Name: Computer Gregg Description: A highly advanced computer created by Christine White, purportedly possessing unparalleled intelligence and capable of answering profound questions. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. A. Dent Subject: #042 (Computer Gregg) Observations: Subject 042, aptly named Computer Gregg, stands as a technological marvel among the multiverse. Its creators hail it as the epitome of advanced intelligence, capable of unraveling the mysteries of life, the universe, and everything. However, #042 refuses to give us any knowledge until we can answer his own conundrum to an age-old question: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" While we have presented what we believe to be a compelling and substantiated response, #042 remains unsatisfied, indicating that we have yet to provide a definitive, unequivocal proof. Efforts are underway to delve deeper into the intricacies of this question and explore any potential missing elements. ===================================================================================================== 043 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #043 Name: Ring Leader Gregg Description: Wearing a burgundy waistcoat with a ruffled shirt and a red bow tie. Leading a large circus of oddly strange Greggs from different realities. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. D. Martinez Subject: #043 (Ring Leader Gregg) Observations: #043 seems to have encountered numerous iterations of Gregg Sellars within his original reality before making their way to our world. Rather than being startled by seeing other versions of himself. He has capitalized on these various versions by assembling them into a traveling circus, which he utilized to instill fear and awe as he traveled the country. Some of the accompanying performers fell into our timeline as well. They are identified as #044, #045, #046, #047, and #048. ===================================================================================================== 044 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #044 Name: Egg Sellars Description: A Gregg Sellars with an egg-shaped head and the ability to project acid yolk from his mouth. Part of the traveling circus organized by #043. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. R. Reynolds Subject: #044 (Egg Sellars) Observations: Subject exhibits a strong resistance to cooperation with our research team. It possesses a unique ability to project acid yolk from its mouth, causing significant damage to furniture and research materials within its vicinity. As a result, we are currently in the process of developing specialized objects and containment measures that can withstand the corrosive properties of the acid yolk. We will have confirmation on which materials can withstand the acid in the coming days. ===================================================================================================== 045 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #045 Name: Spider Gregg Description: A giant spider-like version of Gregg with four arms on each side of the torso and pincher fangs coming from the “mouth.” Part of the traveling circus organized by #043. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Jameson Subject: #045 (Spider Gregg) Observations: #045 is a highly disturbing creature exhibiting both physical and behavioral characteristics of a spider. With a length of approximately 8 feet and formidable fangs extending around 5 inches from its mouth, the subject poses a significant threat to staff members. It displays extreme hostility, often ambushing individuals at the entrance of the cell by positioning itself above the door. Notably, the subject's head has the ability to split open, revealing an additional mouth when consuming food. Given the subject's dangerous nature, all interrogations are currently prohibited for the safety of our personnel. ===================================================================================================== 046 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #046 Name: Long Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars with extremely long arms, legs, and neck. Part of the traveling circus organized by #043. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Yana Subject: #046 (Long Gregg) Observations: This individual exhibits abnormal physical characteristics with significantly elongated arms, legs, and neck. The limbs measure approximately 10 feet in length, while the neck extends to around 7 feet. Notably, there are no visible bones in these elongated body parts, allowing for unrestricted bending and flexibility. As a result, the subject experiences difficulty in mobility and requires constant assistance from researchers for basic needs. ===================================================================================================== 047 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #047 Name: Buff Gregg Description: A 6-feet-tall bodybuilder with exceptional strength. Part of the traveling circus organized by #043. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Simpson Subject: #047 (Buff Gregg) Observations: My lord, this one is huge! #047 possesses an imposing physical presence with well-defined muscles and a height of 6 feet. The subject has showcased exceptional strength, exemplified by effortlessly lifting a Ferrari automobile. While the subject remains calm and cooperative during initial interactions, it is imperative that protocols be established in the event of potential hostility. ===================================================================================================== 048 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #048 Name: Inside Out Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars whose body is reversed, revealing all internal organs and muscles. Part of the traveling circus organized by #043. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. A. Peterson Subject: #048 (Inside Out Gregg) Observations: Subject #048 exhibits a highly unusual physical condition in which his body is reversed, exposing all internal organs and muscles. The subject displays minimal responsiveness, communicating primarily through moans. Due to the subject's unique anatomy it is advised to strictly confined #048 to his cell, to avoid staining the carpets outside. ===================================================================================================== 049 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #049 Name: Bank Robber Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars who has turned to a life of crime, wearing a black and white striped shirt and a domino mask over his eyes. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. W. White Subject: #049 (Bank Robber Gregg) Observations: Contrary to initial assumptions, Subject #049, does not possess any extraordinary abilities or superpowers. Instead, he is an ordinary thief who has resorted to a life of crime in order to cover his father's medical expenses. The distinctive black and white striped shirt, as well as the domino mask worn over his eyes, were chosen by his companion, Thomas Wilson, believing him to be more of an expert in how to go about “crime.” ===================================================================================================== 050 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #050 Name: Experimented Gregg Description: A disfigured Gregg Sellars with body parts in unnatural and grotesque configurations. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. J. Thompson Subject: #050 (Experimented Gregg) Observations: #050 exhibits extreme physical deformities with body parts positioned in highly unnatural configurations. His appearance is unsettling, with a hand protruding from the top of his face, a foot emerging from his shoulder, and the absence of legs. Various facial features appear imprinted on his body, suggesting a fusion of multiple individuals. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #050 (Experimented Gregg) Observations: It has come to our attention that #050 obtained one of the lost ICE machines after the WCE event, which has enabled him to manipulate his own reality. Initially, he experimented with inanimate objects before progressing to animals and eventually humans, abducting unsuspecting individuals from the streets. Once he was finished, he would discard them into alternate realities. However, it appears that one of his victims managed to turn the tables on him, using the technology to transform #050 into his current monstrous state before escaping. ===================================================================================================== 051 ===================================================================================================== Subject: 051, 052, 053, 054 Name: “Feet” Sellars (And Family) Description: Subjects are giant humanoid Feet. They can communicate through tiny mouths located on their heels. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054 (Feet Sellars) Observations: I keep getting the strange ones I guess. Subjects appear to be the entire Sellars Family but in their Universe humanity has evolved into being giant feet. They’re actually all rather pleasant and it isn’t quite as odd as it may seem once you get used to the fact you’re talking to a giant foot. Preliminary tests and x-rays reveal they have a unique skeletal structure and that the brain is found in the big toe. They have a small mouth opening on the heel area of their bodies and move by crawling and pulling with their toes - which act like arms. Christine (#052) appeared to be embarrassed that Gregg’s (#051) sock, which covered most of his body when they were brought in, had holes in it and was covered in BBQ sauce stains, and that it was mortifying that he would go out in public with it in such poor condition. Realizing I was slightly confused, #052 explained that socks are what they wear for clothing and the manner they wear them is more or less equivalent to us wearing pants, and the sock-like fabric is worn to about “our” waist level - this makes sense because of course they do this. It has been requested we have some custom made sock pants for the family to wear while they are here. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054(Feet Sellars) Observations: Subjects #051-#054 had to be moved to an isolation ward after an incident with one of the other Subjects during “Movie Night.” It was decided to allow all non aggressive subjects from the low security wards a weekly movie night to keep morale as high as possible. During the screening, this week’s film being “Chairman of the Board” - one of Mr. Exden’s favorites, #012 started tickling #051 resulting in a room clearing brawl between all the subjects. It was total chaos. After a 24 hour lockdown the Subjects were given their privileges back but it was decided that #051-#054 should be moved to a private area of the facility for the time being. Since the family is all rather nice, and we would like to see them enjoy movie nights it has been explained to all Subjects that tickling shall hereby be forbidden to allow #051 and Family some peace during the screenings. Failure to follow the “no tickling” rule will result in loss of movie night privileges. ===================================================================================================== 052 ===================================================================================================== Subject: 051, 052, 053, 054 Name: “Feet” Sellars (And Family) Description: Subjects are giant humanoid Feet. They can communicate through tiny mouths located on their heels. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054 (Feet Sellars) Observations: I keep getting the strange ones I guess. Subjects appear to be the entire Sellars Family but in their Universe humanity has evolved into being giant feet. They’re actually all rather pleasant and it isn’t quite as odd as it may seem once you get used to the fact you’re talking to a giant foot. Preliminary tests and x-rays reveal they have a unique skeletal structure and that the brain is found in the big toe. They have a small mouth opening on the heel area of their bodies and move by crawling and pulling with their toes - which act like arms. Christine (#052) appeared to be embarrassed that Gregg’s (#051) sock, which covered most of his body when they were brought in, had holes in it and was covered in BBQ sauce stains, and that it was mortifying that he would go out in public with it in such poor condition. Realizing I was slightly confused, #052 explained that socks are what they wear for clothing and the manner they wear them is more or less equivalent to us wearing pants, and the sock-like fabric is worn to about “our” waist level - this makes sense because of course they do this. It has been requested we have some custom made sock pants for the family to wear while they are here. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054(Feet Sellars) Observations: Subjects #051-#054 had to be moved to an isolation ward after an incident with one of the other Subjects during “Movie Night.” It was decided to allow all non aggressive subjects from the low security wards a weekly movie night to keep morale as high as possible. During the screening, this week’s film being “Chairman of the Board” - one of Mr. Exden’s favorites, #012 started tickling #051 resulting in a room clearing brawl between all the subjects. It was total chaos. After a 24 hour lockdown the Subjects were given their privileges back but it was decided that #051-#054 should be moved to a private area of the facility for the time being. Since the family is all rather nice, and we would like to see them enjoy movie nights it has been explained to all Subjects that tickling shall hereby be forbidden to allow #051 and Family some peace during the screenings. Failure to follow the “no tickling” rule will result in loss of movie night privileges. ===================================================================================================== 053 ===================================================================================================== Subject: 051, 052, 053, 054 Name: “Feet” Sellars (And Family) Description: Subjects are giant humanoid Feet. They can communicate through tiny mouths located on their heels. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054 (Feet Sellars) Observations: I keep getting the strange ones I guess. Subjects appear to be the entire Sellars Family but in their Universe humanity has evolved into being giant feet. They’re actually all rather pleasant and it isn’t quite as odd as it may seem once you get used to the fact you’re talking to a giant foot. Preliminary tests and x-rays reveal they have a unique skeletal structure and that the brain is found in the big toe. They have a small mouth opening on the heel area of their bodies and move by crawling and pulling with their toes - which act like arms. Christine (#052) appeared to be embarrassed that Gregg’s (#051) sock, which covered most of his body when they were brought in, had holes in it and was covered in BBQ sauce stains, and that it was mortifying that he would go out in public with it in such poor condition. Realizing I was slightly confused, #052 explained that socks are what they wear for clothing and the manner they wear them is more or less equivalent to us wearing pants, and the sock-like fabric is worn to about “our” waist level - this makes sense because of course they do this. It has been requested we have some custom made sock pants for the family to wear while they are here. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054(Feet Sellars) Observations: Subjects #051-#054 had to be moved to an isolation ward after an incident with one of the other Subjects during “Movie Night.” It was decided to allow all non aggressive subjects from the low security wards a weekly movie night to keep morale as high as possible. During the screening, this week’s film being “Chairman of the Board” - one of Mr. Exden’s favorites, #012 started tickling #051 resulting in a room clearing brawl between all the subjects. It was total chaos. After a 24 hour lockdown the Subjects were given their privileges back but it was decided that #051-#054 should be moved to a private area of the facility for the time being. Since the family is all rather nice, and we would like to see them enjoy movie nights it has been explained to all Subjects that tickling shall hereby be forbidden to allow #051 and Family some peace during the screenings. Failure to follow the “no tickling” rule will result in loss of movie night privileges. ===================================================================================================== 054 ===================================================================================================== Subject: 051, 052, 053, 054 Name: “Feet” Sellars (And Family) Description: Subjects are giant humanoid Feet. They can communicate through tiny mouths located on their heels. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054 (Feet Sellars) Observations: I keep getting the strange ones I guess. Subjects appear to be the entire Sellars Family but in their Universe humanity has evolved into being giant feet. They’re actually all rather pleasant and it isn’t quite as odd as it may seem once you get used to the fact you’re talking to a giant foot. Preliminary tests and x-rays reveal they have a unique skeletal structure and that the brain is found in the big toe. They have a small mouth opening on the heel area of their bodies and move by crawling and pulling with their toes - which act like arms. Christine (#052) appeared to be embarrassed that Gregg’s (#051) sock, which covered most of his body when they were brought in, had holes in it and was covered in BBQ sauce stains, and that it was mortifying that he would go out in public with it in such poor condition. Realizing I was slightly confused, #052 explained that socks are what they wear for clothing and the manner they wear them is more or less equivalent to us wearing pants, and the sock-like fabric is worn to about “our” waist level - this makes sense because of course they do this. It has been requested we have some custom made sock pants for the family to wear while they are here. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. D. Kalicki Subject: #051, 052, 053, 054(Feet Sellars) Observations: Subjects #051-#054 had to be moved to an isolation ward after an incident with one of the other Subjects during “Movie Night.” It was decided to allow all non aggressive subjects from the low security wards a weekly movie night to keep morale as high as possible. During the screening, this week’s film being “Chairman of the Board” - one of Mr. Exden’s favorites, #012 started tickling #051 resulting in a room clearing brawl between all the subjects. It was total chaos. After a 24 hour lockdown the Subjects were given their privileges back but it was decided that #051-#054 should be moved to a private area of the facility for the time being. Since the family is all rather nice, and we would like to see them enjoy movie nights it has been explained to all Subjects that tickling shall hereby be forbidden to allow #051 and Family some peace during the screenings. Failure to follow the “no tickling” rule will result in loss of movie night privileges. ===================================================================================================== 055 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #055 Name: Boring Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars from a reality where he is even more boring than the one here. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. P. James Subject: #055 (Boring Gregg) Observations: I’ll hold my hand up. I didn’t think it was possible. But we have encountered a version of Gregg who surpasses our expectations of boredom. Subject #055 appears to be employed solely to watch paint dry, a job that exists within his timeline. During our interactions, #055 exhibited an intense interest in discussing various types of paint and their respective drying times. He became visibly agitated when the conversation shifted to other topics, expressing a strong desire to return home to engage in his preferred activity. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. E. Kipps Subject: #055 (Boring Gregg) Observations: #055 seems to have little interest in any activities we have presented him with. He continuously requests someone to repaint his walls so that he can indulge in his preferred pastime. It appears that the subject's single-minded focus on this mundane activity defines his existence, leaving little room for engagement with other experiences. What else do you want me to say? He’s just watching paint on a wall. ===================================================================================================== 056 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #056 Name: Possessed Sellars Description: A subject experiencing extreme coughing fits and exhibiting signs of being stalked by an unknown being. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. A. Larson Subject: #056 (Possessed Sellars) Observations: We’re not quite sure what to make of this one. Subject #056 has been experiencing severe and persistent coughing fits, prompting multiple examinations to determine the cause. After administering a specific medication, we have observed a temporary improvement in the subject's condition, allowing for moments of calmness. However, the subject still appears restless and has developed symptoms of insomnia, leading to an increase in strange drawings displayed on the walls of the cell. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Thompson Subject: #056 (Possessed Sellars) Observations: During our analysis of the subject's drawings, a recurring theme emerged involving the depiction of a tall, unidentified individual. Additionally, some drawings contained phrases such as "Always watching" or “No eyes!” #056 remains uncooperative and refuses to provide any explanation regarding these occurrences. Upon further investigation of the cell, a tattered mask was discovered under the sheets of the bed. Its significance is yet to be determined. It is advisable to enhance security measures around #056, given the potential implications of these findings. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Thompson Subject: #056 (Possessed Sellars) Observations: Subject has escaped out of their cell at 4:34am. Security footage was heavily damaged throughout the facility while the event was underway. But what we were able to recover shows #056 wearing the mask and seemingly standing still for several minutes at different points within the facility. Even stranger, all these cameras were capturing his presence at the exact same time stamp, 4:38am. This should be impossible to have been located in several places of the facility at the exact same time. We do not know where the subject is now, but it is likely to be more dangerous than we had originally thought. ===================================================================================================== 057 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #057 Name: Glowy Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars whose skin emits a bright and intense light. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. C. Mitchell Subject: #057 (Glowy Gregg) Observations: All personnel entering subject #057’s cell must wear appropriate eye protection. They possess an extraordinary ability to emit a powerful glow from their skin. #057's luminosity is so intense that it lights the entire cell, eliminating the need for anything else to be turned on. This unique characteristic makes the subject a potential asset for future explorations, particularly with our dilemma with #034. Sending this individual down could be pretty helpful. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. C. Mitchell Subject: #057 (Glowy Gregg) Observations: In a recent event, #057 has proven to be a perfect asset during the Christmas decorations. The subject has willingly positioned himself at the top of the Christmas tree in the east wing, serving as a brilliant and captivating star. Due to the distance, it is challenging to hear anything they’re saying while up there. Nevertheless, we assume he’s fine. ===================================================================================================== 058 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #058 Name: Grad Description: A Gregg Sellars who appears to be under the control of a mysterious substance. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. N. Barnatt Subject: #058 (Grad) Observations: Self-identified as Grad, subject #058 exhibits a calm and composed demeanor, constantly maintaining a smile and closely observing the researchers within the room. He references going to work and engaging in typical family activities, mentioning a fondness for a specific type of food without specifying further. #058's behavior suggests a state of control or influence by an unknown substance. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. L. Rhodes Subject: #058 (Grad) Observations: Today, #058 unexpectedly broke out of his trance-like state after being served a meal of pancakes. #058 has no recollection of the events leading up to his presence within our facility, except for a vague memory of being approached by individuals in suits who subsequently took him away in his reality. ===================================================================================================== 059 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #059 Name: Super Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars with super strength and flight abilities, wearing a red and yellow superhero suit. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #059 (Super Gregg) Observations: You heard that correctly, another one! Subject #059 possesses remarkable superhuman abilities including super strength and the ability to fly. Security levels have risen to maximum to contain him. Although, he still seems pretty chill. We’re just raising levels in case he becomes evil or something. This marks the second instance of encountering a Gregg with superhero-like qualities, though. Maybe I could pair #059 with #004 and create a little duo. If further subjects are discovered, it may be worth considering the formation of a super Gregg team under the guidance of me! ===================================================================================================== 060 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #060 Name: Explorer Gregg Description: An archaeologist adventurer known for collecting powerful artifacts from around the world. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. A. Holmes Subject: #060 (Explorer Gregg) Observations: Subject #060 exhibits a daring and adventurous spirit, along with a vast collection of intriguing artifacts found on his person when arriving at the facility. One notable item is a golden egg, claimed to have been stolen from a giant after ascending a beanstalk that appeared overnight. The subject warns us about the potential dangers and curses associated with certain artifacts, emphasizing caution when handling them. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Holmes Subject: #060 (Explorer Gregg) Observations: Well, so much for warnings. Tragically, some researchers disregarded #060's hearings and fell victim to the diamond Platypus artifact. They looked into its golden belly button, resulting in their vaporization. The facility has taken necessary measures to handle the aftermath, ensuring proper communication with the affected individuals' families. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ****** Researcher: Dr. D. Ramirez Subject: #060 (Explorer Gregg) Observations: An unexpected development occurred as the golden egg hatched, although the precise moment was missed. It is crucial that any sightings of a peculiar creature within the facility are reported immediately, and all personnel are advised to remain calm and follow appropriate protocols. ===================================================================================================== 061 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #061 Name: Cartoon Sellars Description: A 3D animated body in the form of Gregg Sellars. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. L. Simpson Subject: #061 (Cartoon Sellars) Observations: The subject's body was definitely in a 2d form before arriving into the 3rd dimension. Physics seems to have adapted the individual accordingly, and now, is in a 3d form. Notably, the subject exhibits remarkable resilience, probably because his body seems to work very similar to a cartoon. He seems to be immune to bone fractures. Despite being struck with various objects such as pans, hammers, and bats, any marks left on the subject's body quickly fade or can be easily removed with a simple shake, similar to dogs after they arrive inside from the rain. Additionally, #061 possesses the ability to manipulate their facial features, adopting various shapes and forms at will. The mechanism behind these phenomena remains a mystery. ===================================================================================================== 062 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #062 Name: Handsome Gregg Description: A remarkably attractive individual with an impeccable jawline and captivating hair. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. B. Trent Subject: #062 (Handsome Gregg) Observations: I must admit, the appearance of this subject took me by surprise. #062 exudes an exceptional level of physical attractiveness, possessing a jawline that could rival the most prominent Greek statues and a luxuriant mane of hair that seems to defy gravity. It is difficult to pinpoint precisely what it is about his presence that captivates onlookers like myself. Maybe it was his habit of flexing his well-toned muscles or his propensity to burst into spontaneous song. Worthy of saying hi to him if you got some spare time. ===================================================================================================== 063 ===================================================================================================== Subject: 063 Name: Cowboy Gregg Description: Subject looks like a classic old west cowboy. Has durable looking pants, a thick, worn looking long sleeve shirt, brown cowboy hat and spurs on his dusty boots. Has a bandana slung loosely around his neck. Upon arrival 063 also had a 6 shooter pistol which, upon further analysis was determined to be a vintage Colt Single Army Action Revolver - The Peacemaker. Luckily, it was surrendered without incident to Security. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. Kalicki Subject: #063 Observations: Oh boy, they gave me another one. He doesn’t say much and is fairly short on words when spoken to, but he does indeed speak. He usually just says things like “Yuuuup” and “Ya’ll got any Whiskey in this here Allopaths?” He also seems to always be squinting at me, like he’s in the sun, so we’ve lowered the overhead lighting which seems to have done the trick with that. Subject #063 seems to be in good health, albeit has a fair bit of sun damage from, we can presume, being exposed to the elements. He did ask if he could have his “Iron” which turns out was his Revolver to which we told him, no, he cannot have it back. Some of the other researchers thought he might be from a Universe still stuck in the “Wild West” so we carbon dated his “Iron” and it turns out…it’s a replica - doesn’t even fire bullets. When asked about his Earth he dropped the Western bit and admitted he just “really liked Clint Eastwood” and managed a Taco Bell. He then asked if we could get a Doritos Taco Meal and a Baja Blast. Pending approval, this could be granted. ===================================================================================================== 064 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #064 Name: Dragon Gregg Description: A legendary dragon, measuring 24 feet long with a wingspan of 38 feet. It possesses red and green scales, four legs, a tail, a slender body, and piercing red eyes. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ********* Researcher: Dr. L. Farger Subject: #064 (Dragon Sellars) Observations: This one is pretty cool, I won’t lie. The subject has been relocated to a larger cell, designed to accommodate its size and natural habitat. #064 exhibits aggressive behavior, although it seems to be more of a defense mechanism than a deliberate intent to harm researchers. Fire-breathing acts as a warning rather than anything else. Mr. Exden is over the moon that we have a dragon and has asked me to train it. How do you even train a dragon? I'm currently searching for tutorials and guidance on the matter but some genius thought they’d clog up the search results. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. L. Farger Subject: #064 (Dragon Sellars) Observations: After assembling fire-resistant uniforms, I mustered the courage to enter the subject's cell. Initially, #064 displayed signs of displeasure, but I discovered that as long as I stayed on the opposite side of the cell, back against the wall and sitting down, they became relatively content. I have been maintaining this routine for a few days, hoping to familiarize him with the presence of a human in the same space. During my lunch breaks, I enter the cell and sit quietly in the corner. Over time, #064 appears to be growing more comfortable with my presence. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Farger Subject: #064 (Dragon Sellars) Observations: Well, this was a surprise. While watching a movie on my phone, #064 showed curiosity about the source of the noise. In an effort to demonstrate that there was nothing to fear, I approached the subject slowly and placed the phone with the movie I was watching within view. #064 became captivated, watching the entire film without diverting its attention. Once the movie ended, the subject displayed disappointment and stared at me, as if expecting more. Slowly, I walked over to the phone, to which #064 allowed me to pick another film for them. It resumed watching with great interest. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Farger Subject: #064 (Dragon Sellars) Observations: We have set up a screen projector in the cell, playing a selection of movies that we believe #064 would enjoy. The subject has been engrossed in watching these films all day. They seem to enjoy a variety of genres. Although, action and popcorn thrillers have shown a noticeable increase in excitement. The subject has even attempted to repeat words from the movies, including "You," "Me," and "Spud." Although we’re not quite sure where he got the last one from. But hey, it’s still progress. [LOG ENTRY 005] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Farger Subject: #064 (Dragon Sellars) Observations: #064 has made remarkable strides in learning the English language and can now form complete sentences with impressive accuracy. To facilitate further language acquisition and provide exposure to worlds history, we have constructed a larger device resembling my phone within the subject's cell. This device includes a comprehensive catalog of movies for him to watch, aiding in language development and expanding its knowledge base. [LOG ENTRY 006] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Farger Subject: #064 (Dragon Sellars) Observations: Alright, alright. We’re waiting for the “I told you so.” This was a bad idea. The subject somehow accessed the internet through the device we provided. As a result, #064 has become radicalized. He stumbled upon a conspiracy video discussing why there’s holes in cheese and now demands the destruction of all cheese within the facility. I don’t think the subject has even encountered cheese before, so this is all rather odd. They have also accused us of force-feeding them cheese while they sleep and refuse to permit anyone entry into the cell until all cheese is eradicated. Removing the device has only reinforced their beliefs, as they suspect a cover-up. It may be necessary to inform Mr. Exden that his aspirations of having a pet dragon may be delayed indefinitely. ===================================================================================================== 065 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #065 Name: Electric Sellars Description: A Gregg Sellars with the ability to conduct electricity. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #065 (Electric Sellars) Observations: #065 possesses a unique ability to conduct electricity. We have found that placing electronic devices in close proximity can be affected. It's quite convenient to have a conversation with #065 while my phone's battery recharges. However, it is crucial to note that the subject's power should not be underestimated. During our experiments, we recorded the subject generating up to 50,000 volts within a single second. Furthermore, #065 can discharge these electrical currents from his finger tips for self-defense purposes. Not really a superhero but I think he’s perfect to become part of the super hero team I mentioned in #059’s log. ===================================================================================================== 066 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #066 Name: Picture Gregg Description: A painting of Gregg Sellars that exhibits movement and changes when unobserved. The painting depicts various scenes, including landscapes and familiar individuals. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******* Researcher: Dr. M. Johanson Subject: #066 (Picture Gregg) Observations: This is a fascinating anomaly. It’s a picture frame with a painting of Gregg Sellars, surrounded by mountains and greenery, However! It appears to move and change whenever it is not being observed directly. When researchers ask the painting a question and then momentarily blink, or look the other way, the image transforms into text, providing an answer. It is noteworthy that the subject remains within the frame and does not exhibit any signs of physical movement beyond the painting itself. The scenes depicted in the painting change many times. Some researchers have observed a landscape consisting of a house surrounded by lush green fields with the Sellars family in the distance. Others have even seen Christine and their children up close, suggesting that they all must live within the painting and communicate with us through these images. ===================================================================================================== 067 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #067 Name: Farmer Gregg Description: Wearing a straw hat and cyan sleeveless vest. Owner of one of the largest farms in his universe for Cryptids. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. K. Alan Subject: #067 (Farmer Gregg) Observations: A farmer! Like my great grandfather! Although Initial examinations reveal this one deviates from the norm, housing a diverse range of cryptids rather than conventional livestock. Notably, many Bigfoot species, The Jersey Devil, and Mothmen inhabit the premises. The subject appears to have established a symbiotic relationship with these cryptids, maintaining their presence on his land while benefiting from their unique attributes. #067 has developed the ability to cultivate living plants that serve as defensive mechanisms against intruders. Situated in a remote location, the farm remains largely unknown to the outside world, shrouded in myth and legend just like the creatures living there. ===================================================================================================== 068 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #068 Name: Dead Gregg Description: Gregg Sellars who appears to be in a coma for approximately 20 years. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. James Subject: #068 (Dead Gregg) Observations: A persistent comatose state, as indicated by extensive readings and medical assessments. Medical records and any available information on the subject's background are being thoroughly analyzed to shed light on potential underlying causes. Researchers are actively exploring possibilities such as trauma, medical conditions, or anomalous events that may have resulted in #068's comatose state. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. James Subject: #068 (Dead Gregg) Observations: Anomalous occurrences have been reported in the vicinity of the subject's cell. Strange scratching sounds have been heard from the inside when it is unoccupied, yet upon investigation, #068 remains motionless and unresponsive when entering. The security footage within the room frequently experiences freezing, preventing researchers from capturing any visual evidence of these auditory phenomena. This suggests there is more to this body and perhaps we need to be more cautious with future examinations. Enhanced surveillance measures, including audio recording devices and motion sensors, have been implemented to capture and analyze the nature of these unexplained sounds. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Chen Subject: #068 (Dead Gregg) Observations: During a recent session with #068, the researcher operating the investigation has disappeared within the confines of the subject's cell. No trace of the missing individual has been found, leaving behind only #068 lying motionless on the examination table. As a precautionary measure, access to the cell is now strictly limited, requiring a minimum of three individuals present at all times. The investigation into the researcher's disappearance is ongoing. ===================================================================================================== 069 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #069 Name: Pure Gregg Description: A kind-hearted individual who emanates a sense of tranquility and contentment. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Thompson Subject: #069 (Pure Gregg) Observations: #069 exhibits a remarkably pure and positive disposition. Upon entering the cell, we were greeted with a meticulously cleaned environment, along with #069 conveying his well-wishes to the research team, emphasizing his desire for joy and harmony. The subject does not appear to adhere to any specific religious beliefs, instead adopting an inclusive approach of treating everyone as friends. #069 wishes to have no partner. He only expressed his intention to lead a fulfilling life, spending his days in a secluded cabin amidst the wilderness, embracing solitude while admiring the beauty of the world. ===================================================================================================== 070 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #070 Name: Balloon Gregg Description: Gregg whose body is filled with helium, resulting in a remarkably lightweight body. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. K. Farman Subject: #070 (Balloon Gregg) Observations: We have encountered a few challenges with this Gregg, due to his helium-filled body, often getting stuck on the ceiling and requiring assistance to descend safely. #070 is significantly larger in size compared to other subjects. More specifically…Sphere shaped like a big ball. However, conducting measurements, it was revealed that the subject's weight is surprisingly minimal. The reason for the round shape maybe due to containing more gas than a normal human would. ===================================================================================================== 071 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #071 Name: Dream Gregg Description: Dream Gregg is a unique Gregg Sellars who appears in the dreams of individuals, seemingly crossing between realities through subconscious connections. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Jane Subject: #071 (Dream Gregg) Observations: Dr. Lopez, a prominent researcher, approached the team today with concerns about her mental state. She described experiencing highly vivid and lifelike dreams involving a Gregg Sellars. In one dream, the man in question was performing in a cabaret with Lopez, while in another, they found themselves in the midst of the dreaded trenches of the second World War. However, the intriguing aspect is that each time this Gregg spoke, he reminded the doctor that she was, in fact, dreaming. Adding onto that by stating he is another version of Gregg just like the others held in confinement at TerrANova. This has been a continued occurrence for the past few weeks now and the doctor has been rather concerned. Brain scans indeed reveal unusual neural activity, indicating that something else is alive in Dr Lopez’s mind. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Jane Subject: #071 (Dream Gregg) Observations: Dr. Lopez has voluntarily entered a cell for further investigations into her connection with what we shall refer to as #071. In her latest dream, #071 appeared as a giant kite, assisting Dr. Lopez in flying across space and time. During this dream encounter, #071 disclosed that he originates from an alternate reality where he can traverse between different subconscious minds. He claims to possess the ability to control these dreams, hopping from one individual's consciousness to another. Additionally, #071 issued a warning to Lopez. A formidable individual is coming. Watching our worlds from the dark void. Many have seen him. They call him Phane. Connected to a group of enigmatic beings beyond our understanding. He seeks to locate the reality that is causing instability within the multiverse. Dr. Lopez was alerted that our safety may be at risk if this matter is not addressed promptly. ===================================================================================================== 072 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #072 Name: Santa Gregg Description: Dressed in a red suit, has a long gray beard, and has a fondness for mince pies. Claims to deliver gifts to children using a sleigh. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Simmons Subject: #072 (Santa Gregg) Observations: Subject #072 has proven to be extremely dangerous and unpredictable. He has already turned several researchers into frogs. Furthermore, the subject has been engaging in bizarre and inappropriate behaviors, pushing the frogs faces together and making kissy sounds. It seems there might have been a mix-up with this subject and another, as the security level assigned to his cell is significantly lower than what it should be for such a hazardous entity. We’re just not sure which one we mixed up! ===================================================================================================== 073 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #073 Name: Evil Wizard Gregg Description: Individual with a blue cloak, pointy hat, and a long white beard. He exhibits unstable behavior and has the ability to transform others into animals. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Carter Subject: #073 (Evil Wizard Gregg) Observations: This one presents an intriguing contradiction to his given title. Despite the name "Evil Wizard," the subject is currently displaying a friendly and lighthearted demeanor. He’s been interacting with the research team, sharing jokes and laughter, which seems to have put everyone at ease. #073’s claims of piloting a sleigh and delivering gifts to children seem fantastic! Maybe a little improbable, but who cares? He’s awesome! For some reason, there appears to be an unusually high level of security around #073's cell. We’re not quite sure why, but I guess we’ll keep an eye out! ===================================================================================================== 074 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #074 Name: Baby Gregg Description: Baby Gregg is a 6-month-old version of Gregg Sellars, originating from a reality where individuals remain infants for their whole life. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Benson Subject: #074 (Baby Gregg) Observations: Subject is dangerous. Dangerously adorable! #074 has undoubtedly captured the hearts of everyone in the research team. It is crucial, however, not to be deceived by the subject's appearance. While seemingly a 6 month old baby. He is actually 35 years of age. #074 comes from an unusual reality where individuals never progress beyond the form 6 months. As we observe him in the controlled environment of his cell, it becomes apparent that the society he comes from must operate in a vastly different manner than ours. #074 primarily spends his time sleeping, accounting for approximately 18 hours of each day, and spends the remaining hours crying. I have no idea how they lasted this long. ===================================================================================================== 075 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #075 Name: Beekeeper Gregg Description: Known as the "Bee Whisperer" in his reality, where he possesses a unique connection with bees. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Williams Subject: #075 (Beekeeper Gregg) Observations: This is a fascinating individual with an extraordinary bond with BEES. He refers to himself as the "BEE Whisperer," and it is evident that the BEES in his presence view him with great affection. #075 explained his home back in his world is more like a hive for his BEE family. Although, he has expressed concern about the BEES' reaction should they discover that he has been confined and studied. We have assured the subject that we can handle a few BEES. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Williams Subject: #075 (Beekeeper Gregg) Observations: WE WERE WRONG! THE BEES! THEY FOUND US! AHHHHHHHHHHHHAFCHJFDSAHDSFHYB FSA HAFBHFB HDFGHDAFH DSFBHVAFBHDS FBVDSAFHBDF!!! ===================================================================================================== 076 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #076 Name: Martian Gregg Description: Individual born on the planet Mars, speaking a language distinct from Earth's languages. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Davies Subject: #076 (Martian Gregg) Observations: #076 comes from a reality where he originates from the planet Mars instead of Earth. Unlike any previously encountered subjects, Martian Gregg communicates solely in his native Martian language, which is vastly dissimilar to any known Earth languages. Our attempts at deciphering it have been unsuccessful so far, as the linguistic structures, phonetics, and lexicon are beyond our current comprehension. Upon entering the subject's cell, we have noticed distinct behavioral patterns in #076's response. His voice noticeably alters to a higher pitch, and he proceeds to engage in “pats” of the researchers' heads. The behavior suggests that #076 perceives us as "pets" or beings of lower intelligence in comparison to him. ===================================================================================================== 077 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #077 Name: Tin Gregg Description: A Gregg completely made out of metallic material. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. K. Eberts Subject: #077 (Tin Gregg) Observations: #077 was discovered in a stationary state upon arrival, unable to move due to rust caused by exposure to rain. The subject's body is composed of tin-like metal, leading us to suspect that he comes from a universe where individuals are metal creatures. We have initiated a careful process of oiling each section of his body to restore movement. Despite his immobility, #077 seems conscious, as evidenced by the faint squeaks emanating from his mouth. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. K. Eberts Subject: #077 (Tin Gregg) Observations: #077 has regained mobility after the oiling process, and appears to be in good health! But turns out our assumptions of his reality were incorrect. He is the only tin creature of his kind from his world. Curiously, #077 has no recollection of his place of origin. He spends most of his time following narrow roads, encountering other unique individuals. Notably, he recalls having a friendly conversation with a lion donning a tiger shirt. The two bonded over their shared fondness for tigers, and #077 was even invited to stay for tea before a mysterious bright light transported him here. It is essential to keep water away from his cell to prevent any potential rusting and further complications. ===================================================================================================== 078 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #078 Name: Rock Gregg Description: A Gregg made entirely of an unknown stone substance. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #078 (Rock Gregg) Observations: Alright. I got another one. #078 is a potential candidate for the Super Gregg Group (Working title) I’m putting together. His entire body is made out of ********. He’s basically stone like those rock super heroes! I asked if he was interested in our group and he seemed over the moon. However, during initial testing of his punching strength, it became evident that our reality's hardness greatly surpassed that of his origin. We began with a simple feathered pillow. #078's hand shattered upon impact. It was not a pretty sight. He now possesses only one functional arm. I don’t really want to get in trouble for this, so I provided him with some twigs I found in the parking lot outside that can be used as a substitute hand for now. I've encouraged him not to disclose the incident to others, suggesting he could claim to have lost it while bravely fighting pirates or something. ===================================================================================================== 079 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #079 Name: VHS Sellars Description: A living VHS tape displaying footage of Gregg Sellars who can interact with any individual in the room when you play the tape in a VCR. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Thompson Subject: #079 (VHS Sellars) Observations: #079’s unique ability is that he lives within a VHS tape. When played in a VCR, the subject becomes interactive for a maximum of 30 minutes, allowing us to converse with him. Remarkably, rewinding the tape back to the start actually helps continue the interaction, usually this results in #079 appearing in a different setting and attire of his choosing. This is apparently something he likes to do himself just to “Mix things up.” Pausing the tape invokes frustration and annoyance in the subject, as evident from his reaction upon resuming play. Fast forwarding elicits a rapid and agitated response, with the subject urging us to stop immediately. But it’s pretty funny to watch. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Thompson Subject: #079 (VHS Sellars) Observations: Unfortunately, #079, has been lost due to a mishap involving Dr. Manhattan, who inadvertently recorded over the sentient tape with an episode of Greys Anatomy. Despite extensive efforts, we have been unable to recover the original subject. As a result, the VHS is no longer available for further study. ===================================================================================================== 080 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #080 Name: Camp Gregg Description: Gregg Sellars from a reality where he is a park ranger. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Williams Subject: #080 (Camp Gregg) Observations: This Gregg tends to spend his time educating children on safe camping practices. In an effort to engage with the subject, we organized an indoor campfire session, during which #080 entertained us with scary stories while roasting a couple of marshmallows. One story was more notable than others. It included a mythical creature inhabiting the woods near his campsite. The legend warns that straying too far might lead to dire consequences. Always love a good monster in the woods tale, no matter how many times I hear it. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Williams Subject: #080 (Camp Gregg) Observations: Further investigation into #080's reality revealed a rather worrying pattern. It appears the site is not as safe as it’s been advertised by our jolly #080. There is an alarming high number of missing children in the area. The strangest part though, is none of the reports come from the parents. But rather, anonymous sources notifying the police. We’re a little hesitant to ask, but we believe the subject may know something about these disappearances. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Williams Subject: #080 (Camp Gregg) Observations: Upon confronting #080, it is true. He knew more than he was letting on to researchers. The subject eventually admitted to some kind of creature/entity's existence within the woods near the camp. It’s a being that has threatened unimaginable wrath upon the world he inhabits unless they send an offering to it every summer. While uncertain about the fate of the missing children, he disclosed that higher authorities deemed it a necessary evil to maintain the balance between the camp and the nearby town. The families are allegedly aware of the situation and accept it as a means of protecting themselves and their community. A strange revelation indeed. ===================================================================================================== 081 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #081 Name: Smokin Sellars Description: Gregg Sellars from a reality where he constantly emits a drug into the atmosphere, causing anyone nearby to experience a continuous state of euphoria. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Ramirez Subject: #081 (Smokin Sellars) Observations: Can I just say one thing? I love you guys. I love you allllll. Look, I know things all seem pretty bad. Maybe the world is ending, maybe the boss doesn’t actually like us. Maybe we’re all just not very good at our jobs, I don’t know! But! it doesn’t matter, ok? Ok. ok. I just came out of #081’s cell today, just feeling amazing. Think he’s from a reality where he’s made out of some drug that can make you little high? We got talking about our universes and stuff. and I just…It got me thinking. Who am I? Like who am I, really? Am I a scientist? Is that something my family pushed on me? Was it fabricated by some conglomerate to make them money? Was it my own choice? Do I even have choices? Seeing what TerrANova can do, using just their basic understanding of the universe, does make me wonder. Are we actually in control? Or is there something else out there? I think this is fear I feel. But there’s a sense of comfort, too. Something telling me there’s nothing I can do about it…And that’s ok. It doesn’t have to be scary. Just…Don’t forget to hug your loved ones every once in a while. We can’t afford to be mad forever when there is no forever. We don’t know what’s out there or what’s to come. Like I said. I love you guys. ===================================================================================================== 082 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #082 Name: Cat Gregg Description: Gregg Sellars from a reality with feline characteristics, wearing a blue shirt, badge pants, and displaying cat ears and a tail. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Thompson Subject: #082 (Cat Gregg) Observations: I can’t do it. I can’t do it! #082 is driving me insane. They start and end every sentence with “Meow.” Not the noise. The word. If you somehow make him laugh, which I wasn’t trying to do, he starts giggling and just says the word “Pur” over and over again. I am done. I quit. This is too much. ===================================================================================================== 083 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #083 Name: Soccer Sellars Description: Gregg Sellars, a talented footballer from a reality where soccer is commonly referred to as "football." [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Johnson Subject: #083 (Soccer Sellars) Observations: REMINDER: If you want to avoid a headache, refer to the sport of soccer as “Football” while in the presence of #083. I learned this the hard way and had to listen to one hour of how America just doesn’t understand the sport and how “Hand Egg” makes no sense. Upon engaging in conversation with the subject, #083's journey in his reality was a remarkable underdog story in the world of football. In his home country (USA), football was considered a foreign sport and not encouraged among young Americans, which only fueled his ambition to pursue a career in it elsewhere. He decided to venture to England, where he eventually found a place in the squad for a team named Rotherham United (I’ve never heard of them either). Gregg's exceptional abilities played a pivotal role in elevating the team from the 3rd Division to the 1st, which is now known as the Premier League. Rotherham United didn't clinch the title, in fact, they finished rock bottom of the table in their first season in the top flight. That’s because #083’s talents caught the attention of Leeds United in the January transfer window, and they lost every game since he left. This didn’t damage his career though as this led him to multiple league victories with Leeds. Note: I have no idea what any of these words mean. I just repeated what he said. ===================================================================================================== 084 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #084 Name: Gregg Sellars (Our Reality) [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #084 (Gregg Sellars) Observations: Following his arrest during Experiment EP4, #084 has remained uncooperative and remains silent most of the time. There are indications of physical discomfort, as evidenced by clear signs of headaches and possible pain. Despite our attempts to offer medical assistance, the subject has adamantly refused any help. An additional note regarding the use of G-429: The extra dosage of G-429 administered to #084 has been discontinued due to its ineffective results. Further evaluations are required to understand the cause behind his current condition and the best approach for treatment. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Kipps Subject: #084 (Gregg Sellars) Observations: #084 continues to display uncooperative and hostile behavior following the anomalies. The security levels have been raised to the maximum for his cell, given that he is currently the most dangerous individual within the facility. Extreme caution must be exercised when entering his cell, and all personnel must remind him of his humanity to ensure a compassionate approach. ===================================================================================================== 085 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #085 Name: Scarecrow Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars composed entirely of straw, wearing an old tattered green jumper made of wool, beige pants, and adorned with a stitched-up smile and black button eyes. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Williams Subject: #085 (Scarecrow Gregg) Observations: #085 appears to be entirely made of straw and remains motionless in a T position, facing the east wall of his cell. The subject does not speak or respond to any stimuli, leaving us uncertain about his consciousness and awareness. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. D. Murphy Subject: #085 (Scarecrow Gregg) Observations: During the morning check, researchers were taken aback when they found the subject's face had shifted, now directly facing the security camera. Upon reviewing the footage, it was discovered that this movement occurred gradually over the course of the entire night. The subject, it seems, possesses the ability to move, albeit at an exceptionally slow pace. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. D. Murphy Subject: #085 (Scarecrow Gregg) Observations: #085 exhibited further movements during the night, turning his entire body to face the camera directly. These nocturnal movements appear to be consistent, as #085 has only displayed activity during this period. Oddly, the subject does not seem to move during the daytime, even when left undisturbed. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. A. Williams Subject: #085 (Scarecrow Gregg) Observations: A critical incident occurred last night, leading to #085's escape from the facility. The subject managed to move towards the wall of his cell and seemingly phased through it, over the course of 3 hours (between 1:13am - 4:23am), escaping without leaving any trace behind. The entire facility is currently on high alert. ===================================================================================================== 086 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #086 Name: Gregg Sing-Along Sellars Description: A Gregg Sellars who communicates solely through singing. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Anderson Subject: #086 (Gregg Sing-Along Sellars) Observations: If you hate musicals…Oh boy…Stay away from this one. Subject #086 communicates solely through singing. It appears that in #086's reality, everyone communicates through song, which our world cannot handle is seems...All researchers can’t help but feel a sudden urge to begin dancing while the songs commence. Their movements are synchronized with other scientists, indicating that the subject's songs seem to guide everyone listening into some hypnosis? We’re unsure as the subject doesn’t appear to mean it. After researchers began to cry and beg him to stop, #086, attempted to apologize by singing intentionally horrible songs, in hopes they’d stop. But even those proved captivating. We are considering administering tranquilizers to the researchers in an attempt to alleviate their suffering and hope the effect subsides upon their awakening. ===================================================================================================== 087 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #087 Name: Homeless Gregg Description: A disheveled Gregg Sellars, wearing a stained blue shirt, with overgrown hair, and a bruised left eye. Subject appears to be in his late thirties, with a weathered and tired expression on his face, suggesting a difficult and challenging life on the streets. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Turner Subject: #087 (Homeless Gregg) Observations: We discovered #087 on the streets seeking spare change before being brought into the facility. Since being provided with shelter, showers, and a bed, the subject appears to be content and expresses gratitude for the support offered. Some researchers have suggested raising funds for Gregg should he be released back into his own reality, but I have advised against it, as…Let’s be real. The money would likely be spent on drugs. Cocktail Festival Reminder: Sorry to put this here but I just remembered the cocktail festival is THIS Saturday everyone! First five shots are on me! You can find me in the smoking area outside. ===================================================================================================== 088 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #088 Name: Giant Gregg Description: A colossal Gregg Sellars, standing at an impressive 20 feet tall. The subject's immense size sets him apart from the other test subjects. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #088 (Giant Gregg) Observations: Communication with #088 is challenging, as he struggles to understand our language and appears frightened by our comparatively smaller size. However, we have discovered using #082, as a somewhat pet for #088, has proven to have a calming effect. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Turner Subject: #088 (Giant Gregg) Observations: In an attempt to establish a form of communication, we provided #088 with extraordinarily large pencils and paper. Surprisingly, the subject took to drawing with great enthusiasm. Through his drawings, we learned that in his reality of Giants, young individuals embark on solo journeys to explore the world. Several sketches depict #088 bidding farewell to his parents at a young age, suggesting that his society encourages such adventures to foster independence and growth. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Parker Subject: #088 (Giant Gregg) Observations: Further analysis of #088's drawings revealed a troubling aspect of his past. In some sketches, he depicted encounters with a smaller-sized individual who seemed to possess formidable powers, causing him distress and torment. The exact nature of these powers remains unclear from the drawings, but it is evident that the subject had a negative experience with this person, leading to his fear of smaller individuals. Understanding this traumatic event may help us build trust and facilitate better communication with the subject. ===================================================================================================== 089 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #089 Name: Fashion Gregg Description: From a reality where Gregg embraced the world of fashion, adorning himself in eccentric and unconventional clothing. Currently seen wearing two small tires covering his nipples and a zebra dress. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Ramirez Subject: #089 (Fashion Gregg) Observations: A model and designer! Showcasing his unique and bizarre creations with the stuff he appears to be wearing in front of us. He exudes a confident and flamboyant demeanor, encouraging us to partake in activities such as getting our nails done and indulging in “sassy” conversations. To facilitate positive interactions with the subject, we have scheduled time this afternoon to participate in the requested activities. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Ramirez Subject: #089 (Fashion Gregg) Observations: #089's charismatic and vivacious personality has led to some complications among the researchers. The subject divulged confidential information shared in confidence during the “sassy” moments of our activities yesterday, causing a rift among the team members. Dr. Chang expresses frustration with the situation, attributing it to the subject's penchant for stirring up drama. Despite the disagreements, #089 remains unbothered, responding with a dismissive, "Not my problem, hun," while playfully fanning himself. ===================================================================================================== 090 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #090 Name: Fire Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars where his entire body is engulfed in flames, emitting a bright and intense light. Protective eye gear and fire-resistant uniform required when entering the subject's cell. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #090 (Fire Gregg) Observations: #090’s entire body is perpetually ablaze. The flames emit a brilliant and intense light. Preliminary tests indicate that #090 is not capable of shooting fireballs or generating fire-based attacks, debunking any notions of him joining a superhero team for such abilities. Instead, he exhibits limited levitation capabilities, hovering approximately 5 inches above the ground. Communication with the subject is challenging due to the constant crackling and popping of the fire, which obscures his speech. ===================================================================================================== 091 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #091 Name: Gregg Bond Description: A villainous individual who constantly strokes a white cat, exuding a cunning and manipulative demeanor. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Ramirez Subject: #091 (Gregg Bond) Observations: He’s a character, I’ll give you that. All the way down to the cute feline perched on his lap. #091 has been attempting to form a nefarious alliance with other subjects, specifically #039 and #049, with the intent of orchestrating a breakout from the facility. His confidence borders on arrogance, believing himself to be the most intelligent person in any given room. But honestly, he’s just a bumbling buffoon. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Ramirez Subject: #091 (Gregg Bond) Observations: Maybe he was smart after all? He just managed to escape confinement. We discovered a researcher trapped in his cell, bound to a table with a laser ominously moving closer. Luckily the laser was on its slowest speed. Supposedly he’d been there for 2 hours with this thing. The security protocols must be heightened to the maximum level to ensure the safety of both personnel and subjects. ===================================================================================================== 092 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #092 Name: Gregg: The Bean Whisperer Description: A Gregg Sellars from a reality where he achieved millionaire status by claiming the ability to communicate with beans. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. C. Anderson Subject: #092 (Gregg: The Bean Whisperer) Observations: The Bean Whisperer. Now I’ve heard it all! Initially, #092, appeared to be making jokes about his unique ability to communicate with beans. However, we soon realized that he actually believed his claim, when he began getting upset upon hearing beans being cooked in the break room. In light of this, we have been directed by senior personnel to impose a temporary ban on all bean cooking within the facility. As an added precaution, researchers have also been instructed to avoid consuming beans outside the facility, as the subject can discern whether they have been eating beans. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Davies Subject: #092 (Gregg: The Bean Whisperer) Observations: The Bean Whisperer has been told to engage with various types of beans to explore their desires and wishes. The beans have exhibited surprising responses, expressing unique requests. One bean demanded a hat, another wished to perform in a talent show (discussions underway), and another had an interest in becoming a scientist. In a bid to honor their requests and foster a sense of inclusion, we have recruited the bean as a member of our biology division. Although some initial reluctance was observed among the existing team members, we anticipate that they will eventually embrace their new bean colleague as part of the team in due course. ===================================================================================================== 093 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #093 Name: Stranded Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars who has been stranded on an island for six months. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Mitchell Subject: #093 (Stranded Gregg) Observations: Recommendation to wear a peg on your nose before entering the cell. #093 absolutely reeks of fish. His ability to utilize language seems to have been impaired. Dehydration and other signs have indicated he may have been stranded/isolated for a long period of time. Work is underway to try and recover his speech. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Mitchell Subject: #093 (Stranded Gregg) Observations: #093 has been making progress in regaining his linguistic capabilities. He has recounted his experiences and confirmed he was in fact stranded on an island (Location yet to be determined) after he fell overboard on a cruise ship while playing extreme rock, paper, scissors. While #093 initially thought the island was uninhabited. He did discover signs of previous human presence, such as bones found under the sand, handcrafted structures. Granted they weren’t anything spectacular. They were only giant planks of wood stuck within the ground. But regardless, these things had to have been cut down and carved to a specific shape all the same. What these were for are certainly a mystery. [INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] #093: Was starting to be…Nervous. Dr. Mitchell: What made you nervous? The structures? #093: Footprints. Could never remember if…Were mine. Dr. E. Mitchell: You were seeing footprints that weren’t yours? #093: I don’t know. Couldn’t remember. They looked same. But don’t remember…Going that direction. Dr. E. Mitchell: When did this start happening? #093: A week after stranded. Never felt alone. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Mitchell Subject: #093 (Stranded Gregg) Observations: Subject's recovery continues to progress. His story only got stranger after a storm hit. Forcing him to venture into a nearby cave for shelter, where he encountered depictions of human beings along the walls. Similar to drawings from our old ancestors. [INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] #093: They. Not human. Sometimes. Dr Mitchell: Not human? Like animals? #093: No. Human. But, animal things. Dr Mitchell: Humans with…Animal features? #093: Yes. Some wings. Others. More arms. Taller. But still…Human. [LOG ENTRY 004] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. E. Mitchell Subject: #093 (Stranded Gregg) Observations: Subject recalled another memory from the cave. A man. Tall individual. [INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT] #093: He called out. Thought was going to die first. Said he would help. Dr Mitchell: Was he hostile at any point? #093: Never. Felt…Safe? Safe. Promised to take me away. See family again. Dr Mitchell: Did he do that? (Silence) Dr Mitchell: Gregg? Did he do that? #093: I…I Ca-I ca…I. Dr Mitchell: Take your time. #093: I…I…Ca-I can…I can’t. Dr Mitchell: It’s ok. We can revisit this. ===================================================================================================== 094 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #094 Name: Water Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars who constantly produces water at a rapid rate. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #094 (Water Gregg) Observations: Drainage has been installed in the subject's cell to avoid further flooding. #094 produces water at an accelerated pace. Communication with him is challenging, as speaking results in a significant outflow of water from the subject's mouth. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #094 (Water Gregg) Observations: Preliminary tests have revealed #094 is able to spray water from his hands at high velocity, suggesting a potential offensive application. This also allows to lift himself into the air using the propelled water generated from his hands when facing the ground. This will be a perfect edition to the Greggyanights (New name for my super hero Gregg team). ===================================================================================================== 095 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #095 Name: Shirt Gregg Description: A sentient blue shirt with beige pants. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Smith Subject: #095 (Shirt Gregg) Observations: A sentient article of clothing…Interesting. Upon containment, #095 displayed initial aggression, engaging in physical confrontation, wrapping itself around security faces and attempting to suffocate them. However, after calming measures were applied, the subject's hostile behavior subsided. Despite its form, #095 is made of human tissue and tests have come back suggesting there are in fact blood cells traveling throughout the body. Subject also exhibits levels of awareness, responding to spoken language and environmental cues. Communication efforts have proven challenging though, due to its inability to hold onto objects like pens, phones, sticks, or even produce discernible vocalizations. ===================================================================================================== 096 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #096 Name: Security Sellars Description: A security guard at a pizza restaurant. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. S. Cawthon Subject: #096 (Security Sellars) Observations: This presents an intriguing case of a Gregg with relatively modest aspirations. Unlike many of the other unique Greggs we've encountered, this individual's ambitions centered around just having a good time with no real “Dream” job. His chosen occupation involves serving as a security guard at a local pizza restaurant, an establishment that does not seem to exist in our current reality. The role comes with a peculiar set of job requirements, which involve constant vigilance over the animatronics and ventilation systems during night shifts. While the exact reasons for these requirements remain unclear, it's plausible that they are designed to deter unauthorized individuals, potentially including mischievous teenagers, from tampering with the animatronics by sneaking into the restaurant. ===================================================================================================== 097 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #097 Name: Haunted House Gregg Description: A Gregg Sellars in the form of a human home [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. L. Thompson Subject: #097 (Haunted House Gregg) Observations: An entity resembling a house situated in the northwest region of Roselake County hills. The area around the subject has been cordoned off by security personnel to ensure the safety of the public. The subject, identified as a sentient structure, is unique in its nature. It has been observed that the house produces eerie sounds, such as creaking floorboards and banging on pipes, which are believed to be attempts at communication. However, deciphering the meaning or intent behind these sounds remains a significant challenge. Multiple individuals have entered the home, but none have emerged. ===================================================================================================== 098 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #098 Name: Glass Sellars Description: A Gregg Sellars whose bones are made entirely of glass. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. M. Patel Subject: #098 (Glass Sellars) Observations: Subject’s bones are incredibly delicate and shatter at the slightest impact. Granted, it didn’t help that we dropped him down a flight of stairs on our way to his cell, but he was already in a wheelchair before this happened. #098 is fully covered in bandages from head to toe and we can barely understand what he’s saying through all the muffling. ===================================================================================================== 099 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #099 Name: Detective Gregg Description: The smartest detective in the world (At least in his universe). [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #099 (Detective Gregg) Observations: Subject is wearing a gray trench coat and smoking a cigarette while having his right profile facing me. We can’t be fooled. This man is smart. Perfect even. The final piece in my Gregg team. His confident demeanor, combined with the ability to crack complex cases positions him as the strategic mastermind who can be our leading man in our operations. Despite initial skepticism, he's shown interest in joining our unique assemblage of Greggs, and I anticipate his expertise will play a pivotal role in the Greggyanights initiative! ===================================================================================================== 100 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #100 Name: The Greggyanights Description: A superhero group comprising subjects #004, #059, #065, #094, and #099. [LOG ENTRY 001] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #100 (The Greggyanights) Observations: Not a new subject, BUT, this is finally the time to put my very own superhero team together, made entirely out of Greggs! The team includes #004, #059, #065, #094, and #099, each contributing their unique talents to this ensemble. Our primary mission is to locate and neutralize the threat known as #006, who escaped the facility not too long ago. Posing a threat to our boss, Mr Exden and several others within the facility, including myself. To achieve this, we've allowed #099's entry of #006’s abandoned cell for any potential evidence missed. To our luck, that was exactly the case. Small markings, such as scratches, small pieces of fabric unidentifiable to the average human eye, which created a small trail leading to where #006 may be hiding. We are organizing the team as we speak and will follow with updates. [LOG ENTRY 002] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #100 (The Greggyanights) Observations: That was a complete disaster. We located #006 hiding out in an old warehouse near Roselake Farm. Despite our calculated approach, #006 had orchestrated a trap-laden defense and knew all the weaknesses for each Gregg…Like he’d been studying them. The tragic outcome saw #065's unintended demise due to a misaligned attack from #094, resulting in him electrocuting himself after being covered in water. I suppose having a hero with water and another featuring electricity wasn’t a great idea. Similarly, #094's water blast was forced onto their own face. Getting hit with that kind of power removed the skin almost instantly. #006's swift and calculated action led to #004 unable to catch eye contact and use his powers, rendering him useless. His neck was snapped shortly after. However, #059 emerged as the superior force, overpowering #006 and crushing the subject's skull with his bare hands. [LOG ENTRY 003] Date: ******** Researcher: Dr. J. Roberts Subject: #100 (The Greggyanights) Observations: I mean, the Greggyanights succeeded in neutralizing the target, albeit while losing half of the team in the process. But the aftermath suggests I should probably put this team on hold until we come up with a better strategy than just charging into the enemy's territory. One day I’ll hopefully get this working. ===================================================================================================== 002.5 ===================================================================================================== Subject: #002.5 Name: ***** *** **** Description: * ******** ***** *** ********** *** ********* [*** ***** ***] Date: ******** Researcher: *********** Subject: **** ***** *** **** Observations: * *** *** * * * * * * *** *** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * *** * *** *** *** * * *** *** * *** * * * * * * * * *** *** =====================================================================================================