Safe changes: Fischl A --> S (Obscenely flexible, amazing damage without taking up any field time, absurd particle generation, extremely high electro application, arguably the best electro in the game, cannot believe she was ever placed in A) Kuki Shinobu A --> S (One of two viable off-field Hyperbloom triggers in the game, and the other one is Raiden. Also healing is solid role compression) Ningguang B --> C (Simply does not have enough damage) Noelle C --> B (Amazing Furina partner) Venti A --> S (Amazing grouping, shreds any AoE floors, if Kokomi and Zhongli can be in S then Venti can too) Yun Jin A --> B (ER requirements are very high, not very flexible) Keqing B --> A to match Cyno (Keqing's more flexible rotations, better Aggravate teams, quick application, and total lack of ER requirements is equally as valuable as Cyno's ability to be run in Hyperbloom and synergize with Furina) Diona A --> B to match Layla (Layla has more relevant personal damage, Diona has a small tick of healing) Rankings that I am fairly confident in but am not 100% about: Albedo A --> B (I'm not familiar enough with Albedo to make a sure call but my perception is that he's just not nearly flexible or strong enough to be this high up) Sucrose A --> S (Incredibly good EM buff, super flexible unit, high skill expression with Guoba Swirl, solid grouping, even a TTDS holder. Not sure how high others are on her) Personal biases and rankings: Geo Traveler D --> C (Traveler isn't quite this bad anymore now that they're a semi-passable Navia teammate) Yanfei C --> B (Decent dps with a lot of comfort on her C4, also a passable shieldbot for other pyro carries) Yoimiya B --> A (Her range gives her a lot of random advantages over Hu Tao such as against Thunder Manifestation, works with Xingqiu/Yelan unlike Lyney, lower skill requirement than Hu Tao)